SDK integration overview

At a glance: Learn about the AppsFlyer SDK functionalities that are available and determine which APIs you want your Android or iOS app to use.

About the SDK

Watch this video to get the big picture of SDK integration.

The SDK provides app installation and event recording functionality. You can record installs, sessions, and in-app events. In-app events include, for example, in-app purchases or leveling up in a game. Recording these events can help you evaluate ROI and user quality. 

This article describes the process for the SDK V6+ integration and helps advertisers (app owners) and product managers plan the AppsFlyer SDK integration with their Android or iOS app.

Additional documentation includes the following:

SDK compatibility 

The AppsFlyer SDK is compatible with the following platforms:

Android iOS
  • Starting Android V4.0
  • Non-mobile Android-based platforms, such as Smart TVs (including Amazon Fire TV). See CTV overview
  • Out-of-store markets for Android apps, such as Amazon and Baidu

SDK integration

The process of installing and integrating the SDK requires the product manager and mobile developer to work together. Before integrating the SDK with your app, review all of the integration tasks and consider the functionalities that you want your app to use.

SDK planning checklist

To get you started, we've prepared a checklist to help guide you through the planning process. For each task, there are links to the marketer and developer documentation. 

SDK integration tasks

The basic SDK integration includes the following tasks. Time estimates are intended as general guidance only.

Basic SDK integration tasks Planning time

Retrieve the AppsFlyer dev key and send the link along with installation and integration instructions to your developer.

15 mins

Review the attribution considerations, and determine which device identifiers to collect.

30 mins

Determine the in-app events that you want to measure, and send the event names and event parameters to the developer.

1 hour

Determine the deep linking methods to use. 

30 mins

Determine the methods for accessing attribution data. 30 mins

Once the basic integration is complete, any account user with access to the AppsFlyer dashboard can perform basic testing.

Developers can utilize debug logs in the development environment.

1 hour

You can work with your mobile developers to implement these additional APIs in the SDK.

Additional SDK integration tasks Planning time

Determine if your app requires additional attribution setup (for example, uninstall measurement or install attribution for third-party app stores).

30 mins

Determine user session reporting. 30 mins

Determine the attribution methods to use for owned media sources.

1 hour

Manage user privacy policies to make sure your app complies with privacy regulations (GDPR, CCPA).

1 hour