Data Locker reports for marketing partners

At a glance: Reports listed in this article are available to you (marketing partners) in your Data Locker. Before we can share the data with you, the advertiser (app owner) must grant you data access as detailed in this article.

Data Locker reports for marketing partners

To get reports you, the marketing partner must:

The following reports are available to marketing partners: (daily)

Reports are streamed to the h=23 folder.

Traits and limitations

Spec Remarks 
Agency transparency Not supported
App-specific timezone Available in advanced aggregated (versioned) reports
App-specific currency  Yes
Organic data Available
Non-organic data Available
Cost data Not available
Data freshness
  • For daily cohort reports:
    • Reports are typically available by 10:00 UTC in the h=23 folder of the preceding day. For example, the report for data generated on Monday is in the Monday h=23 folder.
    • Exception: Ad revenue events have data freshness of Day 0+3. Meaning, ad revenue events in the Monday report occurred on Saturday.
  • The first versioned reports are typically available by 06:00 UTC.