Pivot report—user acquisition metrics


At a glance: View user acquisition metrics—LTV, activity, Protect360, and retention. Download results to CSV files for ingestion by your BI systems. Pivot supports multiple apps in a single query. Use to generate Master API calls.


Pivot reports page

Using Pivot, you generate customized reports containing user acquisition metrics. Pivot comes with a number of pre-defined reports to use as a base from which you create your customized reports. Reports created by a given team member are available to all team members.

The pre-defined pivot reports available are:

  • Media source by date
  • Full hierarchy
  • Cost analysis

Pivot procedures

Create and modify existing pivots in the user interface. To do so, use the procedures in the sections that follow. 

To use Pivot:

  • In AppsFlyer, go to Reports > Pivot.
    The list of currently defined reports displays.

Pivot page—controls and options

Column/option Description
Name Select a report name to view the associated pivot. 
Column click 

Some columns, as indicated in the interface, are sorted by clicking on the column name.

Last modified Last time the report structure was modified.
Modified by Name of the team member who modified the pivot.
App name 
  • If one app included: the app name
  • If multiple apps are included: the number of apps 
Action Remarks
Duplicate Copy an existing pivot report.
Rename Change the name of the report.
View history log See who handled the report structure, what was done, and when.
Copy master API link

Generate a URL to pull the data via Master API. 
Note: If the Admin copies the URL, it contains the authentication token. In contrast, if a team member copies the URL, the token is not included. In this case, the admin provides the team member the V1 authentication token. 

Delete Delete the selected pivot.

Add a pivot report

To add a pivot report:

  1. Click Add pivot.
    The New pivot window opens.
  2. Enter the pivot name. 
  3. Click Submit. 
    The Add pivot table window opens.
  4. Select apps, dimensions, and metrics. Set filters and value display settings. 
    Section Description

    Select 1 or more apps to include in the pivot. 


    Use dimensions to group, structure, and sort your pivot reports.

    To select dimensions:

    1. Click Dimensions. 
    2. Select a dimension, then drag it to a section. Dimensions have the following impact on the Pivot:

      • Rows: Dimensions placed in rows determine the group-by hierarchy.
      • Columns: Dimensions placed in columns multiply the entire table result according to the dimension values.

    KPIs are grouped according to type as follows:

    • LTV
    • Aktivitas
    • Retention: Retention day, Retention rate. Note: Scroll-down in the retention section to select Retention rates and Protect360 (for accounts that have Protect360 enabled.)
    • About the metrics.

    Most times, place KPIs in the value section. If needed, KPIs can be used as a dimension. 

    Drag and drop the KPI to the relevant section. 


    For each KPI, set the calculation method by selecting an operator: 

    • Sum
    • Count
    • Max
    • Min

    Place the required filters in the filters section. Configure how filters are set: 

    • Text
    • Multi-select

View a pivot report

To view a pivot report:

  • Select a report in the Pivot page to display it. 
Report display options
Section Description
(1) Selected dimensions

The first column holds the dimensions selected for the groupings of the report. The dimensions are grouped according to the order in the pivot edit page. In the example above, the primary dimension is the app name, followed by the media source, and ending with the install date.

(2) Metrics The rest of the columns are the KPIs selected as Values in the pivot edit page. In the example above, the first KPI is impressions, followed by clicks, installs etc.
(3) Filters

The filters set for the report in the pivot edit page appear here. You can type your filtering string or select multiple items with the drop-down boxes.

(4) Date selected Use the Date Selector to refine your search to specific dates. Select your own custom date range or use one of the preset date range buttons.
(5) Actions You can access the same actions per pivot report as available in the pivot reports list.

Traits and limitations

Traits and limitations

Pivot report traits
Trait Remarks 
Ad network access to report No 
Agency access


Agency transparency Yes
App-specific time zone


Exception: In all of the following cases, AppsFlyer ignores the app-specific time zone and uses the default time zone UTC +0:

  • The report contains data from multiple apps, and the apps have different time zones.
  • The apps all have the same time zone, and the time zone for at least one of the apps changed during the cohort report period. To determine the report period:
    • Start date: The first date in the conversion date range.
    • End date: Calculated by adding the number of days in the display duration to the last date in the conversion date range. Example: Last date: Jan 1, 2019. Report duration: 30 days. End date: Jan 31, 2019.
App-specific currency  Results always return in USD.
Organic data Included
Non-organic data Included
Data freshness Data freshness: Daily. The data freshness is equivalent to that of Master API.
Team member access Yes
Pivot report limitations
Limitations Remarks 
Retargeting data Use Cohort to view retargeting data.
Cost data 
AppsFlyer gets cost data primarily via cost API. Data is provided by the integrated patterns. List of dimensions per integrated partner.
To get eCPI values, include both cost and installs in the report.