At a glance: Learn how AppsFlyer data is displayed in Google Analytics.
Viewing AppsFlyer data in Google Analytics reports
AppsFlyer sends installs and in-app events as events to GA. You can view the data that AppsFlyer sends on the events page in GA.
In your GA dashboard:
- Click on Behavior in the left-hand side menu
- Click on Events
- Click on Overview
The screenshot above shows the event categories that AppsFlyer sends to GA. There are three types of events:
- Organic - installs, sessions, and in-app events of a user whose install is organic
- Regular - installs, sessions, and in-app events of a user whose install is attributed to a media source
- Re-Attribution - installs, sessions, and in-app events of a user whose install is attributed to a media source and a retargeting campaign
Currently, app open and events from re-engagement are reported but not under a re-engagement category. App open and events following re-engagement are reported to Google Analytics according to the install type that precedes the re-engagement.
For example, a user installs the app after engaging an ad. A non-organic install is reported to Google Analytics. Sometime later, the user engages with a reengagement campaign and performs a few in-app events. The app open and next events are reported under a the regular (non-organic) install category. So the events appear under the regular-in-app event category.
Viewing install data
- In the overview page, click on regular-install
- In the next view, click on Secondary dimension
- Type the name of the dimension you want to view i.e. campaign or source/medium
- Choose the secondary dimension
The table shows the name of the campaign for each install:
Viewing in-app event data
- In the overview page, click on regular-in-app-event
- Click on the event
- In the next view, click on Secondary dimension
- Type the name of the dimension you want to view i.e. campaign or source/medium.
- Choose the secondary dimension
The table shows the name of the campaign (the selected secondary dimension) for each in-app event:
Viewing session data
Whenever a user opens the app, AppsFlyer sends an event to GA. The event is af_app_opened. This event is the equivalent of AppsFlyer session.
AppsFlyer and Google Analytics each have different definitions of and ways of counting sessions. See here to learn more.
GA shows session data in two places:
- The Audience overview page:
The data here conforms to Google's definition of a session.
- The event overview page:
- In your GA dashboard click on Behavior in the left-hand side menu
- Click on Events
- Click on Overview
- Click on regular-in-app-event or organic-in-app-event
- Click on af_app_opened
The data here conforms to AppsFlyer's definition of a session.