Integration change requests for partners

At a glance: All you need to know for requesting changes for your initial integration settings.


AppsFlyer postbacks and attribution URL structures are global. This means that any change in these structures impacts all existing and future campaigns across all apps.

Use the partner assistant widget to open a ticket for changing your partner settings:

  1. From the top right of any AppsFlyer page, click the Help icon.
  2. Select the following sequence of options in the widget:
    Contact our team > (2) I would like to understand or update my integration > (1) Update my integration.
  3. Select either Advanced privacy or SKAD mode or Default mode.
  4. Provide the necessary requirements, as specified in the table below.
Request Details Requirements

Enable view-through attribution

Allow view-through attribution measurement.
The macro attributed_touch_type contains impression or click to indicate the engagement type. 

More on view-through attribution.

  1. Select Default mode from the widget.
  2. Write "Enable VTA" as the ticket title.
  3. Share the following information:
    • Your PID or login username 
    • [Recommended] Your receiving parameter name associated with the macro

Enable rejected postback

Allow sending postbacks of rejected installs and in-app events due to fraud or non-compliance with validation rules.

  1. Follow the Self-serve integration management for ad networks to configure the rejected postback in the AppsFlyer dashboard.
  2. Make sure to append the rejected parameters below to your default postback template (install/in-app event)
    • {is-rejected}
    • {blocked-reason}
    • {blocked-sub-reason}
    • {blocked-reason-value}
  3. Once any of the rejected parameters are added to both the Default postbacks, the rejected install/in-app event postbacks are enabled.

In case of any issues, or if you can't access to Postback Management Platform:

  1. Select Default mode from the widget.
  2. Write "Enable rejected postback" as the ticket title.
  3. Share the following information:
    • Your PID or login username
    • [Recommended] The names of the receiving parameters (defined by your technical team) for the macros is-rejected},{blocked-reason},{blocked-sub-reason},{blocked-reason-value}
    • To which type of postback (install, in-app event, or both) the parameters should be added

Enable retargeting

Allow retargeting activity measurement.
AppsFlyer provides the following macros in the postback to identify if the campaign is a retargeting campaign and the conversion type (re-attribution or re-engagement):

  • is-retarget
  • retargeting_conversion_type

More about retargeting.

  1. Follow the Self-serve integration management for ad networks to configure the postback in the AppsFlyer dashboard (install/in-app event)
  2. Once the below parameters are added and the configuration is saved, the 'enable retargeting' toggle on the AppsFlyer backend will be automatically enabled.
    • {is-retarget}
    • {retargeting-conversion-type}

In case of any issues, or if you can't access to Postback Management Platform:

  1. Select Default mode from the widget.
  2. Write "Enable Retargeting" as the ticket title.
  3. Share the following information:
    • Your PID or login username
    • [Recommended] The names of the receiving parameters (defined by your technical team) for the macros is-retarget and retargeting_conversion_type.
    • To which type of postback (install, in-app event, or both) the parameters should be added
    • Indicate if a re-engagement postback is required for re-engagement events (meaning the first app-open of an existing app after clicking on a retargeting campaign ad)

Enable uninstall

Get postbacks of af_uninstall in-app events to measure uninstalls.

More on uninstalls.

  1. Select Default mode from the widget.
  2. Write "Enable af_uninstall in-app event postback" as the ticket title.
  3. Share your PID or login username 

Enable sending session data

Allow data sharing for af_app_opened in-app event.

More about session data.

  1. Select Default mode from the widget.
  2. Write "Enable af_app_opened postback" as the ticket title.
  3. Share your PID or login username.

Enable postbacks retry

Enable sending a postback several times in case of a sending failure.
Use postback-id macro to identify the postback ID.

More about postback retries.

  1. Select Default mode from the widget.
  2. Write "Enable Postbacks Retry" as the ticket title.
  3. Share the following information:
    • Your PID or login username 
    • The receiving parameter name for the postback-id macro

Update postback

Change the current postback structure (for example, delete/add parameters, change endpoint URL.)

More about postbacks and macros.

  1. Select Default mode from the widget.
  2. Write "Update postback" as the ticket title.
  3. Share the following information:
    • Your PID or login username
    • The new postback structure, based on available macros

Enable Advanced Privacy postback

Setup Advanced Privacy integration to comply with an advertiser's data sharing policy. 

More about Advanced Privacy postbacks.

  1. Follow the instructions for Advanced Privacy postback configuration in the AppsFlyer dashboard.
  2. Make sure your attribution link has all mandatory parameters.

In case of any issues, or if you must add parameters to your attribution link template:

  1. Select Advanced privacy or SKAD mode from the widget.
  2. Write "Enable Advanced Privacy postback" as the ticket title.
  3. Share the following information:
    • Your PID or login username
    • Advanced Privacy postback structure based on available macros
    • For the link update: new parameters and their corresponding macros

Enable SKAdNetwork postback

Setup SKAdNetwork integration and the ability to receive decoded data from AppsFlyer via postbacks.

More about SKAdNetwork postbacks.

Follow the instructions for SKAdNetwork postback configuration in the AppsFlyer dashboard.

In case of any issues:

  1. Select Advanced privacy or SKAD mode from the widget.
  2. Write "Enable Advanced Privacy postback" as the ticket title.
  3. Share the following information:
    • Your PID or login username
    • SKAdNetwork postback structure based on available macros from KB
    • Apple SKAdNetwork ID

Update the logo

Add a logo, or replace the current one.
  1. Make sure you have a suitable logo file: (200x50px transparent PNG)
  2. Log in to the AppsFlyer dashboard.
  3. Click the email address in the top right corner > Select Partner setup.
  4. Go to Profile tab > Company logo.
  5. Click the Upload icon.
  6. Select the logo file and confirm.
  7. Click Save at the bottom of the page. The logo is updated immediately.

Update the click attribution URL

Update click attribution URL that advertisers use for running campaigns with you.
More about attribution links.
  1. Select Default mode from the widget.
  2. Write "Update click attribution URL" as the ticket title.
  3. Share the following information:
    • Your PID or login username 
    • New parameters and their corresponding macros. 
  4. After the click attribution URL is updated, ask the advertiser for the updated attribution link URL. 

Update the partner dashboard login email

Required for login to the AppsFlyer account, checking dashboard data, and exporting reports from the AppsFlyer dashboard.

If the user doesn't yet exist in your account, here's how to add them.

  1. Make sure the new user is active.
  2. Select Default mode from the widget.
  3. Write "Update partner dashboard login" as the ticket title.
  4. Share the following information:
    • Current account email
    • New account email
    • Your role within the account (Admin/Team member/Not a team member)
  5. After the dashboard login has been updated, you'll be notified. You can then use the updated email to reset the password.

Disable integration

If integration is disabled, installs and in-app events aren't attributed to the disabled integration.

Note: Before disabling, verify that advertisers have stopped working with the integration. 

  1. Select Default mode from the widget.
  2. Write "Disable integration" as the ticket title.
  3. Share the following information:
    • Your PID or login username
    • Which integration to disable: install, or in-app events

Add new dashboard parameter

Allow advertisers to provide a specific parameter in the AppsFlyer advertiser dashboard, so they can be received via a postback.
  1. Select Default mode from the widget.
  2. Write "Add new dashboard parameter" as the ticket title.
  3. Share the following information:
    • Your PID or login username 
    • The new dashboard parameter name
    • The receiving parameter—if you want to receive it via install or in-app event postback
    • [Recommended] The description of the parameter that will be displayed in a tooltip next to the parameter field in the AppsFlyer dashboard for advertisers

Provide the postback template to the partner

Review your current integration
  1. Select Default mode from the widget.
  2. Write "Provide postback template" as the ticket title.
  3. Share the following information:
    • Your PID or login username
    • Specify which postback you want to check: install postback, in-app event postback, or rejected postback

Implement click signing

Add signature validation to clicks to avoid fraud liabilities and so fraudulent clicks aren't attributed to your ad network.

Follow these instructions to implement click signing on your side.
In case of questions:

  1. Select Default mode from the widget.
  2. Write "Click signing" as the ticket title.
  3. Share your PID or login username.