SKAN integration guide for ad networks

At a glance: Ad networks integrate with AppsFlyer SKAdNetworks (SKAN), enabling them to optimize campaigns and to be attributed to the traffic they generate.

AppsFlyer offering for ad networks

Learn more about the AppsFlyer SKAN solution for advertisers:

SKAN solution guide | SKAN dashboard 

  • Be attributed for campaign conversions:
    • Integration with AppsFlyer ensures that the ad network is attributed for all installs, in-app events, and revenue resulting from campaigns run on advertisers' behalf.
    • Without integration in place, installs, in-app events, and revenue are attributed as organic and not to the ad network. 
  • Campaign optimization:
    • The conversion value in the postback is encoded.
    • AppsFlyer enables ad networks to translate the conversion value of each postback, ensuring ad networks can optimize their campaigns based on the decoded value per app.
  • No need for direct integration with each advertiser—SKAN postbacks are sent only to the ad network and advertisers can consume the data using any of the following:
    • Individual integration with each ad network. A solution that is not scalable, neither for ad networks nor for advertisers. 
    • A single integration with AppsFlyer. Scalable for both the advertiser and the ad network.
  • Increase your prominence in AppsFlyer: 
    • Ad networks having SKAN integration are certified and identified as such in the AppsFlyer dashboard. 
    • This assures advertisers that they are working with ad networks that can be measured deterministically via this attribution model.

SKAN data flow


The full SKAN postback flow is as follows:

  1. iOS sends the SKAN postback to the attributed ad network.
  2. The ad network does one of the following:
    • Enrich and forward: Enrich the SKAN postback with the ad network campaign ID/source identifier, campaign name, and the iOS device IP address. 
    • Redirect: The network requests the iOS device to redirect the postback and campaign data it adds, back to AppsFlyer.
  3. AppsFlyer validates and decodes the postback. Then, it sends the decoded and enriched postback to the ad network (in parallel to sharing it with the advertiser).

Main integration parts

SKAN integration between AppsFlyer and ad networks consists of the following main parts as described in this article:

  • Ad networks send SKAN data to AppsFlyer
  • Ad networks receive enriched and decoded data from AppsFlyer via postbacks

Send data to AppsFlyer

After the ad network receives the SKAN postback from the device, the ad network forwards it to AppsFlyer using one of the following methods:

  • Enrich and forward (POST)
  • Redirect (HTTP 307 redirect method)

Upon receipt of a SKAN postback, AppsFlyer performs the following:

  • Postback validation: Ensure that it is unique.
  • Conversion value decode: Generate attribution install/in-app event records.
  • Send decoded postbacks to the ad network.
  • Make attribution data available to advertisers via dashboards and reports.

Enrich and forward

Using this method, ad networks forward each postback received from the device to AppsFlyer.

The ad network:

  • Receives the postback from the iOS device.
  • [Mandatory] Enriches the postback with:
    • Ad network campaign ID and campaign name.
    • The timestamp of the postback sent from the iOS device. 
  • [Optional] Enriches the postback with:
    • IP address received from the device, required mainly for geo resolution purposes.
    • Adset ID and name
    • Ad ID and name
    • Ad network name
    • Country code
    • Source app ID
    • Creative
    • Channel
  • Sends the postback to AppsFlyer
  • Note! Before sending the postback to AppsFlyer, validate the Apple attribution signature using the content of the outgoing postback to ensure that you didn't inadvertently corrupt the data.

SKAN enriched postback protocol


HTTP method POST
Accepted content types application/json
Return codes

200 OK: Postback received has a valid format. 

400: Bad request: Malformed JSON, empty, JSON, missing mandatory fields.

SKAN enriched postback JSON parameters





version String

SKAdNetwork version

Example: "version":"2.0"

SKAN postback
ad-network-id String

Ad network ID

Example: "ad-network-id":" abc123defg.SKAdnetwork"

SKAN postback
ad-network-name String
  • Name of the ad network
  • Example: ad_network_name=your_network
Ad network
ad-network-country-code String
  • The user location (geo) as derived by the ad network.
  • Populate using ISO 3166 (alpha-2) codes.
  • Example: CN, ZA
  • Ad networks often derive geo according to a given campaign's target region.  
  • AppsFlyer uses the country code to populate geo-related fields in reports and dashboards.
Ad network
campaign-id Integer
  • Only for SKAN 3 and below
  • SKAdNetwork campaign ID
  • Example: "campaign-id":23
SKAN postback
transaction-id String

SKAdNetwork postback transaction ID

SKAN postback
app-id Integer
  • Target app ID as it appears in AppsFlyer. Always has the prefix id.
  • Example:app_id=id123456789
SKAN postback
attribution-signature String Attribution signature SKAN postback 
redownload Boolean When redownload = true, it means the user downloaded the app from the app store again. SKAN postback
source-app-id Integer
  • Source App ID (publisher)
  • For SKAN 4, available only in the first postback, for tier 3. See Apple documentation
SKAN postback
conversion-value Integer

AppsFlyer SDK sets the conversion value according to advertiser settings.


  • iOS due to iOS privacy-preserving thresholds may not populate the parameter in the postback and the value will be null.
  • Null and 0 have different meanings:
    • Null: iOS withheld the conversion value
    • 0: The user installed the app but didn't perform any measured actions.  
SKAN postback 
ad-network-campaign-id String

To enable a common language between ad networks, advertisers, and AppsFlyer, you must provide your campaign-id.

Ad network
ad-network-campaign-name String Ad network campaign name associated with the ad network campaign ID. This name displays in dashboards and reports.  Ad network
ad-network-adset-id String

Ad network adset ID

Ad network
ad-network-adset-name String

Ad network adset name

Ad network
ad-network-ad-name String

Ad network ad name

Ad network
ad-network-ad-id String

Ad network ad ID

Ad network
ip String
  • The IP address of the device sending the postback.
  • iPv4 and IPv6 addresses supported.
  • Example: "ip":""
Ad network
timestamp String
  • Time the ad network received the SKAN postback. A 10-digit epoch UNIX timestamp. [Optional] 13-digit epoch timestamp permitted.
  • Example: August 4, 2020, 07:25 UTC translates to "timestamp": "1596525944"
Ad network
fidelity-type Integer
  • Differentiate between ad presentation options that affect attribution. Indicated using the values 0 and1 as follows: 
    • View-though ads (0)
    • Storekit-rendered ads (1)
  • Mandatory field starting SKAN V2.2
SKAN postback (V2.2+)
did-win Boolean
  • Used to distinguish between campaigns contributing or attributed with the install. 
  • If true, the campaign is attributed for bringing the install.
  • If false, the campaign is recognized as contributing to the install
SKAN postback (V3.0+)
ad-network-source-app-id String

Populate with the publisher ID that you associate with the app publishing the ad. This is usually the ID you allocated to the publisher, and not the ID generated by Apple. 

Ad network


  • Only for SKAN 4+
  • Value represents the sequence number (SKAN window), either0,1, or2.
SKAN 4.0 postback (iOS 16.2)


  • Only for SKAN 4+
  • Value can below,medium, orhigh.
  • For the first postback, only available for tier 1. For the second and third postbacks, available for tiers 1-3. See Apple documentation
SKAN 4.0 postback (iOS 16.2)


  • Only for SKAN 4+
  • Replaces campaign-id
  • Value can be up to 4 digits.
  • For the first postback, up to 4 digits are available for tiers 2-3 and 2 digits are available for tiers 0-1. For the second and third postbacks, 2 digits are available for tiers 1-3. For tier 0, there isn't a postback. See Apple documentation

SKAN 4.0 postback (iOS 16.2)


  • Only for SKAN 4+
  • Value represents the source of attributable web ads. Example: 
  • Available in web ads only, in the first postback, for tier 3. See Apple documentation
SKAN 4.0 postback (iOS 16.2)


  • Only relevant for SKAN 4+
  • Available when you use additional digits in the source_identifier for additional campaign granularity.
Ad network


  • Only relevant for SKAN 4+
  • Available when you use additional digits in the source_identifier for additional campaign granularity.
Ad network

Curl example—enriched SKAN 3 postback

curl --location --request POST '' \
  --header 'Content-type: application/json' \
  --data-raw '{
      "app-id": 888707086,
      "ip": "",
      "ad-network-campaign-name": "skadnetwork_abc_campaign",
      "source-app-id": 888707074,
      "ad-network-id": "abcabcabc.skadnetwork",
      "transaction-id": "68eb3d91-15f5-44ee-9267-25c7655c20b6",
      "redownload": false,
      "attribution-signature": "MDYCGQCsQ4y8d4BlYU9b8Qb9BPWPi+ixk/OiRysCGQDZZ8fpJnuqs9my8iSQVbJO/oU1AXUROYU=",
      "timestamp": "1596525944",
      "ad-network-campaign-id": "222222",
      "conversion-value": 63,
      "campaign-id": 99

Curl example—enriched SKAN 4 postback with fine conversion values

curl --location --request POST '' \
  --header 'Content-type: application/json' \
  --data-raw '{
      "version": "4.0"
      "ad-network-id": "example123.skadnetwork",
      "ad-network-campaign-name": "skadnetwork_abc_campaign",
      "ad-network-campaign-id": "222222",
      "source-identifer": "5239",
      "app-id": 525463029,
      "transaction-id": "6aafb7a5-0170-41b5-bbe4-fe71dedf1e30",
      "redownload": false,
      "source-app-id": 1234567891,
      "fidelity-type": 1, 
      "did-win": true,
      "conversion-value": 63
      "postback-sequence-index": 0
      "attribution-signature": "MEUCIGRmSMrqedNu6uaHyhVcifs118R5z/AB6cvRaKrRRHWRAiEAv96ne3dKQ5kJpbsfk4eYiePmrZUU6sQmo+7zfP/1Bxo="

Curl example—enriched SKAN 4 postback with coarse conversion values

curl --location --request POST '' \
  --header 'Content-type: application/json' \
  --data-raw '{
      "version": "4.0"
      "ad-network-id": "example123.skadnetwork",
      "ad-network-campaign-name": "skadnetwork_abc_campaign",
      "ad-network-campaign-id": "222222",
      "source-identifer": "39",
      "app-id": 525463029,
      "transaction-id": "6aafb7a5-0170-41b5-bbe4-fe71dedf1e31",
      "redownload": false,
      "source-app-id": 1234567891,
      "fidelity-type": 1, 
      "did-win": true,
      "coarse-conversion-value": "high"
      "postback-sequence-index": 0
      "attribution-signature": "MEUCIQD4rX6eh38qEhuUKHdap345UbmlzA7KEZ1bhWZuYM8MJwIgMnyiiZe6heabDkGwOaKBYrUXQhKtF3P/ERHqkR/XpuA="



Using this method, the ad network responds to the device with an HTTP redirect command (307), requesting the device to send the postback directly to AppsFlyer. 

The redirect method has the following advantages:

  • Increased advertiser trust: The MMP acts on behalf of an advertiser. By providing AppsFlyer access to the postback firsthand, advertisers are confident that postbacks are not manipulated in transit.
  • No processing required by the ad network: Ad networks respond with the redirect command (to the device), thus eliminating the need to process postbacks. In comparison, the enrich and forward method requires that ad networks consume the postback, enrich it with additional parameters, and finally forward it to AppsFlyer.


  1. Configure your server to respond with an HTTP 307 response redirecting the postback to
  2. Append query params that contain campaign details using the query params listed in the table that follows. Regard the sending of your campaign details as mandatory. Campaign details enable us to enrich SKAN data with cost and other campaign data and enable advertisers to effectively optimize campaigns.

Example redirect URL

Query params for campaign details (not mandatory)

Query param


  • Name of the ad network
  • Example:ad_network_name=your_network
ad-network-campaign-id Campaign ID
ad-network-campaign-name Campaign name
ad-network-adset-id Ad set ID
ad-network-adset-name Ad set name
ad-network-ad-id Ad ID
ad-network-ad-name Ad name
  • The user location (geo) derived by the ad network.
  • Populate using ISO 3166 (alpha-2) codes.
  • Example: CN, ZA
  • Ad networks often derive geo according to a given campaign's target region.  
  • AppsFlyer uses the country code to populate geo-related fields in reports and dashboards.
ad-network-source-app-id Populate with the publisher ID that you associate with the app publishing the ad. This is usually the ID you allocated to the publisher, and not the ID generated by Apple. 
  • The IP address of the device sending the postback.
  • iPv4 and IPv6 addresses supported.
  • Example:"ip":""
  • Time the ad network received the SKAN postback. A 10-digit epoch UNIX timestamp. [Optional] 13-digit epoch timestamp permitted.
  • Example: August 4, 2020, 07:25 UTC translates to"timestamp": "1596525944"
  • Only relevant for SKAN 4+
  • Available when you use additional digits in the source_identifier for additional campaign granularity.
  • Only relevant for SKAN 4+
  • Available when you use additional digits in the source_identifier for additional campaign granularity.

Receive data from AppsFlyer

Prior to receiving your first postback, take into consideration the following: 

  • Ad networks must define the postback end-point and template (reach out to your AppsFlyer Partner Development Manager using the partner assistant widget, to ensure this is in place).
  • AppsFlyer sends SKAN postbacks using the same mechanism as with the existing postbacks sent to you.


  • For each postback sent from the ad network to AppsFlyer, AppsFlyer sends:
    • One install postback. Redownloads are signaled by the redownload parameter. 
    • Zero to several in-app event postbacks. The exact number depends on the translation of the conversion value. See simulated postbacks.
  • When you consume postbacks, the same install or event can be attributed by more than one AppsFlyer attribution solution. Use the attribution_source parameter to differentiate between postback types. 

Postback macros available to ad network partners

Postback macro (name)


Format and example Relevant to in-app events only


The app publishing the ad (source app ID)

String: 876534



Estimated by AppsFlyer based on the updateConversion window. Provided as a 10-digit UNIX epoch timestamp or as a human-readable timestamp

  • String: 1596119460 
  • Translates to July 30, 2020, 14:31 UTC.


Time the postback was received by the ad network from the iOS device. Reported by the ad network. Provided as a 10-digit UNIX epoch timestamp or as a human-readable timestamp

  • String: 1596119460 
  • Translates to July 30, 2020, 14:31 UTC



Time AppsFlyer received the postback from the ad network. Provided as a 10-digit UNIX epoch timestamp or as a human-readable timestamp


  • String: 1596119460 
  • Translates to July 30, 2020, 14:31 UTC



Event name 

  • af_skadnetwork_revenue
  • af_login
  • af_skadnetwork_revenue
  • or as set by the advertiser 

String: af_skadnetwork_revenue, abc123




Revenue amount using the specified currency code

Number: 5, 20, 0.4



Currency code being the app-specific currency set by the advertiser

String: EUR, USD, ZAR



The source of the attribution data:

SKAdNetwork: SKAdNetwork

String: SKAdNetwork



App ID (advertiser app)

String: ID123456790



Install geo (country) determined by the ad network

String: US, UK, ZA 



Campaign name populated using ad-network-campaign-name sent in the postback from the ad network

String: UA_US_23+



Ad network Campaign ID populated using ad network-campaign-id sent in the postback from the ad network. Note: For SKAN 4, this value is always null.

String: 3456745



Possible values: true, false

When redownload = true, it means the user downloaded the app from the app store again

Boolean: true, false



(deprecated with SKAN 4+)

Events received during the first 72-hours after an advertiser changes the SKAN settings in the dashboard. Due to the various timers employed by SKAN AppsFlyer can't map the event accurately.

  • Not available in SKAN 4 and onwards

Boolean: true, false



SKAN campaign ID as provided by the original SKAN postback

56, 23



A unique random identifier enabling partners to identify duplicate postbacks




Name/ID of the corresponding event in the ad network platform




SKAN postback transaction ID

Note: The advertiser must explicitly allow us to share the transaction_id with you. Ask the advertiser to do so in the Integration tab.



ad_network_adset_id Added to the iOS postback by the ad network String  
ad_network_adset_name Added to the iOS postback by the ad network String  
ad_network_ad_name Added to the iOS postback by the ad network String  
ad_network_ad_id Added to the iOS postback by the ad network String  
SKAN_min_event_counter See note (1)


SKAN_max_event_counter See note (1)


SKAN_min_time_post-install See note (2)


SKAN_max_time_post-install See note (2)


SKAN_min_event_revenue See note (3) Real number Yes
SKAN_max_event_revenue See note (3)

Real number 


Differentiate between ad presentation options that affect attribution. Indicated using the values 0 and1 as follows: 

  • View-though ads (0)
  • Storekit-rendered ads (1)

Used to indicate if the user was attributed by AppsFlyer using the Single Source of Truth mechanism

  • Value represents the SKAN window, either0,1, or2.
  • For SKAN 3 the value is0
  • Value can below,medium, orhigh.
  • For SKAN 3 the value isnull.
  • Value can be up to 4 digits.
  • For SKAN 3 the value isnull
  • Value represents the source of attributable web ads.
  • For SKAN 3 the value isnull.
  • Value is based on data enrichment received from the ad network.
  • For SKAN 3 the value is null.
  • Only relevant for SKAN 4+
  • Available when you use additional digits in the source_identifier for additional campaign granularity.


  1. Event occurrences: The number of event occurrences is calculated using the following formula:
    [round up (SKAN_min_event_counter+SKAN_max_event_counter) / 2]
    Note! The value must be rounded up to the nearest integer.
  • Example:
    • A. If min=0 and max=1 the number of events is 1.
    • B. If min=0 and max =10 the number of events is 5.
  • Determine install time: For advertisers implementing custom conversion, AppsFlyer calculates install time as the postback arrival time - 48h - average (min_time_post_install + max_time_post_install). Ad networks don't need to make use of these macros.  
  • Determine revenue: AppsFlyer uses these values to determine the revenue of an event by calculating the average of min and max. Ad networks don't need to make use of these macros. 

SKAN postback examples

Example of an install SKAN postback sent by AppsFlyer

Example of an in-app SKAN postback sent by AppsFlyer

Integration testing

To validate the integration with AppsFlyer, use either or both of the following methods. 

  • Real SKAN postbacks: based on actual SKAN traffic received by the network
  • Simulated postbacks: based on AppsFlyer test apps

To receive real SKAN postbacks from iOS devices, the ad network completes the following:

To receive simulated postbacks:

Real environment

Using this method, the ad network sends AppsFlyer actual SKAN postbacks from live apps. 

Testing integration

Responsibility Action
Ad network Notify AppsFlyer via your partner development manager (or use the partner assistant widget) as to your SKAN network ID, provided by Apple.
Ad network and AppsFlyer Agree on a mutual customer (having integrated the most recent AppsFlyer SDK) to use for postback integration verification.
Ad network Send app SKAN postbacks to AppsFlyer, using one of the methods described in this article.
AppsFlyer Send decoded postbacks to the ad network in accordance with the conversion value mapping set by the advertiser.

Test criteria

Responsibility Action
Ad network Notify AppsFlyer as to the quantity of SKAN postbacks sent during a specified period for the agreed mutual customer.
AppsFlyer Verify the count of postbacks received versus the count sent by the ad network.

Share with the ad network the count of postbacks sent to the network for a given app broken down by type:

  • Install/redownload postbacks
  • In-app postbacks.
Note: If you use the same endpoint for probabilistic postbacks, ensure that you filter using attribution_source=skadnetwork to distinguish SKAN Network postbacks from other postbacks.

Simulated postbacks

  • Using this method, the ad network sends AppsFlyer preprepared postbacks to AppsFlyer test apps, as detailed in the table below. AppsFlyer replies with decoded postbacks to the ad network.
  • Each test app has a different conversion value mapping, as detailed in the table.
App ID Conversion mode Instructions

Revenue, in $1 units

Expected results: 

  1. In the Integration tab, enable in-app events postbacks
  2. Select event name af_SKAN_revenue and map to your event identifier.
  3. Save configuration.
  4. In a postback, send conversion value = 7.
  5. AppsFlyer responds with:
    • Install postback
    • af_SKAN_revenue postback with value of $7
id888707086 Conversion, including the in-app events:
  • af_level_complete
  • af_login
  • af_SKAN_revenue
  • af_register
  • af_subscription
  • af_custom_event
  1. In the Integration tab, enable in-app events postbacks
  2. Select each of the in-app events listed and map it to your event identifier. 
  3. Save configuration.
  4. In a postback, send conversion value = 63.
  5. AppsFlyer responds with:
    • Install postback
    • af_level_complete postback
    • af_login postback
    • af_SKAN_revenue postback
    • af_register postback
    • af_subscription postback
    • af_custom_event postback
id888707087 Engagement, measured using af_SKAN_revenue event
  1. In the Integration tab, enable in-app events postbacks
  2. Map the event name af_SKAN_revenue and to your event identifier.
  3. Save configuration.
  4. In a postback, send conversion value = 3.
  5. AppsFlyer responds with:
    • Install postback
    • 3 postbacks of af_SKAN_revenue event

Integration steps

Responsibility Action
Ad network Configure your SKAN network ID (provided by Apple) and SKAN postback template on the postback management platform. For queries and assistance, contact us using the partner assistant widget.
Ad network
  1. Activate the test apps.
  2. For each app complete the instructions column in the previous table. 
  3. Send simulated postbacks, using the test apps listed in the preceding table. Considerations when sending simulated postbacks:
    • Set the app_id and conversion value as listed in the preceding table. 
    • Since Ad networks can't generate Apple compatible signatures, the simulated postbacks don't have to include the signature fields. AppsFlyer will not verify them for simulated postbacks.
    • Ad networks send the postback using either the POST or REDIRECT approach.
AppsFlyer Responds with the decoded postbacks to the endpoint designated by the ad network during integration

Test criteria

Responsibility Action
AppsFlyer Process the postback and sends postbacks to the ad network.
Ad network
  • Ad network receives and decodes the translated postbacks.
  • In-app postbacks sent by AppsFlyer match the expected flows. For example, conversion value 3 for app ID888707087, the ad network receives 3 postbacks of af_SKAN_revenue event. 


Clarifications relating to mandatory fields, enrichment, certification, and more.


Questions and answers about postbacks

Are the enrichment fields mandatory? 

For the present, we will process the postback even if it is missing one or more of the following enrichment parameters. Consider that the information is required for the following reasons: 

  • Ad network campaign ID: If we have cost integration with you then this is reported using your campaign ID. 
  • Ad network campaign name: Many advertisers relate to the campaign name and not the campaign number. 
  • IP address: Required for geo resolution. 
  • Timestamp: Assists us to attribute the install to the correct date. 

Can we send either our campaign ID, or our campaign name, but not both?

See the previous answer. Consider populating both ID and name with the same value. 

We are using Enrich and Forward. Can we add key-value pairs that are not in the AppsFlyer specification? 

Yes, you can. We will process the postback and disregard the extra information provided that the attribution signature is valid

Are the SKAN postback templates distinct from the existing postback templates?

Yes. The flow and structure differ.

Will we receive a SKAN postback and a probabilistic/deterministic modeling postback related to the same install, meaning duplicate reporting of the same install?

Yes. For each case, we record an install attributed to you, irrespective of method, we will send you a postback.

Use attribution_source to differentiate SKAN postbacks.

Are we required to process the postback from AppsFlyer?

No. Consider, that best practice is to optimize campaigns according to user-quality reported via the postback. 

Are we expected to call AppsFlyer attribution links or is it sufficient to send the postback with the SKAN payload and enriched data?

It is sufficient to send us the SKAN payload and enriched data.

What is required for us to be certified in the AppsFlyer dashboard as a SKAN integrated partner?

  • Complete integration using one of the methods listed in this article
  • Send us postbacks of apps using AppsFlyer as their attribution partner

How does the limit of 100 SKAN campaign IDs impact me

The 1-100 limit relates to the way you sign and number your campaigns in Apple. It means that at any time, you can have 100 simultaneous unique campaigns. We allow you to enrich the postback with your actual campaign name and ID. Meaning you map the SKAN campaign ID to your actual campaign IDs in use at the time the postback is received. Doing so means that the 100 ID limit does not restrict the number of campaigns that you measure in AppsFlyer provided of course that you don't have more than 100 simultaneous campaigns for a given app.