Access to data by advertisers, agencies, and ad networks

At a glance: The ability to access data and features in AppsFlyer depends on team member account type, individual team member permissions, and account permissions.

Access to data by account type

Advertisers, ad networks, and agencies have access to data according to their account type:

Account type Can access

All their data in AppsFlyer, although some data is masked or hashed:

  • Traffic attributed to non-transparent agencies. 
  • Traffic attributed to restricted media sources due to regulatory requirements or data-sharing terms.
Ad network Data attributed to the ad network
Agency Data relating to campaigns run by the agency and to which the traffic is attributed

Access to data by roles and permissions

When the advertiser turns on the Permission toggle for an ad network or an agency, there is a further distinction between access to data according to roles—account admin and account team members, as listed in the tables that follow.

Note: Where allowed, access is limited to the traffic generated by the ad network or the agency.

Abbreviations key:

Abbreviation Meaning

Access is granted when the main permission toggle is enabled by the advertiser


Access is granted when additional specific permissions are enabled by the advertiser 

L Limited access is granted when permission is enabled by the advertiser
No access

Access by feature page for agencies and ad networks

Feature Agency Ad network
Admin Team member Admin Team member


Protect360 P(1) P(1) P(1) P(1)
Retention P P P P
Cohort P P    
Custom Dashboard
Loyal users     P P
People-Based Attribution


Raw Data Export P P L(2) L(2)
Aggregated Data Export P P
Protect360 dashboard & raw data P P P P
Ad revenue raw data (UA signals) P P
Retention reports P P P P


Active Integrations Read-only Read-only Read-only Read-only
Active Integrations > Configure integration P P
Active Integrations > Configure in-app event postbacks P P P P
Validation Rules P P P(3) P(3)
Approved Agencies
App Settings L(4)

Experiences & Deep Linking

Configure OneLink


Audiences and incrementality
SDK Information
SDK Integration Tests
API Access (Pull API aggregate data) 
Data Locker
Cost Import P(6) P(6)

Notes and limitations:
1. If the advertiser has Protect360 (premium)—you have access to the full dashboard. If not, you have access to the lite dashboard.
2. Limited to raw data in postbacks attributed to the partner only. 
3. Read-only.
4. Limited to turning on Agency transparency only, for agencies with legacy non-transparency.
5. Agencies can't create OneLink templates or links.

Partners can upload spend data for the selected app.

Access for advertisers

The Admin role in an advertiser account has access to all features listed in the table above. All other users have access according to the roles they're assigned to.

Access to the aggregate cost and revenue data

  Advertiser Agency Ad network 
  Cost Revenue Cost Revenue Cost Revenue
Organic N/A N/A P N/A -
Non-organic -
Meta ads N/A(2) -
X Ads (1) - N/A(2) -
Google Ads - N/A(2) -
Apple Search Ads N/A N/A N/A(2) N/A
Retargeting - - -

1. From June 2020
2. Only visible to that ad network; not others. Example: X Ads can see X Ads cost.