Validation Rules for app owners

At a glance: Validation rules add a custom layer of protection against incorrectly targeted campaigns and fraud. The rules enable app owners to control which installs and in-app event attributions get blocked, or attributed to the last valid source.



  • Validation rules are defined in the rule builder using customized conditions and logic that filter and select which app installs or in-app event attributions to keep or block. 
  • Rules are based on a variety of parameters for multiple use cases, including:
    • Untargeted installs for your campaign (wrong geo, OS version, etc.)
    • Installs that do not meet the insertion order signed with the ad network
    • Hijacked installs by fraudulent networks
    • Fake installs or in-app events sent from bots, emulators, or device farms
  • Rules defined for in-app events only take effect on in-app events associated with installs that were not previously blocked.
  • Rules that include an ad network are visible to that ad network's personnel (but they cannot see other ad networks included in the rule). This is in the interest of transparency, and to help ad networks better understand the performance of the traffic they provide.
  • The rules run in realtime and take immediate action. Learn more in the outcome section.
  • Additional validation rule options are available to Protect360 customers, on top of the automatic Protect360 fraud blocking and detection. These conditions are known to help in the detection of various install-hijacking, fake install, and fake in-app event fraud types.
    Note: Validation Rules only validate installs/in-app events that were not identified as fraud by Protect360.


  • For installs: Validation rules, depending on the selected action, either block the attribution and correct to the last valid media source, or block the attribution completely.
  • For in-app events: Validation rules block the attribution of the in-app event. 
  • See the following table showing the validation rule block type outcomes.
      Block type Description Where install data can be viewed In-app events that follow
    Installs Block attribution and correct to last valid media source
    • Selected when you consider the install real, but your conditions determine which sources should or shouldn’t be attributed for it. 
    • Attribution is corrected, and the install is attributed to the last valid media source.
    • If no valid media source is identified, the install is marked as organic.
    • AppsFlyer dashboards and raw data reports as a regular install (attributed to the last valid media source)
    • With Protect360 Premium plan:
    • Without Protect360 Premium plan:
      • Protect360 installs raw data report (with the blocked media source)
    • Has the same corrected attribution as the install
    • Data available with Protect360 Premium plan:
      • With corrected attribution in AppsFlyer dashboards and reports as a regular IAE
      • With blocked media source in the Protect360 IAE dashboard and Protect360 blocked IAE raw data report
    Mark installs as invalid and don't attribute them
    • Selected when installs that are invalid based on the rule’s conditions are considered fake.
    • The install is not attributed at all (neither as non-organic nor organic)
    • With Protect360 Premium plan:
    • Without Protect360 Premium plan:
      • Protect360 installs raw data report (with the blocked media source)
    • Blocked
    • Data available with Protect360 Premium plan in Protect360 IAE dashboard and blocked IAE raw data report
    In-app events Block attribution 
    • Selected when in-app events that are invalid based on the rule’s conditions are considered fake.
    • With Protect360 Premium plan: 
    • Without Protect360 Premium plan: N/A
    • Data available with Protect360 Premium plan in Protect360 IAE dashboard and blocked in-app events raw data report
    Remove from AppsFlyer entirely
    • Recommended for use when there are in-app events that you don't need any data for.
    • AppsFlyer does not record these events at all. 
  • Ad networks and agencies can only view data if the advertiser gives them the required permissions.
  • When an install attribution is blocked or attributed to a valid media source in real-time, a rejected postback is instantly sent to the blocked ad network, to streamline your reconciliation flow. When attribution is blocked and corrected to the last valid media source, a postback is also sent to the last valid ad network.
  • When an in-app event attribution is blocked, a rejection postback is instantly sent to the blocked ad network.
    • A postback is only sent if the ad network set to receive it is integrated with AppsFlyer to receive postbacks.
    • Postbacks and rejected postbacks reports are available on the export page.
    • Learn more about postbacks and rejected postbacks.
  • Install and IAE attribution blocking, only affects how and where data is reported in AppsFlyer. They do not prevent app usage by your end-users.
  • Blocked installs/IAE reports and rejected postbacks contain the name of the rules that blocked the installs/IAE under the block reason. See the multiple rules section if there is more than one rule.
    • When installs/in-app events are blocked by the Protect360 anti-fraud engine, even if there is also a validation rule, the Protect360 reasons are displayed.
  • Rules can result in reporting discrepancies between AppsFlyer and SRNs like Meta ads and Google Adwords as they deploy their own logic to validate installs.

Multiple rules

  • Multiple validation rules can run on the same install/IAE. This happens when the install meets the conditions of multiple rules. 
  • The install/IAE is classified as invalid when it does not comply with the conditions of any of the rules separately.
  • In raw data reports and rejected postbacks, the block reason value field contains the names of all the rules that classify the install or in-app event as invalid.
  • Multiple rules for the same install are sequenced to run in the following order, based on the block types of the rules:
Rule/block types Order
Block installs Random
Block attribution Random
Block in-app event Random
Remove from AppsFlyer entirely and anything else Removed from AppsFlyer. Other rules are ignored.
Block installs and block attribution
  1. Block install rules (in random order)
  2. Block attribution rules (in random order)
Block installs and block attribution with Protect360 engine and validation rules
  1. Block installs from Protect360 engine
  2. Block install from validation rules
  3. Block attribution from Protect360 engine
  4. Block attribution from validation rules
Block in-app events with Protect360 engine and validation rules
  1. Block IAE from Protect360 engine
  2. Block IAE from validation rules

Rule builder

The rule builder user interface is designed for interactive rule building. Tip! Familiarize and experiment with the rule builder before reviewing this article in detail.

New Validation Rule page.jpg

The rule builder contains the following sections: 

Section Remarks
General details
  • Rule name - Enter a name for the new rule.
  • Rule type - Select the rule type, Real time, or Post attribution.
  • Events - Select the event type for which the rule is applied, Installs or In-app events.
  • App selection - Select Selected apps, or All apps.
    • If Selected apps is selected:
      Select apps - Select the apps for which the rule is applied: A single app, multiple apps, or all apps in the account.
    • If All apps is selected:
      Option to check Include future apps - This allows future apps to be included in this rule.
The selections affect the options available in the following sections (agency, media source, campaign, etc.)


App version must only contain numbers. For example 2.2.1

Traffic sources Traffic source for which the rule is applied. See also Protect360 sources

Choose whether you want to block installs/in-app events that "Match" or "Don't match" the defined conditions. 

  • Match conditions - Attribution will be blocked for installs/in-app events that match the defined conditions, and the action you select below will apply to all of these.
  • Do not match conditions - Attribution will be blocked for installs/in-app events that don’t match the following conditions, and the action you select below will apply to all the rest.

See also Protect360 conditions for installs and in-app events.


For installs, select what to do with the installs meeting the specified conditions:

  • Mark installs as invalid and don’t attribute them. Installs won’t appear in AppsFlyer dashboards except Protect360 and reports.
  • Block attribution and correct to last valid media source. If no valid media source is identified, the install is considered organic.

For in-app events, select what to do with the installs meeting the specified conditions:

  • Block attribution, but show in Protect360 data. Events aren’t attributed but show in the Protect360 dashboard and raw data.
  • Remove from AppsFlyer. Events will not show in the AppsFlyer platform at all.

See Outcomes for more information.


Install sources

The Sources section is where you define the traffic sources of the installs the rule applies to.

There are two primary options: 

  • All traffic: The rule applies to any install, no matter what its source (agency, media source, campaign, organic, etc.). 
    Note: Since this option includes organic installs, no further source info can be selected, and only the block install option is available. This is because it is not possible to block/correct attribution for organic installs.
  • Non-organic only: The rule applies to the sources you select, with the fields, operators, and values as described in the table that follows.

Additional source options are available for Protect360 customers, for installs and in-app events

Field Operator Value Remarks
  • In
  • Agency and non-agency traffic
  • Non-agency traffic
  • Transparent agencies (menu)
  • Non-transparent agencies (menu)
  • Non-transparent agencies:
    • These are agencies that do not share their traffic sources.
    • When "non-transparent agencies" or "agency and non-agency traffic" is selected, specific media sources cannot be selected.
    • Meta ads and X Ads are still available for selection when non-transparent agencies are selected, since they always require agencies to share them as sources.
  • Transparent agencies:
    • These are agencies that specify their media sources.
    • Agencies that are transparent for only some of your selected apps, display in the non-transparent agencies menu.
Media source
  • In list
  • Not in list
  • Equals
  • Doesn't equal
  • Contains
  • Doesn't contain
  • Starts with
  • Ends with
  • Matches regular expression
  • Search for desired value.
  • Select from menu. 
  • Free text (for values that don’t exist in your search results).
  • Menu is based on:
    • Selected apps and agencies.
    • Traffic of the past 30 days, ordered by traffic volume.
  • Free text must be typed exactly as it appears in raw data.
  • In list
  • Not in list
  • Equals
  • Doesn't equal
  • Contains
  • Doesn't contain
  • Starts with
  • Ends with
  • Is empty
  • Isn't empty
  • Matches regular expression
  • Search for desired value.
  • Select value from menu.
  • Free text (for values that don’t exist in your search results).
Campaign ID
  • Free text only.
  • Possible to add multiple values separated by spaces.
Ad set ID
Ad set name

Install conditions

The Conditions section is where you define the conditions that determine when install attributions are blocked, or attributed to the last valid source. 

You can add multiple conditions, and groups of conditions to every rule.

Conditions are defined as per the conditions, operators, and values outlined in the table that follows.

Bulk upload

When selecting the operators In list or not in list inside of conditions that support it, you have the option to bulk upload a CSV file when adding new items.

To do this:

  1. Select a condition with an In list or not in list operator.
  2. Select In list or not in list from the operator dropdown list.
  3. Select Upload CSV file from the Add new items box. 

Note: The CSV file can contain up to 17K values.


Additional condition options are available for Protect360 customers, for installs and in-app events

Condition Operator Value Remarks
  • Equals
  • Doesn't equal
  • Doesn't contain
  • Contains
  • Starts with
  • Ends with
  • In list
  • Not in list
  • Matches regular expression
  • Is empty
  • Isn't empty
  • Search for desired value.
  • Select value from menu.
  • Free text (for values that don’t exist in your search results).
  • Menu is based on:
    • Selected apps and agencies.
    • Traffic of the past 30 days, ordered by traffic frequency.
  • Free text must be typed exactly as it appears in raw data.
Campaign ID
  • Free text only.
  • Possible to add multiple values separated by spaces.
Ad set ID
Ad set name
Device type
  • In list
  • Not in list
  • Equals
  • Doesn't equal

  • Search required value (based on country name, country code, state, or city).
  • Select value from menu.
Platform Select value from menu.

Currency only. Possible values:


  • Lower then
  • Lower than or equals
  • Greater than
  • Greater than or equals
  • Is between
  • Equals
  • Doesn't equal
  • Free text only.
OS version
  • Lower than
  • Lower than or equals
  • Greater than
  • Greater than or equals
  • Equals
  • Doesn't equal
  • Is between
  • In list
  • Not in list
  • Search for desired value.
  • Select from menu. 
  • Free text (for values that don’t exist in your search results).
Lookback days
  • Lower than
  • Greater than or equals
  • Is between
  • Free text: A single numeric value.
  • Refers to the impression/click lookback window in days.
  • Ensures you don’t pay for installs with an attribution link that was modified to allow a longer attribution period.
  • Does not replace the configuration of the lookback window in your attribution link.
  • [Recommended] Use in combination with the attribution touch type condition (available with Protect360)
Is preinstalled
  • Yes
  • No
  • No value (operator is the value)
  • Validates all types of preinstalls:
    • Factory preinstalls, meaning an app that comes on the device as part of the OS.
    • Offered preinstalls, meaning an app promoted and offered to users as soon as the device is initialized. This is done by media sources designated for preinstalls.
  • For installs with multiple clicks/ sources, this condition validates whether one of the sources is a preinstall.
Is deeplink An empty deep link field in raw data is considered to be Is deeplink = No

In-app event sources

When In-app events is selected in the Events section, then in addition to the regular source options, customers have another source option to define which in-app events their rule applies to. 

The source is defined as per the field, operators, and values outlined in the table that follows.

Note: All other in-app events sources are based on the source of the install the IAE is associated with (for example, agency, media source, campaign, campaign ID, site ID, etc.).

Field Operator Value Remarks
Event name
  • In list
  • Not in list
  • Equals
  • Doesn’t equal
  • Contains
  • Doesn’t contain
  • Starts with
  • Ends with
  • Is empty
  • Isn’t empty
  • Matches regular expression
  • Search for desired value.
  • Select value from menu. 
  • Free text (for values that don’t exist in your search results).
  • Free text must be typed exactly as it appears in raw data.

In-app event conditions

When In-app events is selected in the Events section, customers have additional condition options to define which in-app events their rule applies to. These conditions can be mixed and matched with any of the non-Protect360 conditions listed previously.

Protect360 conditions are defined as per the conditions, operators, and values outlined in the table that follows.

Condition Operator Value Remarks
Event name
  • In list
  • Not in list
  • Equals
  • Doesn’t equal
  • Contains
  • Doesn’t contain
  • Starts with
  • Ends with
  • Is empty
  • Isn’t empty
  • Matches regular expression
  • Search for desired value.
  • Select value from menu. 
  • Free text (for values that don’t exist in your search results).
  • Free text must be typed exactly as it appears in raw data.


Protect360 install and in-app event sources

In addition to the regular source options, Protect360 customers have another source option to define which installs their rule applies to. The source is defined as per the field, operators, and values outlined in the table that follows.

Field Operator Value Remarks
Site ID
  • In list
  • Not in list
  • Equals
  • Doesn’t equal
  • Contains
  • Doesn’t contain
  • Starts with
  • Ends with
  • Is empty
  • Isn’t empty
  • Matches regular expression
  • Free text only.
  • Possible to add multiple values separated by spaces.
  • Free text must be typed exactly as it appears in raw data.

Protect360 install conditions

Protect360 customers have an additional set of conditions to validate their installs. These conditions can be mixed and matched with any of the non-Protect360 conditions listed previously.

Protect360 conditions are defined as per the conditions, operators, and values outlined in the table that follows.

Condition Operator Value Remarks
CTIT (Click Time to Install Time)
  • Lower than
  • Greater than or equals
  • Is between
  • Free text: A single numeric value.
  • Only use this field if you are certain of a specific CTIT (usually in a specific geo). Otherwise, you may cause false-positive blocked installs.
    Note: The Protect360 anti-fraud engine has built-in sophisticated ways to identify complex CTIT anomalies due to attribution hijacking, click flooding, fake installs by bots, and more.
  • Consider using this field together with the following fields:
    • Is pre-installed
    • Is deeplink
    • Geo
Customer user ID (CUID)
  • Equals
  • Doesn't equal
  • Doesn't contain
  • Contains
  • Starts with
  • Ends with
  • In list
  • Not in list
  • Matches regular expression
  • Is empty
  • Isn't empty
  • Free text only.
  • Possible to add multiple values separated by spaces.
  • Menu is based on traffic of the past 30 days, ordered by traffic frequency.
  • Free text must be typed exactly as it appears in raw data.

App version
  • Lower than
  • Lower than or equals
  • Greater than
  • Greater than or equals
  • Equals
  • Doesn't equal
  • Is Between
  • In list
  • Not in list
  • Not in last
  • Not in last (major)
  • Search for desired value.
  • Select value from menu. 
  • Free text (for values that don’t exist in your search results).
  • Menu is based on traffic of the past 30 days, ordered by traffic frequency.
  • Free text must be typed exactly as it appears in raw data.
  • For "Not in last," if you have more than one series of versions, select "Not in last (major)". Learn more
SDK version
  • Lower than
  • Lower than or equals
  • Greater than
  • Greater than or equals
  • Equals
  • Doesn't equal
  • Is Between
  • In list
  • Not in list
  • Search for desired value.
  • Select value from menu. 
  • Free text (for values that don’t exist in your search results).
  • Menu is based on traffic of the past 30 days, ordered by traffic frequency.
  • Free text must be typed exactly as it appears in raw data.
  • In list
  • Not in list
  • Equals
  • Doesn’t equal
Select value from menu:
  • Google Play
  • Other stores
  • Out of store
  • Google Play: AppsFlyer identifies that the install package is
  • Other stores: AppsFlyer identifies that the install is from a third-party Android store.
  • Out of store: AppsFlyer identifies an APK that is not in any Android store.
In the event that a user's device does not provide the installer/store parameter to AppsFlyer, the rule does not take effect.
Attribution touch type
  • Click
  • Impression
  • In list
  • Not in list
  • Equals
  • Doesn't equal
  • Free text only
User agent
  • Contains
  • Doesn't contain
  • Free text only
IP address
  • In list
  • Not in list
  • Equals
  • Doesn't equal
  • Free text only

Protect360 in-app event conditions

When In-app events is selected in the Events section, Protect360 customers have additional condition options to define which in-app events their rule applies to. These conditions can be mixed and matched with any of the non-Protect360 conditions listed previously.

Protect360 conditions are defined as per the conditions, operators, and values outlined in the table that follows.

Condition Operator Value Remarks
Event source
  • In list
  • Not in list
  • Equals
  • Doesn’t equal
  • Search for desired value.
  • Select value from menu. 
Select either SDK or Server-to-server.
Event value
  • In list
  • Not in list
  • Equals
  • Doesn’t equal
  • Contains
  • Doesn’t contain
  • Starts with
  • Ends with
  • Is empty
  • Isn’t empty
  • Matches regular expression
  • Free text only.
  • Possible to add multiple values separated by spaces.
  • Select your preferred values.

Install to event time (in seconds)
  • Lower than
  • Greater than or equals
  • Is between
Free text. A single numeric value.
  • Based on your app’s flow, you decide the valid time to pass between the app install and an IAE.
    • Example: Time to reach level 5, time to first-time-deposit (FTD), time to checkout, etc.
  • Time is in seconds, but you can validate minutes, hours, or days using the seconds equivalent.

Logic between conditions and condition groups

If you add multiple conditions or condition groups to a rule, select the logical relation between them using either: 

  • And: Meaning the install complies with all the defined conditions.
  • Or: Meaning the install complies with at least one of the defined conditions.

For example, if you want to validate installs based on both platform and OS, you must select and. That way, the defined platform must always accompany the defined OS. If you want to validate installs based on either platform or OS, you must select or.


View rule list

To view all the rules created in your account:

  1. In AppsFlyer, go to Settings > Validation Rules.
    The Validation Rules window opens, with the list of validation rules.
  2. Select your preferred table view using the List view/Details view toggle.
  3. Filter the rules in the list using the search and the filter options. 
    • You can search by rule name, source, condition name, and value.
    • For example, type 7 to find all rules defined for an OS version that contains 7. (e.g.: “2.7.4”, “7.1”, etc.). Or type Canada to find rules defined with Canada in the Geo condition. 

Add rule

To set up a new rule:

  1. In AppsFlyer, go to Settings > Validation Rules.
    The Validation Rules window opens.
  2. Click Add Rule.
    The Add new rule window opens.
  3. Insert a rule name. Use a unique name that:
    • accurately describes the rule.
    • is not offensive to ad networks, as it displays in the blocked installs report, as well as in the rejected postbacks to ad networks.
  4. Complete the rule builder sections.
  5. [Optional] Add conditions and/or condition groups, as required. Make sure to select the relevant logic between conditions/condition groups.
  6. [Optional] Click Estimate traffic impact to see how your rule will affect traffic.
  7. Click Save.


App version must only contain numbers. For example 2.2.1

View validation rule impact

See the estimated impact your validation rules have on traffic, meaning how many blocked installs and blocked attributions are likely to result. 



  • The validation rule estimator is accessible to advertisers only. Partners do not have access.
  • Estimates are available for rules related to installs, not rules related to in-app events.
  • The estimate also displays what applies to the rule, but is already blocked by Protect360 fraud protection, another validation rule, or, if the estimated rule is not new, then traffic blocked by its previous setting.

To see the estimated impact of your validation rule:

  1. In AppsFlyer, go to Validation Rules
  2. Either select an existing rule or click + Add rule and create a new rule with rule sources and conditions.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the rule and click Estimate traffic impact.
    The Rule’s estimated impact window opens. 
  4.  Select whether to base the estimated impact on data from the last day or last 7 days.
    • The estimated new blocks, as well as the newly blocked percentage of traffic due to the validation rule, displays.
    • When the rule is defined on only non-organic sources, the estimate displays the impact of the rule versus all your traffic. To see the impact versus only the sources (for example a specific media source or campaign), in the chart legend, deselect Other sources.

Edit or delete a rule

To edit, delete, enable, or disable a rule:

  • In the rule list, select the action you want to perform for a specific rule.
    • Under Active: enable or disable the rule.
    • Under Action: edit or delete the rule.


What is a "regular expression"?

A regular expression pattern is composed of characters for which you want to find a match. Simple patterns are constructed with characters for which you want to find a direct match. When the search for a match requires something more than a direct match, you can include special characters in the pattern.


Regular expression Description
^abc Starts with abc
xyz$ Ends with xyz
^abc.*xyz$ Starts with abc and ends with xyz
^abc.*(?<!xyz)$ Starts with abc and doesn’t end with xyz
^([0-9]{2}) Starts with 2 digits
\"example_param\":\"[5|6] Specified parameter's value begins with 5 or 6.
^.{0}$|^\{\}$ Is empty, or is only {}

Why doesn't the source or condition display as a suggested value when I search for it?

There are two possible reasons:

  • Make sure the relevant app/s are selected. If the app isn't selected, values don't display in search results.
  • Results display only if the value you are searching for appeared in your traffic during the past 30 days. Additionally, there is a lag of up to 1 day between when the conversion occurs, and when the source or condition displays as a menu option.

If the value does not appear as a search result, you can type the value as free text and press the Enter key on your keyboard.

Why do my media source options only include Meta ads and X Ads?

The Media Sources field options are affected by your Agency selection. If "non-transparent agency" is selected as one of the traffic sources, no media sources display except for Meta ads and X Ads, which even non-transparent agencies need to be transparent about. 

Note: If your rule applies to multiple apps, any agency that is transparent in some of the selected apps, but non-transparent in others -is considered as non-transparent. This means you can't select specific media sources other than Meta ads or X Ads.

Is it necessary to have "and/or" both within specific conditions and between condition groups?

It depends on your use case. Sometimes either option achieves the same results. Other times, both options are necessary.

For example, if in USA you support installs only on OS V10 or later, but in Brazil, you support from V7 and later, you'll need a rule like:

{[Geo = US] and [OS version = 10]} OR {[Geo = Brazil] and [OS version = 7]}

Do validation rules block clicks?

No. Validation rules can block installs, block attribution to an install’s sources (that prevents the media source of a click/impression from receiving attribution), or block in-app events. However, none of these options blocks the actual click, and click KPIs are not affected by executing validation rules.

Looking at the raw data, I see that installs I expected to be blocked by validation rules have a different block reason than my rule name. Why is that?

This means the block was due to the Protect360 engine and not a validation rule. See also multiple rules.

Do existing rules automatically apply for newly-integrated agency traffic?

This depends on your Source settings, as described in the table below.

If the rule is not automatically applied, you must edit the rule:

  • Change the Agency field to either Agency and non-agency traffic, or select the specific agency.
Source setting Agency field selection Is rule applied if rule was created before any agency integration with one of your apps? Is rule applied if rule was created after at least one agency integration with one of your apps?
All traffic N/R Yes Yes

Non-organic only
N/R No N/R
Agency and non-agency traffic N/R Yes

Non-agency traffic and/or

specific agencies

N/R No

How do the "not in last" conditions work?

Not in last is a condition used when you have one series of app versions that you want to include in the validation rule. Not in last (major) is a condition used when you have more than one series of app versions that you want to include in the validation rule.


  • You have a series of app versions 1.0 and 2.0
  • All your existing app versions:
    • 1.0.01
    • 1.0.02
    • 1.0.03
    • 2.0.01
    • 2.0.02
    • 2.0.03
  • A rule defined with "Not in last 2 versions" blocks:
    • 2.0.02
    • 2.0.03
  • A rule defined with "Not in last (major) 2 versions" blocks:
    • 1.0.02
    • 1.0.03
    • 2.0.02
    • 2.0.03

Traits and limitations

Trait Description
Account user access Only account users with appropriate permissions can view, add, and edit Validation Rules. 
User acquisition Validation rules apply to installs, re-installs, and re-attributions (when the app was removed from the device). They do not apply in cases of re-engagement, meaning when the app is still on the device.
Automatic rule deactivation If you create rules:
  • using Protect360 sources or conditions, and then your Protect360 license or trial expires, the rules are automatically deactivated.
  • for transparent agencies traffic, and one or more of the agencies becomes non-transparent, the rule is automatically deactivated.
Ad networks

Require advertiser permission to View validation rules to view rule details. Note: Rule names are always visible (including in raw data).

Learn more about validation rules for ad networks


Require advertiser permission to:

  • View validation rules to view rule details. Note: Rule names are always visible (including in raw data).
  • Add validation rules to add and edit rules. Note: Agencies can't edit rules created by advertisers.
  • Access Protect360 dashboard & raw data to view and add rules with Protect360 conditions.

Learn more about validation rules for agencies

Unique users If you have more than 100 in-app events configured, then even if you use Validation Rules to invalidate certain in-app events, the limitation for unique users count still applies. Meaning events over 100 don't have unique users counted, even if they are invalidated by Validation Rules.
SKAN Not supported