PBA raw data reports

At a glance: PBA raw data reports are available via Data Locker.

PBA raw data reports

Use PBA raw data reports to analyze user journeys and actions.

Report descriptions

PBA raw data report topics

Raw data report topic Description
Website visits
  • Visits to the website.
  • Measure user exposure and engagement with web traffic campaigns.

Website events

  • Contain the actions performed by website visitors like subscribe or purchase.
  • Events are attributed to the last non-direct web visit occurring in the previous 30 days.
  • Attribution parameters associated with the event can include media source, media channel, campaign, and so on. 
  • Use these parameters to optimize your marketing efforts.
  • Analyze user behavior per media source.
  • The values for these fields are determined through the attributed visit using PBA media source attribution rules.
  • The intent is to associate events with a specific website visit and not a specific page view.
  • Use this to find out which sources and campaigns drive users and what actions the users perform.

Raw-data report fields

Website visits and website events

Sample reports

  • Website events: CSV
  • Website visits: CSV

Raw data fields are populated in part from data originating in the mobile app user attribution link and app install event. 

Download field list as CSV

Field list website visits and website events report

Field name Description Format Example
advertising_id Advertising ID (GAID) String 7fzzz3fa-8bad-46c9-bb03-fffffffffffffffffffffffff
af_web_id Cookie ID sent from the web SDK String 68972980-58f9-4ca6-8743-c0d633364b6d
amazon_aid Amazon Fire TV advertising ID String df07c7dc-cea7-4a89-b328-810ff5acb15d
android_id Android device ID String 68999980-58f9-4ca6-8743-c0d633364b6d
app_id The most recent app ID installed String id123456789
app_name The most recent app name String My App
app_version The most recent app version String 6.32
appsflyer_id AppsFlyer (install) ID String 1594825729709-5655157112349378588
attributed_touch_time On web visits, the timestamp of the web visit On web events, the timestamp of the attributed web visit yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss 9/17/2020 0:09:25
attributed_touch_type The type of touchpoint. Currently, always set to website visit. String web visit
bundle_id PBA bundle ID String 048db9bf-97r7-4m2f-919b-607b7kk806d0
campaign Attributed to the website visit String Summer Campaign
campaign_id Attributed to the website visit String 12343425
city Resolved using the IP address String Spring Valley
country_code Resolved using the IP address String US
customer_user_id Customer User Identifier (CUID) String 5a8771ecbb986ABC
device_type The type of device String Desktop
dma Resolved using the IP address String 501
event_name In the website visit report: Always website visit. In the website event report: eventName sent by the web SDK.  String purchase
event_revenue Event revenue amount in purchase currency String 199.99
event_revenue_currency 3 digit currency code of the event_revenue String USD, ZAR, EUR
event_revenue_usd event_revenue converted to USD String 57.46
event_source Either web SDK or Server-to-server String web SDK, S2S
event_time Website visits: time of visit Website event: time of event yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss 9/17/2020 0:09:25
event_type The following: Standard event, conversion event, website visit String conversion event
event_url URL of the webpage where event occurred (Equals Original URL in website visits) String http://www.brandpit.com/checkout
event_value Website events: Event value details contained in a JSON. Website visits: Always null JSON {"sku": "ABC123", “color": "blue", "unit_price":3.99,"currency": "USD"}
idfa Advertising identifier String A56B9887-FEBA-458C-BEFC-C891F9DF7681
idfv Advertising identifier String EBC2F523-B1E5-4484-A4C8-ADC32DC7C23D
imei Device identifier String 3532211234
install_time The most recent app install time yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss 9/17/2020 0:09:25
ip Visitor IP address String
language Reported by user agent String English
media_channel Attribtued to the website visit String Ad
media_source Attribtued to the website visit String googleadwords_int
media_type Attribtued to the website visit String Paid
oaid Advertising identifier String df07c7dc-cea7-4a89-b328-810ff5acb15d
original_url URL address redirecting the user to the website on the attributed website visit String https://www.brandpitt.com/signin?utm_source=Googleg&utm_term=shoes&utm_campaign=cool&c=summer&af_siteid=publisher&af_sub1=helloworld
platform The platform String macOS
postal_code Resolved using the IP address String 10977
query_params Query params on the redirecting URL (after the ?) Example: https://www.brandpitt.com/signin?utm_source=Google&utm_term=shoes&utm_campaign=cool&c=summer&af_siteid=publisher&af_sub1=helloworld&af_keyword=shoes If URL has no query params, the value will be null JSON {"c":"summer",af_siteid":"publisher",af_sub1":helloworld",af_keywords":"shoes","utm_source":"Google","utm_campaign":"cool","utm_term":"shoes"}
referrer HTTP document referrer of the attributed website visit String https://www.google.com/
region Resolved using the IP address String NA
state Resolved using the IP address String NY

Field release notes

Date Report Change

Website events

Website visits

The report names and structure are changed:

  • Web touchpoints replaced by Website visits
  • Web events replaced by Website events
2020-10-04 Web-to-app

Fields added:

  • mobile_campaign_id
  • web_campaign_id


Setting up PBA reports in Data Locker

  • PBA reports are written Daily to the Data Locker in h=23 folder for events occurring on a given day.
  • Data can't be written retroactively.

AppsFlyerAdmin_us-en.png To enable PBA reports an account admin must set up Data Locker:

  1. In AppsFlyer, from the side menu, select Report > Data Locker.
  2. Select all the reports in the People-Based Attribution section. 
  3. Click Save configuration.

To download reports, see accessing Data Locker reports.

Data Locker PBA raw data reports are made available in the h=23 folder. 

Example: t=website_events/dt=2020-11-26/h=23

Combining PBA and mobile data

The data reflects the users most likely to engage with both your mobile app and website.

Combine mobile app and website data.


  • Combine reports using customer user ID (CUID)
    • Use the same CUID for both mobile and web and combine reports using CUID as the key. 
    • Then, combine reports using the CUID field
  • PBA cross-platform user identification:
    • PBA can determine that a web and a mobile user are the same person.
    • If so, then web reports with PBA include a mobile advertising ID: Android advertising ID, iOS IDFA, OAID, or Amazon advertising ID.
    • Then, combine mobile and web reports based on mobile advertising ID.

Use cases for PBA and mobile

Combine mobile and web data to see user activity across platforms and devices. The combined data lets you: 

  • Follow the user journey across your brand's digital properties
  • Analyze user behavior in each platform
  • Consider which platform shows more user engagement
  • See which platform produces more conversions
  • Measure your efforts at switching users from web to mobile

Application note - downloading and combining Data Locker files

PBA raw data is available in Data Locker. For a given report, the data is contained in the h=23 folder of report type and consists of multiple compressed files. 

Use this procedure to:

  • Copy the files from Data Locker using Cyber-Duck or any other tool for copying S3 files. 
  • Combine the files into a single CSV file using Q. 

Copying PBA data from Data Locker

 Before you begin:

To copy data using Cyber Duck:

  1. Open Cyberduck
    The list of data types available displays.


  2. Double-click on a PBA report type and choose from web_events, web_to_app, or web_touch_points.
    The list of report dates available displays.
  3. Right-click on a given date.
  4. Select Download to a specific location and complete the location. 
    The files download. 
  5. Repeat the above steps to copy data from other report types. Each report type and date must be stored in a different directory on your computer. 

Creating a combined CSV file: 

Before you begin:

Install Q on your computer.

To combine the data in a CSV file using Q:

  1. Using the command line/maс terminal, go to the directory containing the data.
  2. Use the command that follows to combine the compressed files into a single file having the name pbadata.csv.
    Note: The symbol ~ represents the path/home folder where the Q command is located on your computer. You may need to include the full path to invoke the command. 
    ~q "SELECT * from part*.gz" -d , -H -z -O >pbadata.csv
  3. Open the file using Excel or any other tool