App Settings

At a glance: Learn about the settings that impact the attribution and analytics of your app across all media sources.

App Settings


  • An admin (or other users with appropriate permissions) can change app settings. 
  • All account users with access to a specific app can view its app settings.

To change or view app settings:

  1. In AppsFlyer, from the side menu, select Settings > App Settings. 
  2. View settings and make changes as needed on the App Settings page. 
  3. Click Save settings.

General app settings

Setting Description
SDK authentication: Dev key
  • The Dev key authenticates events sent by the app or by S2S to AppsFlyer.
  • The key is unique per account and is used by all apps in the account.
  • The key is available on the App Settings page to any account user with access to that app. 
  • [Optional] An individual app key can be allocated in certain scenarios. Reach out to your CSM to discuss this.
Aggregated Advanced Privacy (iOS apps) 

When turned on, user-level attribution data is unavailable to advertisers. Postbacks and event data shared with partners are aggregated and anonymous (more about the Aggregated Advanced Privacy framework).

When turned off, user-level attribution data is available for all partners as aggregated data and can be set for each partner individually.

Analytics: Define loyal user trigger
  • The trigger to designate a user as a loyal user. The default option set when you add the app is 3 app opens.
  • After attributing in-app events, you can use an in-app event as the trigger event. 
    • [Default] 3 app opens.
    • The loyal user setting is indicative of user quality. Consider using Protect360 to combat fraud. 
    • Changing this setting impacts data retroactively, meaning historical loyal user data is recalculated. 
App store country Sets the app store country where the app is available. This setting impacts the app as detailed here. 
  • Changing the app status from pending to live:
    • When the app goes live, AppsFlyer checks the store using the country setting to retrieve details about the app like its icon. 
    • If the app is not found in the store country set, AppsFlyer can't change the app status from pending to live.
  • Redirection behavior is impacted by the setting depending on the scenario, as detailed in the table that follows. 
User type  Redirection scenario
Mobile Users usually click on attribution links within other mobile apps. On clicking, the operating system determines the app store country that users are redirected to:
  • Android redirects based on user IP/location.
  • iOS redirects to the app store associated with the iTunes account active on the device.
Mobile and web 

When web users click on attribution links, in websites (mobile and desktop), the initial redirection is to the store set in-app store country.

On attempting to install, the operating system redirects them to the country store as described for mobile in the preceding row.

iPad iOS 13 Starting from iOS 13, iPads serve the desktop version of websites. This means that the user type (mobile or web) is not relevant. A click on an attribution link goes to the desktop site, and after that, redirection rules are those of web users.
Localization: Time Zone The default app setting is UTC. About the app time-zone.
Localization: Currency
  • This defines the app-specific currency which is used for the following metrics:
    • Cost
    • In-app events revenue
    • Ad revenue
  • The default app setting is USD. 
    • Currency change is available to apps with no revenue or cost.
    • For new apps, the currency is set when the app is added.

Reporting tools impacted by app currency

Reporting tool  Currency options available 
Dashboards App-specific currency 
Export data page App-specific currency 
Push API App-specific currency and USD available simultaneously
Pull API

Aggregate data: App-specific currency

Raw data: Selectable USD or app-specific currency

Master API Selectable USD or app-specific currency
Data Locker Only USD

Attribution settings

Setting Description
Re-attribution window The Re-attribution window is the period starting from the date of the first install, during which re-installs cannot be attributed as new installs.
  • [Default] Three months
  • Value range: 1-24 months
View-through attribution via probabilistic modeling
  • [Best practice] Enable view-through probabilistic modeling in addition to click-through attribution which is always enabled. 
  • After enabling view-through probabilistic modeling, you must also enable view-through attribution in the ad network integration tab. 
Re-engagement attribution

Related reading: Retargeting guide

To turn on re-engagement attribution:

  • In AppsFlyer, from the side menu, select Settings > App settings, turn on Re-engagement attribution.

In addition to the app setting, you must also make per partner settings

Minimum time between re-engagement conversions setting is used to prevent ending an existing re-engagement window before its set duration.

Organic search (SEO) mobile app attribution

Related reading: Organic search attribution

To turn on organic search attribution:

  • In AppsFlyer, from the side menu, select Settings > App settings, turn on Organic search (SEO) mobile app attribution.
Uninstall measurement

Measurement of uninstalls relates to installs occurring when uninstall measurement is on.

To enable uninstall measurement:

  1. Complete per operating system the following:
  2. Turn on Uninstall measurement.
  3. Click Save settings

To stop uninstall measurment:

  1. Turn off Uninstall measurement.
  2. Click Save settings.

Advanced settings

Setting Description
Mask IP addresses When turned on, end-user device IP addresses are masked in raw data reports and in postbacks sent to partners from the currently selected app.
Reinstall detection using on-device storage (iOS only) Detect reinstalls without depending on advertising IDs. This is done by storing the last app install date on the secure local storage in the device (in iOS, the Keychain). Determining whether an install was a reinstall or a new install, enables you to deduplicate reinstalls from your NOIs, making attribution analytics more accurate.
iOS 10.3 redirect fallback 

[Deprecated] For iOS 10.3+. We've simplified the flow for iOS users and this parameter is no longer in use. iOS redirections.

This option is available only to iOS apps.

Change app name
  • The name of the app, which is then displayed throughout the dashboard and data reports. This is useful if you have different versions of the same app, for example, for regional distribution reasons.
  • This change impacts the display of the app. The app ID, used to identify the app when using various AppsFlyer APIs, remains the same.
  • Names are limited to 50 characters.
Out-of-store app URL
  • Set the app download URL used as the default redirect destination in attribution links associated with the app.
  • This field is mandatory for Android apps specified as out-of-store apps.
  • Once set, the URL will be applied as the default redirect destination within about an hour.