Retargeting inactivity period

At a glance: Increase incremental lift by retargeting inactive users. Set inactivity windows by media source.

Inactivity period

Advertisers regain inactive users by retargeting them. These campaigns usually have a good conversion rate and generate significant ROAS. However, many retargeting campaigns underperform as they don't filter out active users. To increase the incremental lift of retargeting campaigns, implement minimum inactivity time to filter out active users.

By setting a minimum inactivity time, Advertisers don't attribute active users. For example, if the minimum inactivity limit is three days, then users active in the previous 0-3 days aren't attributed. Users inactive for four or more days are attributed. The inactivity period applied to both re-attribution and re-engagement scenarios. In the case of re-attribution, the last activity is the last session before performing the uninstall.

Inactivity rules

  • Attributed: Dormant users who haven't used the app for longer than the defined inactivity period. Retargeting re-engagements and reinstalls are attributed.

  • Not attributed: Active users who open the app and don't exceed the minimum inactivity period are disregarded and not attributed to the retargeting campaign.

Retargeting inactivity terminology

Term Definition
Maximum value 30 days
Default value 0 (none)
The Inactivity period feature is not active by default for media sources.
User activity Installs or sessions reported by the SDK or via S2S.
Migrated devices Migration time is the last activity time.


In the following retargeting scenarios, the inactivity period is defined for the media source.


The user scenario is depicted in the figure that follows. The user:

  • uninstalls the app and is inactive
  • engages with a retargeting campaign run by a media source

  • reinstalls the app



Inactivity threshold

User inactivity period



7 days

8 days.

The user was inactive for a period exceeding the inactivity threshold

  • Re-attribution (retargeting reinstall)

  • Attributed to retargeting media source A


14 days

5 days

The user was active.

  • Organic reinstall

  • Non-organic reinstall: if the user engaged with a UA media source.

  • Retargeting media source A can't be attributed due to the user inactivity threshold.


The user scenario is depicted in the figure that follows. The user:

  • installs the app

  • is inactive for several days

  • subsequently engages with a retargeting campaign. run by a media source, and launches the app



Media source A inactivity threshold

User inactivity period



7 days

8 days

The user was inactive for a period exceeding the inactivity threshold

  • Re-engagement attributed to media source A


7 days

4 days

The user used the app within the set inactivity period.

  • Regular session

  • Retargeting media source A is not attributed

Partner setup


SRNs that support inactivity periods have this feature set up on their Integration tab.

To define an inactivity period for Self-Reporting Networks (SRN) that support retargeting:

  1. In AppsFlyer, from the side menu, select Collaborate > Active Integrations.

  2. Select an SRN.

  3. In the Integration tab, scroll down. Enable Ignore active user for retargeting

  4. Set Inactivity window. (1-30 days.)

  5. Click Save integration.


Non-SRN (click ad networks)

To define an inactivity period for non-SRNs that support retargeting:

  1. In AppsFlyer, from the side menu, select Collaborate > Active Integrations.

  2. Select an ad network.

  3. Go to the Attribution link tab, scroll down, and enable Ignore active user for retargeting.

  4. Set Inactivity window. (1-30 days.)
    The Inactivity period parameter af_inactivity_windowis added to the attribution link, for example, "&af_inactivity_window=7d". If the feature is disabled, it's not on the attribution link.




Agency (permission granted by the advertiser)

To access the Inactivity period setup:

  1. In AppsFlyer, from the side menu, select Collaborate > Active Integrations.

  2. Select an SRN.

  3. In the Integration tab, make settings as shown in the table that follows.

SRN Agency
  • Enable/disable retargeting

  • Configure an inactivity period

Google Ads
  • Cannot enable/disable retargeting

  • If an agency has permissions, they can configure an inactivity period

Meta ads/X Ads/Snapchat Can't access retargeting and Inactivity period setup


Partner (supports retargeting)

To define an inactivity period for non-SRNs that support retargeting:

  1. In AppsFlyer, from the side menu, select Collaborate > Active Integrations.
  2. Select a non-SRN Ad network > Attribution link tab.