At a glance: Adobe Analytics (formerly Omniture) is a set of tools for predictive and real-time analytics that can be integrated into third-party sources. It includes the Marketing Reports and Analytics (SiteCatalyst), Ad hoc analysis (Adobe Discover), and Insight applications to help create a holistic view of business activities by transforming customer interactions into insights.
This integration consists of a two-way data flow between Adobe and AppsFlyer. For the integration to be successful, this integration requires code implementation in your app. Both AppsFlyer and Adobe requirements must be met for the integration to be fully successful.
Setting up Adobe Analytics integration
If you are using Adobe Analytics Report Suite for overall campaign performance analysis and segment creation, then the AppsFlyer integration with Adobe Analytics enables the automatic transfer of attribution data from AppsFlyer to Adobe to help you achieve your goals.
- Setting up Adobe Experience Platform mobile SDK docs
- Marketing Cloud Visitor ID or Experience cloud ID service
- Three eVars in each report suite that can be used for the sole purpose of this integration
Step 1: Share Adobe Experience Cloud ID (ECID, Marketing Cloud ID, or Visitor ID) with AppsFlyer.
To extract and share Adobe Experience Cloud ID:
- Update the application and extract the Marketing Cloud Visitor ID using the Adobe SDK method right after the Adobe SDK is initialized.
- Use one of the following AppsFlyer SDK methods to set the Adobe Marketing Cloud Visitor ID:
Learn more about the setAdditionalData
HashMap<String, Object> customData = new HashMap<String,Object>();
customData .put("marketingCloudID", "ADOBE_VISITOR_ID");
Learn more about the setAdditionalData
Objective C
[[AppsFlyerTracker sharedTracker] setAdditionalData:@{
@"marketingCloudID" : "ADOBE_VISITOR_ID"
let CustomDataMap: [AnyHashable: Any] = [
"marketingCloudID" : "ADOBE_VISITOR_ID"
AppsFlyerTracker.shared().customData = CustomDataMap
Learn more about the setAdditionalData
Dictionary<string, string> CustomDataMap = new Dictionary<string, string>();
CustomDataMap.Add("marketingCloudID", "ADOBE_VISITOR_ID");
Learn more about the setCustomerUserId method.
Learn more about the setCustomerUserId method.
Objective C
NSString *customerUserID = [AppsFlyerLib shared].customerUserID;
let customerUserID = AppsFlyerLib.shared().customerUserIDp
Learn more about the setPatnerData
Map<String, Object> partnerData = new HashMap();
partnerData.put("puid", "some-adobe-external-id-value");
AppsFlyerLib.getInstance().setPartnerData("aeplaunchmobile_int", partnerData);
Learn more about the setPartnerData
NSDictionary *adobeInfo = @{@"external_user_id":@"some-adobe-external-id-value"};[[AppsFlyerLib shared] setPartnerDataWithPartnerId:@"aeplaunchmobile_int" partnerInfo:adobeInfo];
Step 2: Configure Adobe analytics in AppsFlyer
Prerequisite: Before setting up the integration, make sure to pass the Adobe Marketing Cloud Visitor ID to the AppsFlyer SDK.
To activate or edit the integration:
To activate: In AppsFlyer, from the side menu, select Collaborate > Partner Marketplace.
To edit: In AppsFlyer, from the side menu, select Collaborate > Active Integrations. - Search for the Adobe Analytics and select it.
- Click Set up integration. You’re directed to the integration setup page.
- In the Integration tab, select the app for the integration and turn Activate partner on.
Note: The toggle must be on (activated) for as long as you work with the partner. - From the Adobe Analytics SDK, as part of the ADBMobileConfig.XML file, copy the Report_Suite_ID (highlighted in blue) and the Adobe_Analytic_server_URL (highlighted in green) and paste them into the respective fields in the Adobe Analytics integration page in AppsFlyer.
Click Save Integration.
Once saved, AppsFlyer sends the following data to Adobe Analytics for every organic and non-organic install:
- Adobe ID (MCVID)
- Report Suite ID & Server URL
- Customer Device ID
- Media Source
- Campaign Name
In accordance with the terms of service of both Meta ads and X Ads, AppsFlyer is prohibited from sharing user-level data with third parties. This means that Meta ads and X Ads installs are sent as organic.
Step 3: Map data to eVars in Adobe Analytics
Due to the deprecation of the Adobe Analytics Data Connectors, you will need to leverage processing rules to map context variables to the eVars.
Learn more about how to use processing rules.
AppsFlyer context data variables mapped accordingly:
- MobileAdCampaign(Context Data)
- MobileAdNetwork(Context Data)
- MobileAdProvider(Context Data)
Should you have issues with mapping AppsFlyer context data variables through processing rules, contact your Adobe account team for further support
Step 4 [optional]: Set up your marketing channel
See Adobe Analytics documentation on how to set up your marketing channel on their platform. Make sure to select the following fields under the identifying rules:
- "The conversion variable value set by Adobe's web beacon": Select AppsFlyer and Exists.
- "Identify the channel as": Select Mobile App Attribution.
- "Set the channel's value to:" Select AppsFlyer Campaign.
Domain and security details
Set out below are the details of the domain and security issues:
- ANALYTIC_SERVER_DOMAIN can be found as the server variable in your App’s Config file. You can select any domain for attribution analytics. In general, standard domains for the Adobe Analytics collections service such as are used. This can be found under the analytics (server) settings in their ADBMobile.config file.
- The protocol (HTTP/HTTPS) of the URL depends on whether the ANALYTIC Server Domain is secure or not. It is important that you use the correct protocol. To find out if the setting is secure, check whether the analytics (SSL) setting is set to true in the ADBMobile.config file. If your connection is secure use HTTPS, if it is not secure use HTTP.
- REPORT SUITE ID can be found as the rsids variable in your Apps’ Config file. You can give any name to your report suite.
- The ts={timestamp} is only used if your offlineEnabled configuration is true in your Config file. Remove this parameter from the URL if the offlineEnabled is set to False or if your report suite is not Time Stamp enabled.