Android app promotion in China

At a glance: Best practices to promote your Android app in the Chinese market.

Android apps in China

Treat the sections that follow as a checklist of items that you should consider if you market your app in China.  

Selecting an identifier

To achieve accurate attribution a unique identifier (ID) that represents the user is required. On devices where Google Play services (GPS) are active this historically has been the Google advertising ID (GAID).

At present GPS is not available on devices marketed in China. App owners are required to use alternative ID based on device hardware being IMEI and Android ID. 

Starting with Android 10 (API  level 29), released in late 2019,  access to the IMEI and Android ID is restricted. The effect of this is that the IMEI/Android ID won't be accessible on newer devices.

To overcome this, an alternative to GAID, is OAID. OAID (available starting late 2019) is being promoted by Chinese device manufacturers, for example, Huawei

See AppsFlyer SDK Integration - Android.

Attribution solutions for the Chinese market

Since there are multiple Android App stores that serve the Chinese market, AppsFlyer provides the solutions described here to attribute Android installs.

Chinese Android device users download apps from different Chinese Android App Stores instead of Google Play and most of these App Stores provide ad units for App Advertisers. Among these App Stores the main ones are Tencent MyApp, 360 App Store, Baidu App Store, Xiaomi App Store, OPPO App Store and Huawei App Store.

For example, if you want to promote your Android App via Tencent Social Ads, Tencent Tui Ads and Wechat Ads, upload the Android app to MyApp (Tencent Android App Store), which brings you organic installs at the same time. Baidu series ad networks, 360 Ads, Xiaomi Ads, OPPO Ads all operate in a similar way.

Meanwhile, many Android installs are generated from APK download links in mobile web pages or in-app ad space.

AppsFlyer provides three main solutions to attribute Android App installs in China market, use the method most relevant to your needs.

Local android app store that supports ad attribution

Solution: Android out-of-store app with attribution Link

Description: The well-known Chinese Internet companies or mobile device manufacturers have created their own Android App Stores and Ad Platforms/Ad Networks, taking advantage of their huge traffic resources in China's domestic market. However, these big companies strictly control traffic to see if the user who clicked on their ad downloads the App from the App Store of a different company. In such situations, you have to generate a unique out-of-Store App for each Android App Store. Meanwhile, you can use the AppsFlyer attribution link to record the performance of the ad campaigns built on those companies’ own Ad platforms/Ad Networks.

By using this method, you can attribute both organic install and non-organic installs. At the same time, you can optimize ad campaigns in the term of ad units, ad set and creatives, etc.

Example: If you want to promote your Android App via Tencent Social Ads, Tencent Tui Ads, and Wechat Ads, you must upload the Android App to Tencent Android App Store and MyApp, etc, which brings you organic installs at the same time. Baidu series ad networks, 360 Ads, Xiaomi Ads, OPPO Ads all work in the same way.

Preparation: How to attribute out-of-store apps, click here.

Ad network

Solution: APK Download Link / APK + Attribution Link

Description: To promote Android Apps in Ad Networks that have no mandatory requirement on where to download the App, you can simply provide an APK Download Link or an APK and the AppsFlyer attribution link to the media source.

It is easy and fast to launch ad campaigns. It is also convenient to check the performance of different media sources at the same app overview page.

Example: Bytedance Ads(Toutiao), Sina Weibo, iQiyi

Preparation: Set up one Android out-of-store app, and generate different attribution links for different ad networks. To learn how to attribute out-of-store apps, click here.

Android app store that does not support ad attribution

Solution: Android out-of-store app

Description: For Android App Stores that do not support ad attribution, you can still use Out-Of-Store Apps to attribute all the installs coming from this App Store, only all the installs are attributed as organic installs.

Example: Lenovo app store, Huawei app store.

Preparation: how to attribute out-of-store apps, click here.

If you are promoting your apps with more than one of the solutions mentioned above and you want to check the data of all your China campaigns int the same dashboard view, you can use Custom Dashboard.

Integrated media sources

Configuration guides 

Integrated media sources in China:

Media source name Chinese name PID Logo

Tencent Ads


 tencent_int ac1.png

Bytedance Ads


 bytedance_int ac2.png

WeChat Ads


 wechat_int ac4.png

Weibo Ads


 sinaweibo_int ac5.png
Sina Fuyi Ads 新浪扶翼  sinafuyi_int sinafuyi.logo.png

Baidu App Ads


 baitong_int ac6.png

Baidu mDSP


 baidumdsp_int ac7.png

Baidu Search Ads


Baidu Native Ads 百度信息流广告(百度原生)  baidufeedads_int
Baidu Native Ads 2.0 百度信息流广告(百度原生)2.0  baiduxinxiliu_int  

Xiaomi Ads & App Store

小米营销平台 & 应用商店

 xiaomichina_int ac8.png

Huawei App Gallery in China


 huaweiappgallerychina_int huawei_app_store_logo.png
OPPO App Store in China


oppostorechina_int oppo_store_logo.png
vivo Ads & App Store


vivoads_int vivo_store_logo.png

360 Ads


 360_int ac9.png

Ali UC Ads

阿里汇川 (UC头条)

 uctoutiao_int ac10.png

Netease Ads


 netease_int ac11.png



 iqiyi_int  ac12.png



 momo_int ac13.png



 youkudsp_int ac14.png



 kuaishou_int ac15.png



 douyu_int ac16.png

Bilibili Ads


 bilibili_int  bilibili.logo.png

Youdao DSP


 youdaodsp_int  youdaozhixuan.logo.png
Meitu China Ads 美图广告平台  meituchina_int meitu.logo.png
Meiyou Ads 美柚广告 女人通  meiyou_int meiyou.logo.png



 oppo_int ac17.png



 yunshu_int ac18.png

TapTap Game


 taptapgame_int ac19.png



 ipinyou_int ac20.png



 hupu_int ac22.png



 chance_int ac23.png

Domob China


 domobc_int ac24.png



 adwo_int ac26.png



 youmi_int ac28.png



 behe_int  ac29.png



 biddingx_int biddingx_logo.png
Auto Home Ads 汽车之家广告平台  autohome_int autohome_logo.png
Zhihu Ads 知乎营销平台  zhihu_int zhihu_logo.png
kkworld 快看漫画  kkworld_int kkworld_logo.png
All Football Ads 懂球帝广告平台  allfootball_int allfootball_logo.png
VoiceAds 讯飞DSP  voiceads_int voiceads_logo.png
WiseMedia 新数DSP  wisemedia_int  wisemedia_logo.png
WPS WPS办公软件  wps_int  wps_logo.png
MadhouseChina 亿动传媒  madhousechina_int madhouse_china_logo.png
Weidong 微动  weidong_int weidong.png
AdinAll 聚告  adinall_int adinall.logo.png
BlackDragon 黑珑  blackdragon_int blackdragon.logo.png
chenbai 宸百  chenbai_int
Dayumob 智渠传媒  dayumob_int
Idvert 艾瓦特  idvert_int
Jingmeng 京盟世纪  jingmeng_int
Jusha 巨鲨  jusha_int
Mailuo 脉络时代  mailuo_int
Manhuaren 漫画人  manhuaren_int
iFeng Ads 凤凰凤羽客户平台  ifeng_int
Qutoutiao Ads 趣头条广告  qutoutiao_int
Shenma Search 神马搜索  smsearch_int
Sogou Qidian Ads 搜狗奇点系统  sogouqidian_int
Sohu XinPinSuan Ads 搜狐新品算  sohuxps_int
Tuia 推啊  tuia_int
Yidian Zixun 一点资讯  yidian_int
Zhi Zi Yun 智子云  zhiziyun_int
Hesheng 合声  hesheng_int
Zuo Ye Bang 作业帮  zuoyebang_int
Chuniu 初牛  chuniu_int
Zuiyou 最右  zuiyou_int
Himalaya Ads 喜马拉雅广告平台 ximalaya_int ximalaya.png
Wifi Master Key Ads WiFi万能钥匙广告平台 wifimasterkey_int
vivo Ads vivo营销平台 vivoads_int vivo-logo.png
ShiHuo Ads  识货广告 shihuo_int __logo.png
OneSavour Ads  OneSavour广告 onesavour_int onesavour_logo.png
Qianka  钱咖 qianka_int __.jpeg
SMZDM  什么值得买 smzdm_int logo.png
MGTV  芒果TV mgtv_int 250.png
AdView Ads 快友 adview_int adview_logo.png
XTrader 灵集 thextrader_int thextrader_logo.png
Dianrui 点锐 dianrui_int dianrui_logo.png
 Samsung   三星国内 samsungcheilcn_int  samsungcheilcn_logo.png
Netease Music 网易云音乐 neteasemusic_int neteasemusic_logo.png
Yixia 小咖秀(一下科技) yixia_int yixia_logo.png
Shenqi  神奇互娱 shenqi_int shenqi_logo.png
Tangguo 传诺(糖果广告) tangguo_int n/a
Hotmobi Hotmobi hotmobi_int hotmobi_logo.png
Zplay 掌游天下 zplay_int zplay_logo.png
Yumi Mobi 玉米移动 yumimobi_int yumimobi.png
Lanpan 蓝畔 lanpan_int lanpan_.png
Xinlan 新蓝(新效科技) xinlan_int xinlan.png
Youlan Ads 幽蓝 youlanad_int youlanad.png
Avazu Ads 艾维邑动 avazu_int avazu.png
Shangbang 上榜(今日赚) shangbang_int n/a
51bizhi 51壁纸 51bizhi_int 51bizhi.png
Chandashi 禅大师 chandashi chandashi.png
Ann9 应用雷达 ann9adnetwork_int ann9adnetwork.png
Gomo 久邦数码 gomo_int gomo.png
Vision Mobile 掌上互动 adzshd_int adzshd.png
Adjuz 巨掌广告 adjuz adjuz.png
Guohe Ads 果合广告 guohe_int guohe.png
Mintegral Mintegral mingtegral_int mintegral.png
Mobvista Mobvista mobvista_int mobvista.png
Emar 亿玛 yima_int yima.png
 Centrixlink  隐逸数字 centrixlink_int  centrixlink.png
 Codrim  氪金 codrim_int  codrim.png
 量江湖(比邻弘科)  lbadvisor  lbadvisor.png
涌玉 yoyuad_int yoyuad.png
筷子科技 kuaizi_int kuaizi.png
易点天下 yeahmobi_int yeahmobi.png
虎牙直播 huya_int ____LOGO.png
墨迹天气 mjweather_int 200-50.jpg
咕咚 codoon_int __logo.png
LongXi DSP
珑玺DSP lxdsp_int lxdsp_int.png