Conversion rate metrics explained

At a glance: Find conversion rate KPIs in AppsFlyer to understand the strengths and weaknesses found at different stages in your marketing funnel.

Marketing funnel stages

New users go through a marketing funnel, from the first ad view until revenue is generated. Each of the funnel stages has its own level of success. The more progress a user makes, the better the results for the mobile advertiser. The following image sets out marketing funnel stages.


Marketing funnel stages and conversion rates

Conversion rates help advertisers understand the strengths and weaknesses found at different stages in their marketing funnel. Then, according to the conversion rates, they can improve the weak parts to help advance more users down the funnel.

See the table that follows for:

  • Descriptions of the marketing funnel stages and conversion rates
  • Where the metrics are available, marked as:
  • How advertisers can use the metrics to improve their marketing results

Marketing funnel stages and conversion rates

Stage Name Description Where available How to optimize conversion rates


Impression User views a web or mobile ad. AppsFlyer  


  • User clicks on an ad and is redirected to an advertised page or app activity.
  • Or, user visits the app's store page without clicking.

Conversion rate

Click-through rate (clicks/impressions)*100

  • Measures users who click after seeing an ad.
  • To calculate, use impression and click metrics in AppsFlyer.
  • Improve the affinity of your creatives and your targeted audiences: visuals, copy, localization, and targeting.
  • Experiment with fresh audiences and media sources.


App store User reaches the app's page in the app store.

App store


Conversion rate

Click-to-app store rate (app store visits/clicks)*100

Measures how many users clicked the ad and allowed the app's page in the app store to fully load.

App store

Improve app store page load time. Remove large elements that slow the page down.



User downloads the app from the app store.

App store


Conversion rate

App store-to-download rate (downloads/app store visits)*100

Measures how many users download the app after visiting the app's page in the app store.

App store

  • Improve app store page messaging.
  • Try different calls to action.


Install User installs and opens the app on their device. 
  • ~10% fewer installs compared to downloads. 
  • Example: If AppsFlyer shows 200 campaign installs, then approx. 220 users downloaded the app. 



Conversion rate

Click-to-install rate (installs/clicks)*100

Measures how many users installed the app after clicking the ad.

  • Improve audience targeting.
  • Reduce app install time.


In-app event User performs an in-app action such as a purchase.



Conversion rate

Event conversion rate (Event CVR)

(in-app events/installs)*100

  • Measures how many users perform an in-app event after install. [Article]
  • Examples: Register, make a purchase, complete a level, etc. 
  • Enables Cost per Action (CPA) calculations.
  • Provide timely messaging and calls to action.
  • Improve the user interface.
  • Organize retargeting campaigns using deep links. [Article]