[Closed beta] Sandbox Data Locker report for ad networks

At a glance: Sandbox raw data reports contain aggregated data generated after translating and decoding reports received by AppsFlyer from Android Privacy Sandbox Attribution API. Data is available via Data Locker.

Sandbox raw data reports for ad networks


  • Data is provided by:
    • Data Locker
      • If you aren't currently using Data Locker, an admin user must configure Data Locker and enable the sandbox reports. To do so, go to Reports > Data Locker. Select the Sandbox attribution reports. 
      • Data freshness rate: Data is contained in the h=23 folder of the date the aggregated report is received by AppsFlyer. Example: If the report was received on Monday, it is processed after the end of the next day. Processing is completed by 10:00 AM UTC Wednesday, and the data is written to the Monday h=23 folder.
      • Timezone: UTC
      • Metrics: Metrics are incremental. As an example, on DT = 20-06-2024 we received 10 installs for install date = 18-06-2024 and a few days later we received another 5 installs for the same install date (18-06-2024) then the event count column will mention 5 additional installs.
      • Permissions: The report is only available to ad networks. Ad networks will be able to access specific app data only if the app owner has given permission to get app data.

Sandbox raw data report format and content

Raw data report types

Report type Topic Name Report name Description
Decoded aggregated report sandbox_attribution_ad_network_performance Sandbox attribution ad network aggregated performance  

Raw data field format types

Field formats

Format name Description
String [n] The maximum length of the string. We don't usually enforce field length limitations on receipt of the data, but data may be truncated thereafter.
Time string String having the format, yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss. For example, 2019-09-17 00:09:25 
Enum [n] Enum fields can only contain specific values. For example, Cost currency has 3 characters and can contain only currency codes as specified.

10-digit UNIX timestamp. Example:

August 4, 2020, 07:25 UTC translates to "timestamp": "1596525944"

Boolean The value of the field can be either TRUE or FALSE
Integer Integer
Float Real floating number that can have a decimal point and values after the decimal point.

Report structure

Field name Description Format Dimension or metric
app_id The app ID (advertiser app) String Dimension
Install date Install date String Dimension
af_ad Ad name






af_adset   String Dimension
af_ad_id Ad ID String Dimension
af_ad Ad name String Dimension
attributed_touch_type click, impression String Dimension
engagement_type click_to_app, view, engaged_view, engaged_click, null String Dimension
af_c_id campaign ID String Dimension
campaign campaign name String Dimension
af_channel   String Dimension
media_source Attributed media source received from the Sandbox API String Dimension
sandbox_resolution Dimensions that are available for that resolution String Dimension
event_name   String Dimension
conversion_type install, re_attribution, re_engagement, re_download String Dimension
event_count count of the total aggregated results Long Metric
revenue_usd   Decimal Metric

Additional information

Traits and limitations

Trait Remarks 
Ad network access Only available for ad networks
Timezone UTC
Currency  USD
Organic data Not available
Non-organic data Based on Sandbox attribution
Data freshness Daily