- What's new in AppsFlyer
- Bulletin: Unified data in the Activity dashboard
- Bulletin: Unspecified engagement type
- Bulletin: Enhanced engagement types visibility
- Bulletin: Meta ads can now optimize campaigns using ad revenue data
- Bulletin: Unity Ads integration update for Creative Optimization
- Bulletin: New fields in ad revenue signals for UA ad networks
- Bulletin: New fields in ad revenue reports
- Bulletin: New conditons for Protect360 validation rules
- Bulletin: Include future apps with Protect360 validation rules
- Bulletin: Bulk uploads in Protect360 validation rules
- Bulletin: New AI layer added to Protect360 sub reasons
- Bulletin: Unity Ads cost API integration update
- Bulletin: New ad revenue SDK API for AppsFlyer SDK version 6.15+
- Bulletin: Security enhancement for traffic managed by agencies
- Bulletin: First install attribution for post-reinstall in-app events
- Bulletin: DMA support in Raw data reports
- Bulletin: eCPI in the Overview dashboard includes organic data
- Bulletin: Cohort data includes unattributed sessions and events
- Bulletin: Get Meta ads attribution in raw data reports with the Meta install referrer
- Bulletin: Supporting the new Google EU consent policy
- Bulletin: New Cohort and Retention dashboard
- Bulletin: Google Marketing Platform (GMP) integration transition
- Bulletin: Upgrading the AppsFlyer S2S API
- Bulletin: Engagement types
- Bulletin: Change in Preload referrer attribution parameter
- Bulletin: New Push API fields
- Bulletin: iAd framework to be removed from the iOS SDK
- Bulletin: Link tracking Privacy (LTP) is coming with iOS17
- Bulletin: Snapchat has become an Advanced SRN
What's new
Get all the latest news: bulletins & non-SDK release notes