Testing tvOS integration before publishing

At a glance: Simulate a non-organic install from your AppleTV device using the tvOS Test App. 


AppleTV does not contain a browser. Therefore, you cannot test clicks or installs on the device for an unpublished app. (For published apps, you can test using attribution links).

To test attribution on unpublished apps, you can use the tvOS Test App.

How does the tvOS Test App work?

The tvOS Test App allows you to simulate an attribution link click from within your AppleTV device, so you can then install it and receive a non-organic attribution.

To test attribution using the tvOS Test App:

  1. Download the project from here.
  2. From XCode, build the project to your AppleTV testing device.

    The following window displays:

  3. Register your AppleTV device as a test device using the IDFA displayed at the bottom of the app screen.
  4. In the Test App, enter your AppID as it appears on your app’s dashboard.

    Make sure that the app you are testing is not installed on the device. To get a non-organic attribution, you must simulate a real scenario where the attribution link is clicked before the app is opened on first launch.

  5. Click the Click Simulation button and wait for a response.

    If everything is valid, the following message is displayed:

  6. Install your integrated app on your device.

    A non-organic attribution is shown on your dashboard under the AppsFlyer_Test media source if your integration is correct.