Integrated partners—FAQ

At a glance: FAQs and integration troubleshooting for integrated partners.

Account and dashboard

I want to become an integrated partner

An advertiser should invite you to be onboarded with us.

Share this invitation procedure with the advertiser. After the advertiser invites you, you will receive an email with a form to fill out.
Once the form is filled out, we will let you know the next steps.

Important: Use an email that has never been used before to create an account in AppsFlyer. Make sure the advertiser uses the same email in the invitation.

How can I update my integration?

Take a look at the required update here and follow the instructions provided.

If your update isn't listed, contact AppsFlyer using the partner assistant widget, include your integration PID, and describe your request.

How do I change the login email of the account?

I can't add an app to the dashboard

If you can't add an app to the App search screen, make sure that:

  • The advertiser has added the app to their dashboard
  • The advertiser has activated the app integration with your network

I don't see the app on my dashboard

Reason Solution
The Advertiser didn't grant relevant permissions to your Ad Network. Contact the Advertiser, and ask them to enable Ad Network Permissions using these instructions.

The integration with the app isn't active in the dashboard when it definitely should be active

Reason Solution
The integration was activated by an agency and not by the advertiser. Ad network setup is visible to ad networks only when the advertiser (app owner) configures it. No further action is required. Once the agency activates the integration, attribution and postbacks work normally.

I'm not receiving password recovery emails

  1. Check your spam folder.
  2. Clear the browser cache or open AppsFlyer in a different browser.
  3. Try to reset your password again (wait at least 20 minutes after the previous request).
  4. If you still don't receive password recovery emails, use the partner assistant widget to check the status of your email.

How do I enable the AppsFlyer Audience integration?

  1. Get approval from the advertiser to implement the Audience integration.
  2. Email the advertiser's CSM (ask the advertiser for the correct email) and contact AppsFlyer Partner Solutions using the partner assistant widget.
  3. Once the request is approved, we will proceed with the integration.

How do I enable Advanced Privacy?

Why can't advertisers find my account?

If your ad network account doesn't show on the Partner Marketplace, it could be due to incomplete integration or because the integration is still under its validation period. For additional details, review the following articles:

For agency accounts seeking further assistance, contact AppsFlyer via the partner assistant widget.

Partner permissions

What are the partner permissions?

An advertiser can grant permission to a partner to configure the integration with that partner.

Partners can test the campaign configuration when they have permission to edit and change the partner integration that the advertiser set up.

The permissions are (depending on the advertiser account):

  • Integration parameter configurations
  • In-app event configuration
  • Retention reports
  • Protect360 dashboard

For more information, visit our guide on Providing permissions to ad networks.

I can't configure the integration with the advertiser

Reason Solution
The advertiser did not grant you permission to configure the integration. Request from the advertiser to make sure that the following permissions are granted to you:
  • Ad network permissions (the main toggle)
  • Configure integration
  • Configuring in-app event postbacks

The advertiser can't grant permissions to ad network team members

Reason Solution
If the Advertiser receives an error message, it's usually because the specified email address wasn't added as a Team Member under your Partner Account.

Check if the contact email is listed as a team member in your account.

Note: Only account admin and team members with relevant admin capabilities can add new team members.

What about agency permissions?

Read here about agency permissions given by a marketer. 

Data - postbacks and reports

How long does it take for results to appear in the dashboard?

Installs appear in the dashboard within two minutes from the moment of an install.

Install and in-app data appears in reports within 15 minutes.

I can't see the event value or revenue in the event postback or on the dashboard

Reason Solution
Revenue macro isn't included in the postback configuration. Use the partner assistant widget to request adding the relevant macro and your receiving parameter.
Revenue data isn't included in the event message shared with AppsFlyer.
  • If you have access to the application setup:
    1. In AppsFlyer, from the side menu, select Collaborate > Active integrations, and click on your logo.
    2. Under Integration tab > In-app event postbacks, find the relevant event in the list of the mapped events.
    3. Check the Send revenue column and see if Values & revenue option is selected.
  • If you don't have access to the application setup, ask the Advertiser to enable Ad Network Permissions 
Advertiser chose not to share the revenue value with the ad network.

More information about sending event data and possible scenarios.

I'm not receiving in-app event postbacks

Reason Solution
In-app event postback isn't configured on the integration level Use the partner assistant widget to request configuring in-app event postback and provide the desired in-app event postback template.
Mapped in-app event isn't triggered or not reported to AppsFlyer Contact the Advertiser and ask them to verify that the event is triggered and the in-app event mapping is configured correctly. 
Advertiser didn't select the in-app events for which postbacks are sent under In-app event settings  
The in-app event happened outside of the in-app event postback window  

Click data is missing in the postback

Reason Solution
Click value is missing from the attribution link. Verify that the click parameter and value are included in the click attribution URL.
There is no correlation between the parameter defined in attribution link VS in the postback. Verify that the click parameters are correctly defined in the click attribution URL and in the postback.
The install/in-app event isn't attributed, and therefore there is no campaign-level or click data.  

There are missing dashboard parameters in the postback

Reason Solution
The advertiser didn't define any value for the dashboard parameters.
  • If you have access to the application setup,
    1. In the AppsFlyer Dashboard, go to Active integrations, and click on your logo.
    2. Under the Integration tab, find the relevant parameter and check its value.
    3. If it's not defined, contact the Advertiser and ask to fill in the value.
  • If you don't have the application setup, ask the Advertiser to enable Ad Network Permissions 

Server-to-Server event data from the advertiser is missing or incorrect

Reason Solution
The Advertiser didn't correctly configure sending S2S data to AppsFlyer. Contact the advertiser and ask to verify the configuration.

I'm not receiving re-engagement postbacks

Reason Solution
Re-engagement postback is disabled in AppsFlyer backend Use the partner assistant widget and ask to verify that re-engagement postback is enabled in AppsFlyer backend.
Your postback template doesn't have re-engagement identifier flag. Use the partner assistant widget and ask to add the identifier if it's missing.
Retargeting parameter isn't included in a click attribution URL, and therefore re-attribution cannot get recorded in AppsFlyer. Make sure the parameter is_retargeting=true is added to the click attribution URL.

I'm not receiving re-attribution postbacks

Reason Solution
Your postback template doesn't have the re-attribution identifier flag. Use the partner assistant widget and ask to add the re-attribution identifier.
Retargeting parameter isn't included in a click attribution URL, and therefore reattribution cannot get recorded in AppsFlyer. Make sure the parameter is_retargeting=true is added to the click attribution URL.

I'm not receiving correct event identifiers on event postbacks

Reason Solution
Macro (mapped-iae) isn't integrated in the in-app event postback.

Use the partner assistant widget and request to integrate the macro. Include the following information:

  • pid or ad network email
  • receiving parameter of partner event identifier

More on postback macros.

Advertiser or agency didn't configure the partner event identifier correctly or at all.

If the click attribution URL contains af_prt

ask the agency to check if the partner event identifier is correctly configured on their dashboard.

If not,

ask the advertiser to check if the partner event identifier is correctly configured on their dashboard.

I can't see campaign-level data for non-attributed traffic on postbacks

Even if the Advertiser allows sending you postbacks for traffic attributed to all sources, AppsFlyer doesn't share with the partners the campaign-level data attributed to other partners.

I can't export reports

Reason Solution

The larger the specified date range, the larger the generated file. Large files may require more time to download.


Specify a shorter time range for the report.
Too much browser cache can prevent the request from sending out. Clear the browser cache and try again, or export the report from a different browser.

I can't download a report, I get a message that the report quota has exceeded

The number of reports that can be generated per day via Pull API and the data export pages is limited. Ad networks' limitation for both Pull API and the export page is:

  • 12 calls for in-app reports
  • 24 calls for non-in-app reports

Ad networks' quota is counted separately from advertiser/agency quotas and doesn't decrease them. For more information, check Rate limitations guide.

Test installs don't appear in the dashboard 

If you run test installs with a client but don't see any installs on your Appsflyer dashboard:

  1. Make sure the advertiser allowlisted the devices you are using for testing.
  2. If you run campaigns using S2S probabilistic modeling, ensure that your integration is validated by AppsFlyer. Contact your PDM.

Install postbacks aren't sent to my servers

If you believe that postbacks aren't sent to your servers:

  • Make sure that the postback endpoint is active
  • Make sure that the postback endpoint is the correct one - contact your PDM if it isn't the correct endpoint

In-app event postbacks aren't sent to my servers

In-app event postbacks must be enabled in your configuration with the advertiser:

  • Ask the advertiser to enable in-app event postbacks.
  • If the advertiser grants you permissions for in-app events configuration, make sure to enable In-app event postbacks in the Integration tab.
  • The names of SDK Events must be mapped to the names of events as configured in your own system. allow-to-configure-in-app-events-postbacks.png

I can't see the in-app events postback setup of agencies

Ad networks get visibility to their setup done by advertisers, but not when it's done by agencies. Therefore, when an agency maps in-app events for postbacks to a network, although it's active for the agency, the ad network sees this section as inactive.


Yuval is the marketer of the com.fused app, which is a client app of the Sonnet ad network. Yuval maps the af_purchase event to be sent as a postback to Sonnet when an attributed user to Sonnet performs a purchase.
Sava, an agency permitted to work with com.fused, also configures Sonnet and maps the af_completeregistration event to be sent as postback.

When Sonnet logs into the dashboard of com.fused, they see only the af_purchase event mapped with them, but not the af_completeregistration event. However, when users attributed to Sava perform registrations, the af_completeregistration event is sent to Sonnet.

Click data is missing

If click data is missing from postbacks, make sure that the AppsFlyer link has all the data you want to return to you in the postbacks. See our attribution link guide for more information.

If the advertiser configured the ad network to receive all postbacks, postbacks for events not attributed to the ad network don't contain click data.

Revenue data is missing

If revenue data is missing or appears as N/A in the advertiser postbacks, there could be two possible reasons:

  • The advertiser has decided not to share revenue data.
  • The advertiser has defined the in-app event incorrectly.

I see installs in AppsFlyer, but not on my internal servers

You need to place the AppsFlyer attribution link as the redirect URL on your servers. Then you need to use your server's own attribution link to run a full test.

Make sure to map the parameters of your network's attribution link to AppsFlyer's attribution link.

Dashboard data is missing

If your network requires credentials or keys for integration and the advertiser doesn't provide them, postbacks from AppsFlyer are rejected by your servers. Data can't be posted to your server and is therefore missing.

In this case, you'll see data in the dashboard but not in your servers. The advertiser should add any credentials, keys, or tokens in the General Settings section of the Integration tab.

Verify that the advertiser provided the necessary credentials or keys when configuring the integration with your ad network.

Data from the advertiser is missing or incorrect

If you test integration with an advertiser and no data (installs, in-app events) is available, follow the suggestions below:

  • If the issue happens with any advertiser, contact your PDM
  • If the issue happens with only one advertiser or a few advertisers:
    • verify with the advertiser that they implemented the AppsFlyer SDK in their app
    • verify with the advertiser that the SDK implementation is correct

There is a discrepancy on click data between AppsFlyer and our platform

If the clicks are shown in the AppsFlyer dashboard, they are definitely recorded by AppsFlyer. The discrepancy in the numbers between AppsFlyer data and partner data can happen for several reasons:

Problem Solution
The partner platform isn't recording the clicks correctly. Investigate the implementation on your side and make the necessary fixes.
Click capping Check the P360 dashboard (your client should give you access first):
  • You can see the blocked clicks in the main Fraud Breakdown table, under Blocked and Capped clicks.
  • Check Partner account admin email for notifications about click capping.
A single IP can be sending multiple clicks from your servers Check your implementation for this issue and make necessary fixes.
A malicious entity is sending clicks on your behalf with your PID in the attribution URL. Implement click signing.
Click deduplication: 
When a user clicks an ad multiple times, in AppsFlyer each click is recorded. If the partner platform deduplicates multiple clicks, there will be a discrepancy.
Check if the partner platform uses a deduplication mechanism.

My agency account doesn't show SKAN data

Confirm that your campaign name is correct. To view your campaigns in the Agency SKAdNetwork dashboard, campaign names configured with the SKAdNetwork should include your agency identifier, and should be structured as follows:

your af_prt + underscore (_) + your actual campaign name that follows your agency’s naming convention.

For example, if your af_prt is greatagency, your campaign name may look like this: greatagency_StreamKarxxxxxx.

More information on SKAN campaigns.


How can I investigate fraud from AppsFlyer dashboard?

You can check blocked data only if the advertiser gives you access to Protect360 and Raw Data reports.

  1. Once the advertiser gives you the P360 access, you can download the blocked install/in-app events reports from the Export Data page of the dashboard. More about report types.
  2. In Raw Data reports you can:
    • check the blocking reasons/sub-reasons
    • filter down by Site to see which SiteIDs deliver high numbers of fraud results

You can further investigate this with the publishers that deliver fraudulent traffic and make educated decisions about working with such publishers.

Learn more about fraud.

Why do clicks and impressions get capped?

Sometimes the engagements are blocked under click/impressions capping if they exceed our defined thresholds. Read more about capping.

You can check capped data in Protect360 dashboard in the main Fraud Breakdown table (you need the advertiser to give you the access).

Under Clicks and Impressions in the table you can see the following data:

  • Total: the total amount of clicks or impressions respectively (both fraud and legitimate)
  • Blocked: the number of blocked clicks/impressions — including capped
  • Capped: the number of blocked clicks/impressions — due to capping

The notification of the click capping is also sent to the admin email address of the account.

Why did a test install go to fraud?

If the majority of the installs coming from your network are marked as fraud, then any new test install can get marked as such.

For correct testing, follow the process as described here.

You should also consider stopping engaging with the publishers that drive the majority of fraud.

Can the wrong implementation of the SiteID parameter lead to Click Flooding?

Various criteria are evaluated to decide whether certain traffic should be blocked as click flooding

Although this isn't the only reason for click flooding, sometimes incorrect implementation of the SiteID parameter can lead to blocking as click flooding. Read more about SiteID and make sure that it's correctly implemented.