Bulletin: New Cohort and Retention dashboard

What's new

The cohort dashboard has been redesigned and improved. It also now includes retention data.

Effective date

December 26, 2023


Cohort dashboard (now called Cohort and Retention dashboard)

What you must know
  • Retention dashboard will be deprecated (date to be decided).
  • We recommend using the new and improved Cohort and Retention dashboard.
  • For those used to using the old Cohort dashboard, please be aware that as one of the improvements to the dashboard, the old requirement to select a metric and function has largely been replaced. Now, except in a few cases, you only need to select a metric. You can use the table in the mapping section that follows to help you align your previous cohort reports in the new UI.

Mapping metrics from the old cohort dashboard UI to the new UI

Previous metric Previous function Previous "per user" New metric New function
Revenue Sum no Revenue sum ($) [or other currency] N/A
Revenue Sum yes ARPU ($) [or other currency] N/A
Revenue Count no Revenue count N/A
Revenue Count yes Average revenue count N/A
Sessions Count no Sessions count N/A
Sessions Count Yes Average sessions N/A
Sessions Unique Users Yes Retention N/A
Uninstalls Count no Uninstalls count N/A
Uninstalls Count yes Average uninstalls count N/A
InApp event name Count no InApp event name Count
InApp event name Count yes InApp event name Average count
InApp event name Revenue no InApp event name Revenue
InApp event name Revenue yes InApp event name
Average InApp revenue
InApp event name Unique Users N/A InApp event name Unique users
InApp event name In App Conversions N/A InApp event name Conversions
InApp event name eCPA N/A InApp event name eCPA