Integrating Google Ads auto-tagging (gclid) campaign data into PBA

At a glance: Enrich PBA data with auto-tagging gclid campaign information by connecting to Google Ads.

Integrating Google Ads campaign data in PBA

Connect your Google Ads account (1 or more) to your brand bundle. Google Ads campaign data improves dashboard analytics capabilities and further enriches raw data reports.

  • If the gclid is present on a web visit URL, PBA gets the following data from Google using GCLID. Note! The GCLID solution is not officially supported by Google Ads, which may deprecate the parameter in the future.
  • The integration enriches the following fields. Field availability depends on the PBA dashboard and raw data reports.
    • Campaign name and campaign ID
    • Adset name and adset ID 
    • Ad group name and ad group ID
  • The data provided by integration takes priority and overwrites campaign name data extracted from UTM fields. Campaign and campaign ID are available in raw data reports.  
  • If you have multiple Google Ads accounts, make sure that you connect the accounts that run campaigns bringing traffic to your website. 

Website Attribution dashboard with campaign hierarchy populated


Campaign and ad hierarchy data is available in dashboards and raw data as follows:

  • Dashboards
    • Website Attribution:  Campaign > Adset > Ad levels supported. 
    • Web-Assisted Installs:  Campaign level
  • Raw-data:
    • Web-to-App: web_googleads_campaign_id, web_googleads_campaign_name

To connect to Google Ads:

  1. In AppsFlyer, from the side menu, select Settings Brand Bundles
  2. Go to Google Ads integration tab. 
  3. Click Connect account.
    The Google Ads sign-in page opens. 
  4. Sign in to the Google Ads account. Complete the process to give AppsFlyer access.

Manage Google Ads connections

On the Google Ads integration page, the following actions are available:

  • Delete connection
  • Enable/disable the connection 

PBA—Google Ads status messages

Status Meaning Remarks/action required


The connection is live and pulling data



The connection was disabled manually

Enable the connection to begin pulling data again

Never synced

The setup is complete

The setup is complete. It may take up to 24 hours for AppsFlyer to get data from Google Ads for the first time. If the message persists for more than 24 hours contact AppsFlyer support.

No data

The connection was successful

Google Ads did not return any data to our query. Ensure that you connect all the relevant Google Ads accounts to PBA.

No response

We can't contact Google Ads servers

At present, we can't connect to the Google Ads servers. If the status persists for more than 24 hours contact AppsFlyer support. 

Invalid credentials

AppsFlyer can't get the data as the credentials are not valid. 

Ensure that the correct credentials are set in the Google Ads integration page. Try to connect again using the most recent credentials. If the problem persists contact AppsFlyer support.

General error


If this status persists for more than 24 hours contact AppsFlyer support