Leanplum integration with AppsFlyer

At a glance: Leanplum, an AppsFlyer integrated partner, is a mobile marketing platform, designed for intelligent action. Its integrated solution delivers engagement across messaging and the in-app experience. Leanplum offers Messaging, Automation, App Editing, Personalization, A/B Testing, and Analytics.


Some media sources restrict sharing data with third parties. Therefore, postbacks for restricted events won't be sent to this partner, regardless of the configured selection for sending postbacks.

Setting up Leanplum

Leanplum customers can integrate with AppsFlyer by sending Leanplum a postback containing publisher information. This allows you to view this data in Leanplum analytics as well as use it for targeting in A/B tests or marketing campaigns, using Leanplum’s targeting and segmentation menu.

Before you activate the integration with AppsFlyer, you first must confirm that your Leanplum integration is using the same device ID as Appsflyer. This is important as Leanplum matches the user install with the postback using the device ID, so if they do not match Leanplum cannot report the data.

By default, Leanplum collects the IDFV for iOS and the MD5 hash of the MAC address for Android, but this can be easily changed to IDFA for iOS and GAID for Android with one line of code. For information about how to change the device ID format for Android and iOS, click here.

Prerequisite: Before setting up the integration, make sure you contact the partner and open an account with them.

To activate or edit the integration:

  1. To activate: In AppsFlyer, from the side menu, select Collaborate Partner Marketplace.
    To edit: In AppsFlyer, from the side menu, select Collaborate Active Integrations.
  2. Search for the partner and select it.
  3. Click Set up integration. You’re directed to the integration setup page.
  4. In the Integration tab, select the app for the integration and turn Activate partner on.
    Note: The toggle must be on (activated) for as long as you work with the partner.
  5. Complete the configuration using the relevant tabs, as described below.

The Leanplum configuration window only makes use of the Integration tab.

For a detailed description of the Partner Configuration Window Header, click here.

Integration tab

The Integration tab is divided into different sections as described below.

Activate partner

On the first visit here, you will need to toggle ON the Activate Partner button to enable the set up of the Integration tab's parameters. The toggle MUST be ON for as long as you work with the partner.
For more details about partner activation please click here.

General settings

App ID and Client Key

Leanplum connects with AppsFlyer via a unique App ID and Client Key. If you don't already have them, you must obtain them from Leanplum to continue with the integration or follow the steps below.


Sending IDFA or IDFV

If the option is active, IDFV is sent in a postback. If no IDFV is found, IDFA is sent as a fallback.

If the option is inactive, IDFA is sent in a postback. If no IDFA found, IDFV is sent as a fallback.

If neither is available, no postback is sent.

Obtaining the app ID and client key

Click on your name at the top right of the screen and select App Settings

Select an app and click Keys & Settings

Default postbacks

AppsFlyer can send automatic postbacks to Leanplum user installs. Use this section to define sending these postbacks.


Select Events attributed to any partner or organic to send postbacks for any user that downloads the app to Leanplum.

Click Save.

Attribution link tab

Attribution links are not available for Leanplum.

Cost tab

Cost data is not supported in the integration with this partner.

Ad revenue tab

Ad Revenue is not supported in the integration with this partner.

Permissions tab

Permissions are not available for Leanplum.

Viewing user attribution data in Leanplum

Once you have set up the integration between Leanplum and Appsflyer, you can access the information by utilizing Leanplum’s targeting and segmentation menu:

This menu is available in the Analytics, Messages, A/B Tests, and Users sections of the Leanplum platform. You can filter by, group by, and cohort by this data in Analytics, filter by this data in the Users section, and target by this data in Analytics and A/B Tests.