At a glance: Kahuna, an AppsFlyer integrated partner, dedicated to empowering businesses to grow and thrive in the mobile era. We enable a new level of authentic engagement between brands and their customers wherever they are — the web, email, mobile, social channels — through personalized communication at scale. Powered by big data and machine learning, we help create delightful experiences for every customer with the perfect message, delivered on the right channel, at just the right time.
Some media sources restrict sharing data with third parties. Therefore, postbacks for restricted events won't be sent to this partner, regardless of the configured selection for sending postbacks.
Follow the instructions below to configure the integration with Kahuna:
1. Minimum requirements - AppsFlyer SDK:
- Android – version and above
- iOS – version 3.3.3 and above
2. Integrating with Kahuna requires that the Kahuna Device ID (Kahuna’s unique user identifier) is populated in AppsFlyer's SDK. This parameter is sent with every postback and enables the identification of each user. To perform this you must insert the following strings to your app code:
Important Note
Make sure the lines of code are inserted at the correct place – after Kahuna SDK was launched and before the appsflyer.sendtracking (Android) / trackAppLaunch (iOS) methods are called.
HashMap<String, Object> customData = new HashMap<String,Object>();
String deviceId = Kahuna.getInstance().getKahunaDeviceId();
customData .put("customData", deviceId);
NSString *kahunaDeviceID = [Kahuna getKahunaDeviceId];
[[AppsFlyerTracker sharedTracker] setAdditionalData:@{@"customData" : kahunaDeviceID}];
Setting up Kahuna
Prerequisite: Before setting up the integration, make sure you contact the partner and open an account with them.
To activate or edit the integration:
To activate: In AppsFlyer, from the side menu, select Collaborate > Partner Marketplace.
To edit: In AppsFlyer, from the side menu, select Collaborate > Active Integrations. - Search for the partner and select it.
- Click Set up integration. You’re directed to the integration setup page.
- In the Integration tab, select the app for the integration and turn Activate partner on.
Note: The toggle must be on (activated) for as long as you work with the partner.
To activate: In AppsFlyer, from the side menu, select Collaborate > Partner Marketplace.
Complete the configuration using the relevant tabs, as described below.
The Kahuna configuration window only makes use of the Integration tab.
For a detailed description of the Partner Configuration Window Header, click here.
Integration tab
The Integration Tab is divided into different sections as described below.
Activate partner
On the first visit here, you will need to toggle below. ON the Activate Partner button to enable setup of the integration tab's parameters. The toggle MUST be ON for as long as you work with the partner.
For more details about partner activation please click here.
General settings
Kahuna Secret Key, Staging and Production
Kahuna connects with AppsFlyer via a unique Secret Key. If you don't already have it, you must obtain it from Kahuna to continue with the integration or follow the steps below.
Obtaining the kahuna secret key
1. Login to your Kahuna account
2. Click the user icon and Select Settings on the right-hand corner of dashboard menu
3. Copy the Kahuna secret key:
4. Select APIs & Integrations– on this page you can find the parameters:
- Insert the Kahuna Master Key taken from Kahuna console (see Section 3)
- If you want to send the events to Kahuna’s Sandbox environment insert the letter S in the Staging box (see “Testing with Kahuna Sandbox”)
- For the Production environment insert the letter P in the production
- If you insert both, the events are sent to production
- Click Save
Default postbacks
AppsFlyer can send automatic postbacks to Kahuna user installs. Use this section to define sending these postbacks.
Select Events attributed to any partner or organic to send postbacks for any user that downloads the app to Kahuna.
Click Save.
Once you have saved the configuration, AppsFlyer sends the following data to Kahuna for every organic and non-organic install:
- Kahuna Dev_ID
- Media Source
- Country code
- OS Version
Attribution link tab
Attribution Links are not available for Kahuna.
Cost tab
Cost data is not supported in the integration with this partner.
Ad revenue tab
Ad Revenue is not supported in the integration with this partner.
Permissions tab
Permissions are not available for Kahuna.
View user attribution data in Kahuna
The install events can be viewed as Newbies in Kahuna's main dashboard.
You can search for a specific user or go to “Top People” in your left side navigation.
Selecting one of the users opens the Mini Profile where you can see the install event “af_install” in the Top Events section:
Testing with sandbox
If you haven’t released your app to the app store yet and want to test the integration from Kahuna’s Sandbox environment, follow these steps:
1. Make sure you enter “s” in the Staging Textbox when configuring Kahuna within AppsFlyer
2. Make sure you have added the code to your App to integrate AppsFlyer and Kahuna SDKs as described in the above sections
3. You must obtain the Advertising ID from your test device (you can find the Advertising ID by installing the app on your device and looking at the logs)
4. Ask AppsFlyer to allowlist your Advertising ID
5. Uninstall the app from your device
6. Configure this URL with your data (app package name, advertising ID, and campaign name...don’t include the brackets) -[APP PACKAGE NAME]?pid=[SOMETHING]&advertising_id=[DEVICE’S ADVERTISING ID]
7. Go to that URL, you may see this:
8. Install the App on your device
9. Go to Kahuna’s dashboard and search for the user (you can enable Kahuna debugging and look at the logs to get the Kahuna unique device ID for that user.. “dev_id”... or if your app requires log-in and you pass credentials to Kahuna, then you can search by that credential also). Once you find the user, you should see an “af_install” event for that user.