Audiences—partner connections


At a glance:  Connect Audiences to your media partners.

About partner connections

A partner connection enables you to easily and continuously send your audiences to partners so you can serve your tailored campaigns. Below is a list of Audiences partners, connection requirements, and the user identifiers supported by each.

To connect to a partner, identify them in the table below and follow these steps:

  • If the table contains a link to specific partner instructions, click on the link, and proceed using the provided instructions.
  • If the table contains the list of credentials required:
    1. Obtain the credentials from the partner.
    2. Follow the instructions for creating a new partner connection in Audiences.
Partner   Connection requirements Supported identifiers
Aarki API key
  • IDFA
  • GAID
  • IMEI
  • OAID
  • IDFV
  • CUID
  • Email (hashed)
  • Phone (hashed)
  • Braze external user ID
AdAction Brazil API key
  • IDFA
  • GAID
AdPacker API key 
  • IDFA (hashed)
  • GAID (hashed)
AdPiece API key 
  • IDFA (hashed)
  • GAID (hashed)
Adikteev API username, API password, Company ID 
  • IDFA
  • GAID
Adjoe API key 
  • IDFA (hashed)
  • GAID (hashed)
Admile API key
  • IDFA (hashed)
  • GAID (hashed)
Adobe Audience Manager

Note: Creating new Connections to Adobe is not currently possible. 

Connection instructions for Adobe Audience Manager

  • IDFA
  • GAID
AdTiming API key 
  • IDFA (hashed)
  • GAID (hashed)
Advolt Advolt.jpg API key 
  • IDFA (hashed)
  • GAID (hashed)
Affle API key 
  • IDFA
  • GAID
Amazon S3 Connection instructions for Amazon S3
  • IDFA
  • GAID
  • IMEI
  • OAID
  • IDFV
  • CUID
  • Email (hashed)
  • Phone (hashed)
Appier API key
  • IDFA (hashed)
  • GAID (hashed)
Appluton API key
  • IDFA (hashed)
  • GAID (hashed)
Appnext API key
  • IDFA
  • GAID
Appreciate Buyer ID, API key 
  • IDFA
  • GAID
Arrivemoovit   API key
  • IDFA (hashed)
  • GAID (hashed)
Autumnant API key
  • IDFA
  • GAID
Backinapp Email address, Password
  • IDFA
  • GAID
Beintoo API key 
  • IDFA
  • GAID
Betop API key
  • IDFA (hashed)
  • GAID (hashed)
Bidease API key
  • IDFA
  • GAID
Bigabid API key
  • IDFA
  • GAID
Bigo Ads Log in to Bigo Ads to authenticate
  • IDFA (hashed)
  • GAID (hashed)
Braze Braze logo Nov 2023.jpg Connection instructions for Braze
  • Braze external user ID
Cecom API key
  • IDFA (hashed)
  • GAID (hashed)
Chartboost API key
  • IDFA (hashed)
  • GAID (hashed)
Collectcent API key
  • IDFA (hashed)
  • GAID (hashed)
  • IDFA (hashed)
  • GAID (hashed)
Criteo Connection instructions for Criteo
  • IDFA
  • GAID
  • Email (hashed)
CrossTarget API key
  • IDFA
  • GAID
Dataseat API key
  • IDFA
  • GAID
DemandScale API key
  • IDFA (hashed)
  • GAID (hashed)
Downstream API key
  • IDFA
  • GAID
Edge226 API key
  • IDFA
  • GAID
Facebook Connection instructions for Facebook
  • IDFA (hashed)
  • GAID (hashed)
  • Email (hashed)
  • Phone (hashed)
Filexmedia API key
  • IDFA (hashed)
  • GAID (hashed)
Gamelight API key
  • IDFA (hashed)
  • GAID (hashed)
GetLoyal API key
  • IDFA
  • GAID
Glance Screen_Shot_2022-08-02_at_10.26.22.png API key
  • IDFA (hashed)
  • GAID (hashed)

Google Ads


**Check with your CSM or to determine if your account is eligible for Google Ads integration with Audiences.

Connection instructions for Google Ads
  • IDFA
  • GAID
Growone   API key
  • IDFA (hashed)
  • GAID (hashed)
Hippoad API key
  • IDFA (hashed)
  • GAID (hashed)
Httpool Connection instructions for Httpool
  • IDFA
  • GAID
Hybrid API key
  • IDFA
  • GAID
iCubesWire API key
  • IDFA (hashed)
  • GAID (hashed)
Indus App Bazaar (Samsung Galaxy Store) API key
  • IDFA
  • GAID
InMobi Property ID 
  • IDFA
  • GAID
Insider API key
  • IDFA
  • GAID
ironSource ironSource user ID, API key
  • IDFA
  • GAID
Jampp Client ID, Client secret, App ID 
  • IDFA
  • GAID
Join Ship Tech Limited API key 
  • IDFA (hashed)
  • GAID (hashed)
Kaden API key 
  • IDFA
  • GAID
Kayzen API key 
  • IDFA (hashed)
  • GAID (hashed)
Kwai for business Kwai_for_business_2.jpg API key
  • IDFA (hashed)
  • GAID (hashed)
Leanplum Connection instructions for Leanplum
  • CUID
learnshapwm   API key 
  • IDFA (hashed)
  • GAID (hashed)
Lemmonet API key 
  • IDFA
  • GAID
LessMobi   API key
  • IDFA (hashed)
  • GAID (hashed)
Lifestreet API key 
  • IDFA
  • GAID
Liftoff API key
  • IDFA
  • GAID
(acquired by Criteo)
manage_logo.png API key 
  • IDFA
  • GAID
MediaSmart Organization ID
  • IDFA
  • GAID
Mediasurfer API key
  • IDFA (hashed)
  • GAID (hashed)
MinoAds API key
  • IDFA (hashed)
  • GAID (hashed)
m_insights_blue.png Access key ID, Secret access key, path
  • IDFA
  • GAID
Mintegral API key, App ID 
  • IDFA
  • GAID
Mobavenue API key
  • IDFA (hashed)
  • GAID (hashed)
Mobisummer (Tec-Do) API key
  • IDFA (hashed)
  • GAID (hashed)
Moboost API key
  • IDFA (hashed)
  • GAID (hashed)
Mobusi API key 
  • IDFA
  • GAID
Mobvista Advertiser ID, API key
  • IDFA
  • GAID
MobWonder API key
  • IDFA (hashed)
  • GAID (hashed)
MobYoung API key
  • IDFA
  • GAID
MoEngage moengage_logo.png Connection instructions for MoEngage
  • CUID

API key

Note: This is a dedicated API Key for the AppsFlyer Audiences integration. Get it from your Moloco representative.

  • IDFA (hashed)
  • GAID (hashed)
MoPub Acquire API key
  • IDFA
  • GAID
myTarget Connection instructions for MyTarget
  • IDFA
  • GAID
Olimob API key
  • IDFA (hashed)
  • GAID (hashed)
Opera Mobile API key
  • IDFA (hashed)
  • GAID (hashed)
Oracle oracle.png Connection instructions for Oracle
  • IDFA
  • GAID
Paytunes API key 
  • IDFA (hashed)
  • GAID (hashed)
Personaly API key 
  • IDFA
  • GAID
Petal Ads Phone/email/login ID, password, Huawei ad account
  • GAID
  • OAID
PushSpring Connection instructions for PushSpring
  • IDFA
  • GAID
Remerge Access key ID, Secret access key, Path
  • IDFA
  • GAID
RevX API key 
  • IDFA
  • GAID
RTBHouse API key 
  • IDFA
  • GAID
SFTP sftp.png Connection instructions for SFTP
  • IDFA
  • GAID
  • IMEI
  • OAID
  • IDFV
  • CUID
  • Email (hashed)
  • Phone (hashed)
  • IDFA
  • GAID
Shenzhen Fumao Technology Co. (Szfumaokeji)   API key
  • IDFA (hashed)
  • GAID (hashed)
Singumedia API key
  • IDFA (hashed)
  • GAID (hashed)
Slack Connection instructions for Slack
  • IDFA
  • GAID
  • IMEI
  • OAID
  • IDFV
  • CUID
  • Email (hashed)
  • Phone (hashed)
Smadex Smadex login 
  • IDFA
  • GAID
Snapchat Connection instructions for Snapchat
  • IDFA (hashed)
  • GAID (hashed)
  • Email (hashed)
  • Phone (hashed)
Spotad API key
  • IDFA
  • GAID
StackAdapt API key
  • IDFA (hashed)
  • GAID (hashed)
StartApp API token
  • IDFA
  • GAID
Superads API key
  • IDFA
  • GAID
Taboola Log in to Taboola to authenticate
  • IDFA
  • GAID
Tapjoy Connection instructions for Tapjoy 
  • IDFA
  • GAID
TaurusX API key
  • IDFA (hashed)
  • GAID (hashed)
Tencent Log in to Tencent to authenticate
  • IDFA (hashed)
  • IMEI (hashed)
  • OAID (hashed)
  • Phone (hashed)
TheTradeDesk Advertiser ID, Secret key 
  • IDFA
  • GAID
TikTok For Business (Bytedance) Connection instructions for TikTok For Business
  • IDFA (hashed)
  • GAID (hashed)
  • IMEI (hashed)
  • OAID (hashed)
Toponad API key
  • IDFA (hashed)
  • GAID (hashed)
Truecaller API key
  • IDFA
  • GAID
Unicorn DSP Unicorndsp.jpg API key
  • IDFA (hashed)
  • GAID (hashed)
Upsflyer API key
  • IDFA (hashed)
  • GAID (hashed)
Vidma recorder API key
  • IDFA (hashed)
  • GAID (hashed)
Vivo API key
  • IDFA (hashed)
  • GAID (hashed)
Vizury API key
  • IDFA
  • GAID
Vserv Vserv.jpg API key
  • IDFA (hashed)
  • GAID (hashed)
Wider Planet API key
  • IDFA
  • GAID
WingsApps API key
  • IDFA
  • GAID
Xapads API key
  • IDFA (hashed)
  • GAID (hashed)
Xysea API key
  • IDFA (hashed)
  • GAID (hashed)
Yahoo! Gemini Yahoo login 
  • IDFA
  • GAID
  • Email (hashed)
Yeahmobi API key 
  • IDFA
  • GAID
YouAppi API key
  • IDFA
  • GAID
Zoomd DSP API key
  • IDFA
  • GAID

We love working with new Audiences partners!

If the partner you're looking for doesn't appear in the list above, feel free to contact your CSM. They will be happy to check with the partner to see what options are available.

Adobe Audience Manager (AAM)

AppsFlyer creates and syncs Traits with your selected Data Source in AAM.

To connect an audience to AAM:

  1. Log in to the Adobe Marketing Cloud dashboard
  2. Go to Manage Data > Data Sources.

  3. On the Data Sources page, create a new Data Source.

  4. Complete the form as follows:

    • Set ID Type to Device Advertising ID.

    • In the inbound data source settings, enable Customer ID.

  5. Click Save.
    The Data Sources selection displays.
  6. Record the Data Source ID for later use.
  7. In the left-hand menu, go to Administration > Groups.
  8. Go to the Permissions tab.

  9. Create a new group.
  10. Select the Data Source you created.
  11. Click Save Object.
  12. Go to Admin > Users.

  13. Create a new user for use by AppsFlyer Audiences and complete the mandatory fields as needed.

  14. In Assigned Groups, select the group you previously created.
  15. Record the Email and Password of the user created.
  16. Click Save.
  17. In AppsFlyer, go to Audiences.

  18. Select a specific audience > Connect tab.

  19. Click + New connection.
  20. Enter a connection name.
  21. Select Adobe Marketing Cloud.
    The Connect to Adobe Marketing Cloud window displays.

  22. Complete the fields using the credentials previously recorded.
  23. Click Save.
    Audience data is available in AAM, under AnalyticsOnboarding Status after 24 hours.

Amazon S3

Creating an S3 integration allows AppsFlyer to send the audience device IDs directly to your S3 bucket. The file sent to S3 has the following characteristics:

  • Filename: Audience name and date. For example, my_audience_2020-06-23.csv
  • Content: Single column, with no header, containing device IDs
  • An additional file is written each day. Existing files aren't deleted
  • If split audiences are sent, a single ZIP file is written, it contains a separate file for each partner (split) 

To connect an audience to Amazon S3:

  1. In AppsFlyer, go to Audiences, and select an audience.
  2. Click the Connect tab.
  3. Click + New connection.

  4. Enter a Connection name.
  5. Select Amazon S3.
    The Add connection window opens.


  6. Enter the Cross-account role ARN, Bucket name, and Region name.
    Note: It's recommended to always enter the Region name. If the Region name is not automatically enabled by default on AWS, it must be entered here or the connection can't be created. To find the region on the AWS console home page, click the country dropdown on the upper right of the page, and the regions will display. region_name.jpg
  7. Record the Account ID and External ID for later use.
  8. In the AWS console, go to IAM > Policies.
  9. Click Create Policy.
  10. Click JSON.
  11. Paste the following policy snippet into the JSON window.
    							"Version": "2012-10-17",
    							"Statement": [
    							"Effect": "Allow",
    							"Action": "s3:*",
    							"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::BUCKET-NAME/*"
  12. Replace BUCKET-NAME with the name of the bucket to which you want AppsFlyer to upload your audience.


    The policy must contain only the root bucket and not additional directories in the path. For example, the resource arn:aws:s3:::BUCKET-NAME/Directory/* is not supported. If you need the files to be transferred to a specific directory, see step 14.

    The actions PutObject, DeleteObject and ListBucket are mandatory for AppsFlyer to perform the necessary actions on your bucket.

  13. Click Review policy.
  14. Enter a policy Name.
  15. Click Create policy.
  16. In your AWS console, go to Access management > Roles

  17. Click Create role.
  18. Select Another AWS account to provide cross-account access between your AWS account and the AppsFlyer AWS account.

  19. Enter Account ID. This is the Account ID that you already copied from the AppsFlyer dashboard. 
  20. Select Require external ID. This is the external ID that you already copied from the AppsFlyer dashboard.

  21. When prompted to select a policy from the existing policies in your AWS account, choose the policy previously created.
  22. Click the name of the newly created role to open its properties window.

  23. Record the Role ARN.

  24. In the AppsFlyer S3 integration window, enter the ARN and bucket name in the appropriate fields

    If you want to transfer the files into a specific folder within a bucket, provide the bucket name with the subsequent folders inside it, separated by "/" for example (bucketname/foldername/foldername).

    If you provide a folder name that does not already exist, AppsFlyer creates it during the upload process.

  25. Click Add connection.
    Once the integration process is complete and an audience is uploaded, a CSV with the device IDs will be available in the bucket.



Ensure that both the Braze and AppsFlyer SDKs are integrated into your app.

To create an outgoing connection to Braze, the AppsFlyer SDK in your apps must be configured to pass each user's Braze External ID to AppsFlyer. You can do this using either:

  • Braze External ID parameter
  • CUID field


To upload audiences to Braze, use the setPartnerData function of the AppsFlyer SDK to pass each user's Braze External ID to AppsFlyer. Usage examples follow:

Map<String, Object> brazeData = new HashMap<>();
partnerData.put("external_user_id", "some-braze-external-id-value");
AppsFlyerLib.getInstance().setPartnerData("braze_int", brazeData);


There is no need to configure a dedicated parameter for the Braze External ID if:

  • You have configured the SDK to send AppsFlyer a CUID for each user
  • The CUID has the same value as the Braze External ID


To create a partner connection to Braze:

  1. In your Braze account, navigate to Integrations > Technology Partners, and select AppsFlyer.
  2. From the Data Import Using Cohort Import section, click Generate New Key to generate your Data Import Key.
    • Note: If a key already appears here, no need to generate a new one.
    • Important! Be sure that you working in the Data Import Using Cohort Import section of the page (not the install attribution section).


  3. Copy the Data Import Key and the REST Endpoint to use when configuring the connection in the AppsFlyer dashboard.
  4. In AppsFlyer Audiences, go to the Connections tab and click + New connction.
  5. Select Braze as the partner and give the connection a name.
  6. Enter the Data Import Key and the REST Endpoint you copied from your Braze account in step 3.



  7. Save the connection and it will be available to link to any new or existing audience.
  8. Once an AppsFlyer audience has been uploaded to Braze, you can use it as a filter when defining segments in Braze.



To connect Audiences to Criteo:

  1. In the Criteo dashboard, create an API User.

  2. Record the API User Client ID and Secret.
  3. In AppsFlyer, go to Audiences > Connections.
  4. Click + New connection.
  5. Enter a Connection name.
  6. Select Criteo.

    In the appropriate fields, enter the previously recorded API User Client ID and Client Secret, along with your Advertiser ID.

  7. Click Save.

Note: If adding a connection is impossible because the relevant app is grayed out with the message “Already granted”, go to, revoke the connection and try again.



Your role in Facebook Business Manager must be either Admin or Advertiser including the campaign management ability. 

To connect Audiences to Facebook:

  1. Create an Ad Account on Facebook
  2. In AppsFlyer, go to Audiences > Connections.
  3. Click + New connection.
  4. Enter a Connection name.
  5. Select Facebook.
  6. Click Log in to Facebook and log in as an admin or advertiser.
  7. Select the required Ad Account.
    The Facebook permissions page opens.
  8. Follow the instructions in the Facebook user interface. 
  9. If you edit the settings, you must Enable Manage your ads. This is the default setting.
  10. To close the Facebook user interface, click Done.
  11. Click Save.
    Once the integration process is complete and an audience is uploaded, it's available in your Facebook Custom Audiences dashboard.

Note: If you receive an error that prevents you from creating ads from the advertising account, please make sure you’ve accepted the Meta Custom Audience Terms Of Service.

Google Ads

To enable AppsFlyer to send Audiences to Google Ads the following actions must be completed. Note! We only send data to Google after all the steps are complete. 


  • After completing the procedure we are able to connect and upload the audience to Google Ads. It takes 6-12 hours for Google Ads to display the populated list. 
  • Google Customer Match:
    • Supports: Universal App Campaigns for Engagement (UACe)
    • Doesn't support:  Universal App Campaigns (UAC)
Action # Description Performed by 
  • Connect audiences to your Google Ads account.
  • Prerequisite: Google Ads sign-in credentials.
Account user or Admin
2 Sign (approve) the AppsFlyer Google Customer Match terms in the Audiences page in the AppsFlyer platform AppsFlyerAdmin_us-en.png

Reach out to Google Ads, request that they enable your Google Ads account to use Customer Match. 

Account user 

To connect an audience to Google Ads:

  1. In AppsFlyer, go to Audiences, select an audience.
  2. Go to the Connect tab. 
  3. Click + Partner connection.
  4. Enter a connection name.
  5. Select Google Ads. If the Google Ads icon does not display, reach out to your CSM or and request that they enable your Audiences to use Google Adwords. 
  6. Click Sign in to Google Ads.
    The Sign in with Google window opens.
  7. Complete the Google sign-in and confirm your choices in Google Ads. 
    The window closes. 
  8. In the AppsFlyer platform, select an account. 
  9. Click Terms of service.
    The terms of service display.
  10. If you are an admin: If you agree to the terms, click I accept.
  11. If you are not an admin: 
    1. Click Proceed and review later.
    2. Ask an admin to login to accept the terms. Use the procedure that follows to do so. 
  12. Click Save.
    The Google Ads account is connected. Ensure that you complete all the actions in the preceding checklist to enable the connection. 

To accept the terms and enable the connection, an admin performs the following procedure:

  1. In AppsFlyer, go to Audiences.
  2. Go to Connections tab. 
    The list of Audiences partners displays. 
  3. In the Google Ads section, select a connection name. 


  4. Click Terms of service.
  5. Review the terms, and if you agree to the terms, click I accept.
  6. Click Save changes. 


To connect Audiences to Httpool:

  1. In AppsFlyer, go to Audiences > Connections tab.
  2. Click + New connection.
  3. Enter a Connection name.
  4. Select Httpool.
  5. Click Log in to Httpool.
    A new timestamp displays.
  6. Click Save.



To successfully upload audiences to Leanplum:

To create a partner connection to Leanplum:

  1. In your Leanplum account, navigate to Partner Integrations > AppsFlyer. Under Audiences, generate a new Secret.


  2. Choose whether profiles should be created in Leanplum for Non-existing users.
    • Non-existing user = a user whose user ID as sent by AppsFlyer Audiences doesn't exist in Leanplum
  3. Copy the App ID and the newly generated Secret to use when configuring the connection in the AppsFlyer dashboard.
  4. In AppsFlyer Audiences, go to the Connections tab and click + New connection.
  5. Select Leanplum as the partner and give the connection a name.
  6. Enter the App ID and the Secret you copied from your Leanplum account in step 3.


  7. Save the connection and it will be available to link to any new or existing audience.

Within up to 30 minutes, the audience and the users in it will be populated in your Audiences dashboard in Leanplum.

  • Audiences synced to Leanplum from AppsFlyer will display the prefix "APPSFLYER:" in the Leanplum dashboard.



To successfully upload audiences to MoEngage:

To create a partner connection to MoEngage:

  1. Login to your MoEngage dashboard and navigate to Settings > APIs > General Settings.
  2. From the Data API Settings section, copy these keys to use when configuring the connection in AppsFlyer Audiences:
    • Data API ID (A.png in the image below)
    • Data API Key (B.png in the image below)


  3. In the address bar of your web browser, check the URL of your MoEngage dashboard to obtain the number of your MoEngage Data Center:
    • If the URL of your MoEngage dashboard is, your account is assigned to Data Center 1.
    • If the URL is, your account is assigned to Data Center 2.
    • If the URL is, your account is assigned to Data Center 3.
  4. In AppsFlyer Audiences, go to the Connections tab and click + New connection.
  5. Select MoEngage as the partner and give the connection a name.


  6. Enter the Data API ID and the Data API Key you copied from your MoEngage account in step 2.
  7. Select your MoEngage Data Center as determined in step 3.
  8. Save the connection and it will be available to link to any new or existing audience.

Audiences synced to MoEngage from AppsFlyer will be available as custom segments in your MoEngage dashboard.


To connect Audiences to MyTarget:

  1. In AppsFlyer, go to Audiences > Connections.
  2. Click + New connection.
  3. Enter a Connection name.
  4. Select MyTarget.
  5. Click Log in to MyTarget.
  6. Select an ad account.
  7. Click Save.

Oracle Data Cloud

  1. Create a new Oracle Data Cloud connection, as in the screenshot below:

  2. Copy AppsFlyer’s Seat ID, and request your Oracle Data Cloud account manager to allowlist it for you. This enables AppsFlyer to create categories on your behalf.
  3. Insert your Seat ID and Site ID (you can receive them from your Oracle Data Cloud account manager).
  4. After verifying your Seat ID, a dropdown list displays all of your Parent Categories:

  5. Select the Parent Category under which your sub-categories should be created.
  6. Click Add Connection.


To connect Audiences to to PushSpring:

  1. In AppsFlyer, go to Audiences > Connections tab.
  2. Click + New connection.
  3. Enter a Connection name.
  4. Select PushSpring.
  5. Click Log in to PushSpring.
    A new timestamp displays.
  6. Click Save.
    Once the integration process is complete and an audience is uploaded, it appears in your PushSpring Imported Audiences dashboard.


To connect Audiences to to SFTP:

  1. In SFTP, create access credentials which include Server IP, Username, and Password.
  2. In AppsFlyer, go to Audiences > Connections tab.
  3. Click + New connection. Enter a Connection name.
  4. Select SFTP.
  5. Enter the SFTP credentials.
  6. If you want the files to be transferred to a specific folder path in the server, enter the path with “/” delimiters (for example, “appsflyer/audiences”).


    Each file will be added to a folder named after the Audience name itself. The file name will contain the audience name and relevant date (eg. “appsflyer/audiences/MyAudience/MyAudience_2017-10-02”).

    If you leave this blank, the files will be added to the root folder of your SFTP server.

  7. If you want the files to be compressed with GZIP, enable the GZIP files option.
  8. Click Save.


AppsFlyer uploads a CSV file of Device IDs to your public Slack channel.

To connect Audiences to to Slack:

  1. In AppsFlyer, go to Audiences > Connections tab.
  2. Click + New connection
  3. Enter a Connection name.
  4. Select Slack.
  5. Click Add to Slack.
  6. On the Slack authentication screen, select your relevant Slack Team.
  7. Select a public Channel.
  8. Click Save.
    Once the integration process is complete, and an audience has been uploaded, a CSV file with the Device IDs appears in the selected Slack channel. 


To connect Audiences to to Snapchat

  1. In AppsFlyer, go to Audiences > Connections tab.
  2. Click + New connection
  3. Enter a Connection name.
  4. Select Snapchat.
  5. Click Log in to Snapchat.
  6. Select your Organization and Ad account.
  7. Click Save.
    The audience will appear in the Snapchat dashboard 24 hours after upload. 


Snapchat deducts unfamiliar Device IDs, which potentially results in smaller audience sizes.


To connect an audience to Tapjoy:

  1. Get your Partner ID from your Tapjoy Account Manager.
  2. Get your Publisher Reporting API Key from the Tapjoy App Settings page.

  3. In AppsFlyer, go to Audiences. Select an audience, and go to the Connect tab.
  4. Click + Partner connection
  5. Enter a Connection name.
  6. Select Tapjoy.

    Enter the Tapjoy Partner ID and Publisher Reporting API Key.

  7. Select a Tapjoy list type: 
    • Retarget
    • Denylist
    • App suppression
  8. Enter the Tapjoy app ID and Tapjoy offer ID as needed. 
  9. Click Save.

TikTok for Business


To connect Audiences to TikTok:

  1. Get the TikTok for Business login credentials from your TikTok account manager.
  2. In AppsFlyer, go to Audiences > Connections tab.
  3. Click + New connection.
  4. Enter a Connection name.
  5. Select TikTok.
  6. Click Log in to TikTok for Business.
    The TikTok for Business for developers window opens.
  7. In TikTok for Business, select an authorized account.
  8. Click Agree to Authorize. 
    After a few seconds, the AppsFlyer Audiences window displays.
  9. Click Save.