Bulletin: Changes in agency transparency


What's new

As the industry shifts towards a more transparent ecosystem, AppsFlyer supports transparency between advertisers and agencies.

As of August 14, 2023, the app-level agency transparency toggle is permanently turned on by default. This is relevant for new agencies joining AppsFlyer and for existing agencies with new advertiser access permissions.

Effective date August 14, 2023
Before the change

All agency accounts with advertiser access permission could choose to turn on and turn off the Allow transparency toggle.

After the change
  • The Allow transparency toggle is permanently enabled (turned on) for new agencies joining AppsFlyer and existing agencies who were granted app-level permission for access from the advertiser.
  • Existing agencies that currently have Allow transparency turned off (legacy), have the option to either keep it off or turn it on. However, once turned on, it remains on permanently.
Exceptions Agency transparency is not supported in account usage reports (no change)

In agency accounts: In AppsFlyer, from the side menu, select Settings > App Settings

Action required

No action is required. However, it's recommended for agencies applying non-transparency to transition to a transparency model.