In-app events—Event structure

At a glance: View the list of predefined event names and event parameters to record post-install in-app events (such as login, register, or in-app purchase). 


In-app events that you want to send require your developer to implement code where applicable in your app. This article describes the predefined event names and predefined event parameters.

To help you determine what events and parameters to record, see our articles that include examples and flows according to business verticals. 

Predefined event names

The following section provides a list of the predefined event names and the event mapping used for Meta ads, Google Ads, TikTok, Snap, X Ads, and Criteo.

Each event name also includes the typical predefined event parameters associated with that event. You can choose to include any event parameters that meet your business needs.

Achievement unlocked (af_achievement_unlocked)

Description: Used to record achievement unlocking events

Event mapping:

AppsFlyer Meta ads Google Ads TikTok Snap X Ads Amazon Ads Criteo
af_achievement_unlocked fb_mobile_achievement_unlocked unlock_achievement UnlockAchievement ACHIEVEMENT_UNLOCKED ACHIEVEMENT_UNLOCKED - achievement

Typical parameter:

Click the link to view the mapping to SRNs.

Ad click (af_ad_click)

Description: Used to record ad clicks on ads displayed in the app

Event mapping:

AppsFlyer Meta ads Google Ads TikTok Snap X Ads Amazon Ads Criteo
af_ad_click AdClick - InAppADClick AD_CLICK - - -

Typical parameters:

Click the links to view the mapping to SRNs.

Ad view (af_ad_view)

Description: Used to record ad views of ads displayed in the app

Event mapping:

AppsFlyer Meta ads Google Ads TikTok Snap X Ads Amazon Ads Criteo
af_ad_view AdImpression - InAppADImpr AD_VIEW - - -

Typical parameters:

Click the links to view the mapping to SRNs.

Add payment info (af_add_payment_info)

Description: Used to record payment info configuration status

Appears in these verticals: Ride-hailing, Flight booking

Event mapping:

AppsFlyer Meta ads Google Ads TikTok Snap X Ads Amazon Ads Criteo
af_add_payment_info fb_mobile_add_payment_info add_payment_info AddPaymentInfo ADD_BILLING ADDED_PAYMENT_INFO - ADD_BILLING

Typical parameter:

Click the link to view the mapping to SRNs.

Add to cart (af_add_to_cart)

Description: Used to record add to cart events of specific items. To report an event containing multiple items, click here.

Appears in these verticals: eCommerce, Healthcare

Event mapping:

AppsFlyer Meta ads Google Ads TikTok Snap X Ads Amazon Ads Criteo
af_add_to_cart fb_mobile_add_to_cart add_to_cart AddToCart ADD_CART ADD_TO_CART ADD_TO_SHOPPING_CART viewBasket

Typical parameters:

Click the links to view the mapping to SRNs.

Add to wishlist (af_add_to_wishlist)

Description: Used to record add to wishlist events of specific items. To report an event containing multiple items, click here.

Appears in these verticals: eCommerce, Hotel booking

Event mapping:

AppsFlyer Meta ads Google Ads TikTok Snap X Ads Amazon Ads Criteo
af_add_to_wishlist fb_mobile_add_to_wishlist add_to_wishlist AddToWishlist ADD_TO_WISHLIST ADD_TO_WISHLIST - -

Typical parameters:

Click the links to view the mapping to SRNs.

Complete registration (af_complete_registration)

Description: Used to record user registration methods

Appears in these verticals: Gaming, eCommerce, Entertainment, Finance and banking, P2P lending, Online education, Ride-hailing, Hotel booking, Healthcare, Telecommunication

Event mapping:

AppsFlyer Meta ads Google Ads TikTok Snap X Ads Amazon Ads Criteo
af_complete_registration fb_mobile_complete_registration sign_up Registration SIGN_UP SIGN_UP SIGN_UP -

Typical parameter:

Click the link to view the mapping to SRNs.

Content view (af_content_view)

Description: Used to record content view events. To report an event containing multiple items, click here.

Appears in these verticals: eCommerce, Flight booking, Hotel booking

Event mapping:

AppsFlyer Meta ads Google Ads TikTok Snap X Ads Amazon Ads Criteo
af_content_view fb_mobile_content_view view_item ViewContent VIEW_CONTENT CONTENT_VIEW PAGE_VIEW viewProduct

Typical parameters:

Click the parameters that are relevant to your business needs to view the mapping to SRNs.

Initiated checkout (af_initiated_checkout)

Description: Used to record checkout events. To report an event containing multiple items, click here.

Appears in verticals: eCommerce, Hotel booking

Event mapping:

AppsFlyer Meta ads Google Ads TikTok Snap X Ads Amazon Ads Criteo
af_initiated_checkout fb_mobile_initiated_checkout begin_checkout Checkout START_CHECKOUT CHECKOUT_INITIATED CHECKOUT viewBasket

Typical parameters:

Click the parameters that are relevant to your business needs to view the mapping to SRNs.

Invite (af_invite)

Description: Used to record invite (social) events

Appears in these verticals: Gaming

Event mapping:

AppsFlyer Meta ads Google Ads TikTok Snap X Ads Amazon Ads Criteo
af_invite - invite - INVITE INVITE - -

Typical parameter:

Click the link to view the mapping to SRNs.

Level achieved (af_level_achieved)

Description: Used to record game level events

Appears in these verticals: Gaming

Event mapping:

AppsFlyer Meta ads Google Ads TikTok Snap X Ads Amazon Ads Criteo
af_level_achieved fb_mobile_level_achieved level_up AchieveLevel LEVEL_COMPLETE LEVEL_ACHIEVED - userLevel

Typical parameters:

Click the links to view the mapping to SRNs.

List view (af_list_view)

Description: Used to record listings view events

Appears in these verticals: eCommerce

Event mapping:

AppsFlyer Meta ads Google Ads TikTok Snap X Ads Amazon Ads Criteo
af_list_view - view_item_list - LIST_VIEW - - viewListing

Typical parameters:

Click the links to view the mapping to SRNs.

Login (af_login)

Description: Used to record user login events

Appears in these verticals: Gaming, eCommerce, Entertainment, Finance and banking, Online education, Hotel booking, Healthcare, Telecommunication

Event mapping:

AppsFlyer Meta ads Google Ads TikTok Snap X Ads Amazon Ads Criteo
af_login - login Login LOGIN LOGIN - -

Opened from push notification (af_opened_from_push_notification)

Description: Used to record app opens from push notification events

Event mapping:

AppsFlyer Meta ads Google Ads TikTok Snap X Ads Amazon Ads Criteo
af_opened_from_push_notification - notification_open - - - - -

Purchase (af_purchase)

Description: Used to record purchase events (and associate revenue to them). For a list of currency symbols supported by AppsFlyer, click here. To report an event containing multiple items, click here.

Appears in verticals: Gaming, eCommerce, Online education, Healthcare, Telecommunication

Event mapping:

AppsFlyer Meta ads Google Ads TikTok Snap X Ads Amazon Ads Criteo
af_purchase fb_mobile_purchase in_app_purchase Purchase PURCHASE PURCHASE OFF_AMAZON_PURCHASES transactionConfirmation

Typical parameters:

Click the parameters that are relevant to your business needs to view the mapping to SRNs.

Rate (af_rate)

Description: Used to record app/item rating events. To report an event containing multiple items, click here.

Event mapping:

AppsFlyer Meta ads Google Ads TikTok Snap X Ads Amazon Ads Criteo
af_rate fb_mobile_rate submit_rating Rate RATE RATED - -

Typical parameters:

Click the links to view the mapping to SRNs.

Re-engage (af_re_engage)

Description: Used to record user re-engagement events

Event mapping:

AppsFlyer Meta ads Google Ads Snap X Ads Amazon Ads Criteo
af_re_engage - custom_event - RE_ENGAGE - -

Typical parameter:

Click the link to view the mapping to SRNs.

Search (af_search)

Description: Used to record search events

Appears in these verticals: eCommerce, Flight booking, Hotel booking

Event mapping:

AppsFlyer Meta ads Google Ads TikTok Snap X Ads Amazon Ads Criteo
af_search fb_mobile_search view_search_results Search SEARCH SEARCH SEARCH viewSearch

Typical parameters:

Click the parameters that are relevant to your business needs to view the mapping to SRNs.

Share (af_share)

Description: Used to record sharing events

Appears in these verticals: Gaming

Event mapping:

AppsFlyer Meta ads Google Ads TikTok Snap X Ads Amazon Ads Criteo
af_share - share - SHARE SHARE - -

Typical parameter:

Click the link to view the mapping to SRNs.

Spent credits (af_spent_credits)

Description: Used to record credit spend events. To report an event containing multiple items, click here.

Appears in verticals: Ride-hailing

Event mapping:

AppsFlyer Meta ads Google Ads TikTok Snap X Ads Amazon Ads Criteo
af_spent_credits fb_mobile_spent_credits spend_virtual_currency SpendCredits SPENT_CREDITS SPENT_CREDITS - transactionConfirmation

Typical parameters:

Click the links to view the mapping to SRNs.

Start trial (af_start_trial)

Description: Used to record the start of a free trial of a product

Appears in these verticals: Entertainment

Event mapping:

AppsFlyer Meta ads Google Ads TikTok Snap X Ads Amazon Ads Criteo
af_start_trial StartTrial - StartTrial START_TRIAL - - -

Typical parameters:

Click the links to view the mapping to SRNs.


If you are mapping this event to the Meta ads StartTrial event and want to associate revenue, use the af_price parameter instead of the af_revenue parameter. 

Subscription (af_subscribe)

Description: Used to record paid subscription purchases

Appears in these verticals: Entertainment

Event mapping:

AppsFlyer Meta ads Google Ads TikTok Snap X Ads Amazon Ads Criteo
af_subscribe Subscribe - Subscribe SUBSCRIBE - SUBSCRIBE SUBSCRIBE

Typical parameters:

Click the links to view the mapping to SRNs.

Travel booking (af_travel_booking)

Description: Used to record travel booking events (and associate revenue to them). To report an event containing multiple items, click here.

Appears in these verticals: Flight booking, Hotel booking

Event mapping:

AppsFlyer Meta ads Google Ads TikTok Snap X Ads Amazon Ads Criteo
af_travel_booking fb_mobile_purchase ecommerce_purchase Purchase RESERVE PURCHASE -  transactionConfirmation

Typical parameters:

Click the parameters that are relevant to your business needs to view the mapping to SRNs.

Tutorial completion (af_tutorial_completion)

Description: Used to record tutorial completions. To report an event containing multiple items, click here.

Appears in these verticals: Gaming, Online education

Event mapping:

AppsFlyer Meta ads Google Ads TikTok Snap X Ads Amazon Ads Criteo
af_tutorial_completion fb_mobile_tutorial_completion tutorial_complete CompleteTutorial COMPLETE_TUTORIAL TUTORIAL_COMPLETE - -

Typical parameters:

Click the links to view the mapping to SRNs.

Update (af_update)

Description: Used to record update events. To report an event containing multiple items, click here.

Event mapping:

AppsFlyer Meta ads Google Ads Snap X Ads Amazon Ads Criteo
af_update - app_update - UPDATE - -

Typical parameter:

Click the link to view the mapping to SRNs.


In addition to the predefined event names described in this section, Meta ads offers additional events that are sent without attributes.

Predefined event parameters

The following section provides a list of the predefined event parameters. Each event parameter includes the mapping used for Meta ads, Google Ads, Snap, X Ads, and Criteo. You can choose to include any of the event parameters in an event.


You can see the event parameters in the Event Value column in raw data reports (premium feature).


Description: Type of ad (for example, banner or interstitial)

Parameter mapping:

AppsFlyer Meta ads Google Ads Snap X Ads TikTok Criteo
af_adrev_ad_type ad_type - - - - -


Description: City where the ride is booked

Parameter mapping:

AppsFlyer Meta ads Google Ads Snap X Ads TikTok Criteo
af_city fb_city - - - flight_city -


Description: Travel class booked for the flight

Parameter mapping:

AppsFlyer Meta ads Google Ads Snap X Ads TikTok Criteo
af_class fb_travel_class travel_class - - flight_class -


Description: Title of the content (for example, name of a song or the title and episode of a TV show)

Parameter mapping:

AppsFlyer Meta ads Google Ads Snap X Ads TikTok Criteo
af_content fb_content - - - - -


Description: ID of the item

Note: Snapchat predefined events af_content_list and af_content_id share the same event parameter. When both events are recorded simultaneously, only the af_content_list event is sent to Snapchat.

Parameter mapping:

AppsFlyer Meta ads Google Ads Snap X Ads TikTok Criteo
af_content_id fb_content_id item_id item_ids content_id  content_id id


Description: List of content IDs

Note: Snapchat predefined events af_content_list and af_content_id share the same event parameter. When both events are recorded simultaneously, only the af_content_list event is sent to Snapchat.

Parameter mapping:

AppsFlyer Meta ads Google Ads Snap X Ads TikTok Criteo
af_content_list - item_id item_ids - - -


Description: Product category

Parameter mapping:

AppsFlyer Meta ads Google Ads Snap X Ads TikTok Criteo
af_content_type fb_content_type item_category item_category content_type  content_type -


Description: Country where the ride is booked

Parameter mapping:

AppsFlyer Meta ads Google Ads Snap X Ads TikTok Criteo
af_country fb_country - - - flight_country -


Description: Currency code

Parameter mapping:

AppsFlyer Meta ads Google Ads Snap X Ads TikTok Amazon Ads Criteo
af_currency fb_currency currency_code currency price_currency currency currency currency


Description: ID of the customer

Parameter mapping:

AppsFlyer Meta ads Google Ads Snap X Ads TikTok Criteo
af_customer_user_id - customer_user_
- - - cid


Description: Check-in date

Parameter mapping:

AppsFlyer Meta ads Google Ads Snap X Ads TikTok Criteo
af_date_a fb_checkin_date start_date - - checkin_date din


Description: Check-out date

Parameter mapping:

AppsFlyer Meta ads Google Ads Snap X Ads TikTok Criteo
af_date_b fb_checkout_date end_date - - checkout_date dout


Description: Arrival date

Parameter mapping:

AppsFlyer Meta ads Google Ads Snap X Ads TikTok Criteo
af_departing_arrival_date fb_departing_arrival_date - - - - -


Description: Departure date

Parameter mapping:

AppsFlyer Meta ads Google Ads Snap X Ads TikTok Criteo
af_departing_ departure_date fb_departing_ departure_date - - - departing_date -


Description: Short description (string)

Parameter mapping:

AppsFlyer Meta ads Google Ads Snap X Ads TikTok Criteo
af_description fb_description description description description description ui_achievement


Description: First destination

Parameter mapping:

AppsFlyer Meta ads Google Ads Snap X Ads TikTok Criteo
af_destination_a fb_origin_airport origin - - departing_airport -


Description: Second destination

Parameter mapping:

AppsFlyer Meta ads Google Ads Snap X Ads TikTok Criteo
af_destination_b fb_destination_
destination - - destination_airport -


Description: List of destinations that are included in a destination catalog (for example, a list of museums or restaurants that are near a hotel)

Parameter mapping:

AppsFlyer Meta ads Google Ads Snap X Ads TikTok Criteo
af_destination_list fb_destination_ids - - - - -


Description: Hotel score by reviews

Parameter mapping:

AppsFlyer Meta ads Google Ads Snap X Ads TikTok Criteo
af_hotel_score fb_hotel_score - - - - -


Description: Level the user achieved

Parameter mapping:

AppsFlyer Meta ads Google Ads Snap X Ads TikTok Criteo
af_level fb_level level_up level level - ui_level


Description: Upper end of a rating scale (for example, 5 out of 5)

Parameter mapping:

AppsFlyer Meta ads Google Ads Snap X Ads TikTok Criteo
af_max_rating_value fb_max_rating_value max_rating - max_rated_value  - -


Description: Number of adults traveling

Parameter mapping:

AppsFlyer Meta ads Google Ads Snap X Ads TikTok Criteo
af_num_adults fb_num_adults - - - num_people -


Description: Number of children traveling

Parameter mapping:

AppsFlyer Meta ads Google Ads Snap X Ads TikTok Criteo
af_num_children fb_num_children - - - num_children -


Description: Number of infants traveling

Parameter mapping:

AppsFlyer Meta ads Google Ads Snap X Ads TikTok Criteo
af_num_infants fb_num_infants - - - - -


Description: ID of the transaction

Parameter mapping:

AppsFlyer Meta ads Google Ads Snap X Ads TikTok Criteo
af_order_id fb_order_id order_id transaction_id - order_id transaction_id


Description: Whether the user's payment information is available

Parameter mapping:

AppsFlyer Meta ads Google Ads Snap X Ads TikTok Criteo
af_payment_info_available fb_payment_info_ available payment_info_
payment_info_available user_payment_
- -


Description: Area in which the hotel is located

Parameter mapping:

AppsFlyer Meta ads Google Ads Snap X Ads TikTok Criteo
af_preferred_neighborhoods fb_preferred_neighborhoods - - - - -


Description: Number of stops user is looking for (for example, nonstop or direct flight)

Parameter mapping:

AppsFlyer Meta ads Google Ads Snap X Ads TikTok Criteo
af_preferred_num_stops fb_preferred_num_stops - - - - -


Description: Preferred price range of hotel

Parameter mapping:

AppsFlyer Meta ads Google Ads Snap X Ads TikTok Criteo
af_preferred_price_range fb_preferred_price_range - - - - -


Description: Preferred star rating of the hotel

Parameter mapping:

AppsFlyer Meta ads Google Ads Snap X Ads TikTok Criteo
af_preferred_star_ratings fb_preferred_star_ratings - - - - -


Description: Price of the product. You can use af_price as a monetary parameter that is not counted as revenue (such as an Add to cart event). This parameter refers to the individual item price. The total amount of all purchases displays under the af_revenue parameter.

Parameter mapping:

AppsFlyer Meta ads Google Ads Snap X Ads TikTok Criteo
af_price fb_price price price price_micro price price


The estimated revenue an advertiser expects from a user based on their early interactions or behaviors before the actual revenue is realized. Learn more about projected revenue


Description: Currency used for the purchase

Parameter mapping:

AppsFlyer Meta ads Google Ads Snap X Ads TikTok Criteo
af_purchase_currency fb_purchase_currency - - - - -


Description: Number of items

Parameter mapping:

AppsFlyer Meta ads Google Ads Snap X Ads TikTok Criteo
af_quantity fb_num_items quantity number_items number_items quantity quantity


Description: Selected rating value

Parameter mapping:

AppsFlyer Meta ads Google Ads Snap X Ads TikTok Criteo
af_rating_value _valueToSum value - price_micro  - -


Description: ID of the receipt

Parameter mapping:

AppsFlyer Meta ads Google Ads Snap X Ads TikTok Criteo
af_receipt_id - transaction_id - -  - transaction_id


Description: Region where the ride is booked

Parameter mapping:

AppsFlyer Meta ads Google Ads Snap X Ads TikTok Criteo
af_region fb_region - - - flight_region -


Description: Type of signup method

Parameter mapping:

AppsFlyer Meta ads Google Ads Snap X Ads TikTok Criteo
af_registration_method fb_registration_method registration_method sign_up_method registration_method - -


Description: Date and time the return journey finishes

Parameter mapping:

AppsFlyer Meta ads Google Ads Snap X Ads TikTok Criteo
af_returning_arrival_ date fb_returning_arrival_ date - - - - -


Description:  Date and time the return journey starts

Parameter mapping:

AppsFlyer Meta ads Google Ads Snap X Ads TikTok Criteo
af_returning_departure_date fb_returning_departure_date - - - returning_date -


Description: Total amount of purchases. af_revenue is counted as revenue in the AppsFlyer platform. It also counts negative revenue, from cancellations or refunds.


The revenue value should not contain comma separators, currency, special characters, or text. For example, a revenue value should be, 1234.56. AppsFlyer provides revenue value with an accuracy of up to five decimal places.

To learn more about how to use the revenue parameter, click here.

Parameter mapping:

AppsFlyer Meta ads Google Ads Snap X Ads TikTok Amazon Ads Criteo
af_revenue _valueToSum value price price_micro value eventValue ui_revenue


Description: Score associated with the user's achievement

Parameter mapping:

AppsFlyer Meta ads Google Ads Snap X Ads TikTok Criteo
af_score - - - score - -


Description: Search term

Parameter mapping:

AppsFlyer Meta ads Google Ads Snap X Ads TikTok Criteo
af_search_string fb_search_string search_string search_string search_string - -


Description: Subscription ID for the user 

Parameter mapping:

AppsFlyer Meta ads Google Ads Snap X Ads TikTok Criteo
af_subscription_id subscription_id - - - - -


Description: Whether completion of action was successful

Parameter mapping:

AppsFlyer Meta ads Google Ads Snap X Ads TikTok Criteo
af_success fb_success success success - - -


Description: List of suggested destinations

Parameter mapping:

AppsFlyer Meta ads Google Ads Snap X Ads TikTok Criteo
af_suggested_ destinations fb_suggested_ destinations - - - - -


Description: List of suggested hotels

Parameter mapping:

AppsFlyer Meta ads Google Ads Snap X Ads TikTok Criteo
af_suggested_ hotels fb_suggested_hotels - - - - -


Description: End date of trip

Parameter mapping:

AppsFlyer Meta ads Google Ads Snap X Ads TikTok Criteo
af_travel_end fb_travel_end - - - - -


Description: Start date of trip

Parameter mapping:

AppsFlyer Meta ads Google Ads Snap X Ads TikTok Criteo
af_travel_start fb_travel_start - - - - -


Description: Relative significance of user to advertiser

Parameter mapping:

AppsFlyer Meta ads Google Ads Snap X Ads TikTok Criteo
af_user_score fb_user_score - - - - -


Description: Validates a purchase

Parameter mapping:

AppsFlyer Meta ads Google Ads Snap X Ads TikTok Criteo
af_validated - validated success - - -

The following is a list of predefined event parameters that do not include SRN mapping:

  • af_achievement_id
  • af_coupon_code
  • af_customer_segment 
  • af_deep_link
  • af_event_end
  • af_event_start
  • af_lat
  • af_long
  • af_new_version
  • af_old_version
  • af_param_1
  • af_param_2
  • af_param_3
  • af_param_4
  • af_param_5
  • af_param_6
  • af_param_7
  • af_param_8
  • af_param_9
  • af_param_10
  • af_review_text
  • af_tutorial_id
  • af_virtual_currency_name
  • af_duration_seconds