Postback troubleshooting for ad networks

At a glance: If you have problems receiving postbacks, review the following solutions.

Problem Solution

I don't see my Advertiser's app under My Apps 

Note: If you're running a test with a production application, make sure to register your device according to the instructions here

I'm not receiving install postbacks

  • If there were no app installs, you won't see install postbacks.  Check to see if your app has install attributions: go to Settings > My Apps > [Choose the app] > Overview
  • Check if the attribution link includes the parameter af_installpostback=false. Install postback is not triggered if the attribution link has this parameter

I'm not receiving in-app event postbacks

  • Verify that the events are mapped correctly on the integration tab, under the In-app event postbacks section

Note: Event names are case sensitive and should be mapped using the same name as delivered via server-to-server/SDK.

I'm not receiving both install and in-app event postbacks

  • If there were no app installs, you won't see install postbacks. Check to see if your app has install attributions. Go to Settings > My Apps > [Choose the app] > Overview
  • Check Install/In-app event postback reports and review the following fields:
    • Postback URL: The actual delivered postback. Check that the template doesn't miss any crucial values. 
    • Postback HTTP Response Code: The response code that AppsFlyer receives from the partner's server. Check the HTTP response code. If it's not 2XX, check your internal server setup. 
    • Original URL: The click/impression URL that AppsFlyer receives for the corresponding install/event. Check the completeness of the attribution link. Data not provided in the link can't be returned via a postback. 
  • Check Advanced Privacy settings: when enabled, user-level data for non-consenting users running iOS 14.5+ is NOT available on postbacks.
    • If the Advanced Privacy postback is not defined in your integration, but the advertiser decides to use Advanced Privacy, no postbacks are delivered for non-consenting iOS users.
  • Check the Postback Window definition. Postbacks are not sent after the defined time period.
  • Check if the conditional postback is defined.
  • Check if the traffic is blocked: download and review the Blocked install postbacks report.