SKAN CV schema API for advertisers

At a glance: View your current SKAdNetwork (SKAN) conversion value (CV) schema as configured in AppsFlyer Conversion Studio.

SKAN conversion value schema API

API basics


View your current SKAdNetwork (SKAN) conversion value (CV) schema as configured in AppsFlyer Conversion Studio.


  • Historic SKAN CV schema isn't available. 
  • You can also view your SKAN schema by downloading the CSV mapping file available in Conversion Studio.

Path parameters (mandatory)

<app_id>: Is the app identifier as found in the AppsFlyer dashboard. Insert it exactly as it displays in the dashboard. Example: id123456789

HTTP method GET
Response content type text/plain

Authorization HTTP header containing API V2.0 token (Bearer token) is required.

AppsFlyerAdmin_us-en.pngAn admin user gets the V2 token in the dashboard, from the top bar, open the account menu (email address dropdown) > Security Center > AppsFlyer API and S2S tokens
Rate limitation
  • Queries return up to 50K rows
  • 10 calls per minute
Date of last  configuration change
  • For decode mode, the date displays in the filename.
  • For all other modes, the date displays in the last_config_change column.

Request example (cURL)

curl --request \
GET '<app_id>' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <V2_AUTH_TOKEN_HERE (700+ characters string)>'

Report name

The API returns a CSV file with the following naming scheme:

For decode mode: conversion_value_mapping_<date of last schema configuration change>

For all other modes: conversion_schema_report_custom_encode

Traits and limitations

Trait Remarks 
Ad network access  If you are an analytics partner, ask the advertiser to grant you permission.
Agency access Not available
Account user access The authorization token is available to an admin user in the dashboard.

HTTP response codes and troubleshooting

HTTP Response


200 OK

Valid data returned (CSV)

400 Bad request

Invalid request

401 Unauthorized

Authorization token is missing or invalid

Make sure you use the token correctly

401 Too many requests

Exceeded rate limitation

403 No permission You don't have permission to access this report. If you are an analytics partner ask the advertiser to give you permission. 
404 Not found