Partner Marketplace—FAQ

At a glance: Find answers to frequently asked questions about the AppsFlyer Partner Marketplace.

About the Partner Marketplace

Based on what data is the information in the Partner Performance section calculated?

The metrics and graphs are based on data from traffic sent to AppsFlyer by the partner:

  • Graph data: Installs AppsFlyer received in the last two months
  • Average lifetime activity: Data from the beginning of 2018 until the previous year
  • Advertiser Retention rate: Data from the past year

Note: Performance data is based on aggregated statistical data. To ensure statistical validity, AppsFlyer follows strict volume thresholds and methodologies.

Using the Partner Marketplace

What information can I see on a partner card without entering the page?

To make it easier for you to evaluate the partner without going to the partner page for more details, you can see the following information on the partner cards:

  • Quality badges (for partners who meet quality criteria): Performance Index and High-quality traffic—indicating a low-fraud rate
  • The partner’s top three supported capabilities
  • Partner performance—for partners with traffic data in AppsFlyer. Clicking the link sends you to the Partner performance table showing real data on their performance.
  • Type of media platform
  • Contact details the partner has provided: Email, phone no.
  • Integration status (when Active)

How do I use filters with a search query?

When entering the Partner Marketplace, default filters are applied according to your app activity (your industry and target region). You can clear the filters, update them and restore to default settings.

Desirable result How to apply it
Combined results with filters and search terms You should use the search bar first, and when the results are shown, apply the filters.
Clear applied filters, while keeping the search term

Click Clear all (under the search bar).

Restore default filters, while keeping the search term

Click Restore default (under the search bar).

Reset the search, including combined results with filters and search terms
  • From the search bar, click X
  • From the top-left, click the Partner Marketplace icon


With the new Partner Marketplace, how do I integrate with new partners?

The integration itself is done from the partner integration setup page, but to find new partners and connect with them, you must go through the Partner Marketplace. To make it easier to find the right partners, they're organized by sections according to your industry, showing their performance level, and with improved filtering capabilities for efficient searching.

See how to integrate with a new partner from the Partner Marketplace


If I see an interesting partner without any contact details—what should I do?

We’re doing our best to make sure all partners provide their contact details, but in case it’s still missing, reach out to your contact person in AppsFlyer.