Ad cost reporting on attribution links

At a glance: Viewing aggregated cost data for each ad click as reported by ad networks on the attribution link.

Basic cost reporting

Cost data is reported to AppsFlyer by:

  • Ad networks: each time a user clicks on an ad. Viewing campaign cost in AppsFlyer helps advertisers measure ROI and make appropriate budgetary decisions.
  • Advanced options for cost aggregation, including by API and Cost Import (CSV file upload).

    • Cost aggregation methods support cost models used by the partner in addition to CPI, including, CPA, CPC, and CPM.

Viewing ad cost reported on the attribution link

Cost data reported on attribution links is aggregated and available for viewing in real-time (maximum up to 2 hours after the link is clicked) in the AppsFlyer dashboards, performance reports, and raw data reports.

In the Overview dashboard, Aggregated Performance Report contains cost, clicks, impressions, ROI, and average eCPI data. 


The performance and raw data reports are also available for download.

Ad networks providing cost data on the attribution link

For ad networks that report cost on the attribution link, the dimensions supported are those contained on the link.

Ad networks that report cost on the attribution link include:


Cost on the attribution link limitations:

  • Cost is only reported using the cost-per-install model (CPI). Other models, including CPA, CPC, and CPM are not supported. 
  • Self-reporting networks (SRN) do not report cost on the attribution link.  
  • Cost data on the attribution link data is immutable. Therefore, once it's logged in AppsFlyer, it cannot be changed, even if there are data-reporting errors.