Enhanced engagement types visibility

What’s new? Enriched Engagement Types (ETT) will be visible to ALL accounts.
What’s the impact
  • Engagement types will be reported for all supporting networks (both click networks and SRNs). 
  • The engagement_type  parameter when missing or mismatched will default to click_unspecified or impression_unspecified.
  • Engaged views and engaged clicks will have the same attribution priority as clicks, ensuring consistency across all ad networks.
  • No impact on attribution and install count.
  • (Only for non-SRN supporting networks) New lookback window sliders (in the Integration tab) for engaged clicks and engaged views, with a 7-day default for existing integrations and 2-day default for new integrations. 
  • For SRN supporting networks, the lookback window is taken from the click-through lookback window configured in the partner Intergration tab. 
  • You can view the Engagement type dimension in the dashboards.
  • engagement_type is included in raw data reports if selected by the advertiser
  • Engaged views are reported with attributed_touch_type=impression (also applies to Google Ads and TikTok)
  • Starting on November 19, a shift may occur from clicks to engaged views.
    • A decrease in attributed_touch_type=click
    • An increase in attributed_touch_type=impression
  • Engaged views are measured and reported even if the view-through toggle is turned off. To identify those impressions as engaged views use the engagement_type=engaged_view metric in dashboards and raw data reports instead of relying solely on attributed_touch_type
  • Total impressions include both engaged views and regular view. To calculate the IPM, you must subtract engaged views from total impressions because engaged views are a subset of impressions, and double-counting them would inflate the impression count.
  • Installs will always be attributed to the strongest touch type. If both view and engaged view are being reported, the install will be attributed to the engaged view (the view will not be recorded as a contributor, because it’s from the same campaign).
Effective date  November 2024
Supporting ad networks Currently, only allowed networks can report engagement types to AppsFlyer.
What you should know All information relating to ETT can be found in the KB: