Postback macros for ad networks

At a glance: As an ad network, you can define the content and endpoints of postbacks sent to you as part of your integration with AppsFlyer. Postbacks relate to app user engagement like installs, in-app events, re-engagements, and so on.

Related integrated partner postback guides:

Postbacks for ad networks

  • Postback configuration: To request changes to your postback settings, contact or your AppsFlyer partner development manager. 
  • Postback types: Postbacks are available for install and in-app events and blocked install and in-app events (due to fraud identified by Protect360 or in violation of targeting validation rules).
Postback data sources
소스 설명
어트리뷰션 링크 파라미터

Parameters provided by the partner on click and impression URLs

예: 어트리뷰션 링크의 클릭 ID 파라미터 - "&click_id=CLICK_ID"

Partner IDs in AppsFlyer

Unique IDs provided to the advertiser by the partner

Examples: app ID, account ID, user ID, network ID

SDK derived information

Information extracted from the device by the AppsFlyer SDK

Example: iOS device IDs can be extracted by using "&IDFA=(idfa)" on the postback

Derived by the AppsFlyer platform

Information derived by the AppsFlyer platform. 

프로텍트360 및 유효성 검증 규칙 Information about installs identified as fraud and installs violating campaign targeting rules, and their associated in-app events

Postback macros

When included in a postback, macros are replaced with the user-relevant data. For example, to get the IP address of the user installing the app, include country_code=(ip) in the postback structure. Supported macros supported are listed in the following table:

The columns in the table that follows have the following meaning:

  • Source: Where the data originates from.
    • Link: Attribution links
    • SDK: AppsFlyer SDK embedded in the app or server-to-server API
    • AF: After processing by AppsFlyer
  • Send all: If yes, you can receive the data of installs and events attributed to other networks or organic. (Means not attributed to you). 
  • [Base] Macros for all postbacks: Macros relevant to install, in-app event, and rejected event postbacks
  • [Optional] for in-app events and rejected events as indicated in the column (rejected, in-app)
Macros—installs, in-app events, and rejected events
포스트백 매크로(이름) 소스 모두 전송 설명 [Base] Macros for all postbacks [Optional] In-app and rejected events
advertising_id SDK User-resettable device ID, AKA GAID. Also available as: (sha1-advertiserId)  
app_name SDK App name set by the advertiser  
appsflyer_id SDK AppsFlyer unique identifier recorded upon conversion  
attributed_touch_type SDK 아니오 Possible values: click, impression, TV, pre-install  
blocked_reason AF 아니오 Fraud/validation rules reason 아니오 Rejected
blocked_reason_value AF 아니오 Fraud/validation rules reason value (like site ID) 아니오 Rejected
blocked_sub_reason AF 아니오 Fraud/validation rules sub-reason 아니오 Rejected
bundle_id SDK iOS: Identification to match either a single app or a group of apps in iOS (See Apple developer bundle ID) Android: The app name  
country_code AF Country Code using ISO 3166 (alpha-2) Example: US, CN.  
event_name SDK 이벤트에 할당된 이름. 아니오 인앱
event_revenue_USD AF 이벤트 값, USD 아니오 인앱
event_revenue SDK Event value reported by SDK using event_revenue_currency or currency selected by you. 아니오 인앱
SDK The event revenue currency code reported in the event or the currency selected by you 아니오 인앱
event_time SDK Event Time 아니오 인앱
event_value SDK in-app event includes attributes with values, which can be sent entirely on the postback in JSON format. URL encoded using the (encode) macro. 아니오 인앱
IDFA SDK User resettable advertising ID found on iOS devices Also available as: (sha1-idfa)  
IDFV SDK Unique identifier per user per vendor on IOS devices  
install_time SDK Install timestamp  
install_unix_ts SDK Install timestamp in unix format  
is_attributed AF 인스톨이나 이벤트가 이 미디어 소스에 어트리뷰션 됐음을 표시하는 플래그  
is_lat SDK Limit ad tracking (LAT): iOS: Starting iOS 14 LAT is deprecated by Apple. Determine user privacy status using ATT. In this case disregard is_lat. Before iOS 14, if true, IDFA is not available and is set to 0. Android: When true, the user has opted-out of interest-based ads. This does not prevent the collection of GAID.  
is_primary_attribution AF

If false, see is_retargeting.

아니오 인앱
is_retargeting 링크 아니오

Use in conjunction with is_primary_attribution. Learn more about double attribution of retargeting events.

If true (1), the event is reported as part of a retargeting campaign and the media source is the retargeting media source.

If false (0) and is_primary_attribution is false, the event is part of a retargeting campaign but the media source referenced is the user attribution media source


language SDK Language (locale) reported by the device and set by the device OS.  
oaid SDK GAID의 대안으로 사용되는, 일부 안드로이드 기기에서 사용자가 재설정 가능한 ID.  
partner_event_id AF Name/ID of the corresponding event in the partner's platform 아니오 인앱
platform SDK 기기 플랫폼: iOS, Android 또는 Windows Mobile  
AF 아니오 A flag marking if this is a re-attribution or re-engagement Retargeting only  
app_version SDK App version name set by the developer in the app code  
app_id SDK The app ID as reported by the app   
att-0-1 SDK

Possible values:

  • 1: The ATT status is authorized or af_authorized.
  • 0: Any other ATT status. 
att-status SDK

The ATT status reported by iOS. Like authorized, not_determined. 

In some cases there is no value and "" is returned. 

af_ad 링크 아니오

광고주/퍼블리셔가 제공하는 광고 이름 (더 보기)

af_ad_id 링크 아니오

광고주/퍼블리셔 제공.

af_adset 링크 아니오
  • 광고주/퍼블리셔 제공.
  • 광고 세트는 중간 체계 수준으로, 캠페인과 광고 사이입니다. 더 보기
af_adset_id 링크 아니오 광고주/퍼블리셔 제공.
C 링크 아니오 광고주/퍼블리셔가 제공한 캠페인 이름. 캠페인 이름이 100자를 초과하면 "c_name_exceeded_max_length"라고 대시보드에 표시됩니다.
af_c_id 링크 아니오 광고주/퍼블리셔 제공.
af_siteid 링크 아니오
  • 광고를 표시하는 퍼블리셔를 식별하는 고유 ID. 더 알아보기
af_subsite_id 링크 아니오
  • 광고 하위 네트워크/퍼블리셔 ID. 
  • 기본 퍼블리셔(site ID)에 추가하여, 하위 퍼블리셔가 있거나, 배너, 전면광, 비디오 등과 같은 앱 내의 광고 유형/배치와 같은 추가 정보를 포함하고자 한다면 af_sub_siteid를 사용합니다. 예시: af_sub_siteid =ABCD_4567
af_ad_type 링크 아니오

Use the following naming convention:

  • text: 오직 문자만 포함하는 광고 유닛, 예: 검색 결과
  • banner: 디바이스 화면 상단이나 하단에 표시되는 기본 유형
  • interstitial: 현재의 유저 경험 중 쉬는 시간에 표시되는 전면 광고
  • 비디오.  일반 비디오, 즉 비보상형
  • rewarded_video: 비디오를 시청함으로써 인앱 보상을 제공하는 광고 유닛
  • playable: 상호적인 앱 경험 미리보기를 포함하는 광고 유닛
  • sponsored_content: 광고 기사와 같이, 스폰서된 컨텐츠를 포함하는 링크
  • audio: 오디오 광고

A unique number used to identify mobile phones


In-app event only macros

The examples that follow relate to in-app event postbacks available to partners.

이벤트 포스트백 템플릿 "&event=(event)&json=(encode)"는 특정 af_purchase 이벤트에 대해 다음 포스트백으로 해석됩니다.


The decoded JSON value of this postback is


Encoded values

Postbacks may contain irregular characters, which are not alpha-numerical. To transfer these values correctly via postbacks, AppsFlyer URL-encodes non-alpha-numerical values.

To decode or encode a postback use an encoding web service. 

샘플 포스트백

일반적인 설치 포스트백 예시

Android iOS

일반적인 인앱 이벤트 포스트백 예시

Android iOS

 In-app event postback example

이벤트 파라미터:

  • Event Name: af_revenue
  • Event Revenue: 120.00
  • Event Currency: USD
  • Event Value: {"af_quantity":1,"af_revenue":"120","af_currency":"USD","af_content_id":"1107","af_content_type":"default_type"}

currency=USD&revenue=120.00&json=%7B%22af_quantity%22%3A1%2C%22 />af_revenue