Amazon Ads campaign configuration

At a glance: Amazon Ads (amazondsp_int) is an AppsFlyer SRN integrated partner, providing app owners the ability to measure click and view-based attribution with AppsFlyer for TV, tablet, and mobile devices.


Activate partner

Prerequisite: Before setting up the integration, make sure you contact the partner and open an account with them.

To activate or edit the integration:

  1. To activate: In AppsFlyer, from the side menu, select Collaborate Partner Marketplace.
    To edit: In AppsFlyer, from the side menu, select Collaborate Active Integrations.
  2. Search for the "Amazon Ads" integration and select it.
    Important: please make sure you selected amazondsp_int and NOT amazon_int (legacy integration).
  3. Click Set up integration. You’re directed to the Active Integrations setup page.
  4. In the Integration tab, turn on Activate partner.
    Note: The toggle must stay on (activated) for as long as you work with the partner.
  5. Complete the configuration using the relevant tabs, as described in the next section.

Setting up Amazon Ads

The integration with Amazon Ads supports click and impression attribution. The configuration window includes the following tabs: Integration, Attribution link, Cost, Ad revenue, and Permissions. The available tabs for Amazon Ads are Integration and Permissions.


This integration supports Android or Fire apps. For iOS, SKAN interoperability is available for sharing SKAN postbacks between AppsFlyer and Amazon Ads.

Integration tab

The Integration tab includes a number of sections, as described below.

Activate partner

To configure the integration, you must first turn on the Activate partner toggle. Learn more about activating and deactivating partner integrations.

General settings

Amazon advertiser ID

This is a unique Amazon key for the advertiser, generated by Amazon. The Amazon advertiser ID is required to complete the integration and allow attribution to Amazon Ads. To find the Amazon advertiser ID:

  • For self-service advertisers: Your advertiser ID is in the Amazon Ads reporting console under your advertiser name, in the "Advertisers" tab of the "Amazon DSP Campaign Manager". 
  • For managed service advertisers: Ask your Amazon account manager for your advertiser ID. 

Amazon bundle ID

  • For Android apps: The package name. For example:
  • For Fire TV or Fire tablet apps: The product ASIN (Amazon Standard Item Number)
  • For iOS apps (required for SKAN attribution): The app store app ID (example:id12345678)
  • For single dashboard apps (dashboards that combine data from both Google Play and Amazon store for the same AppsFlyer app): Enter the Android package name as the bundle ID.
    Note: Make sure the app is registered as an Android app on the Amazon Ads account.

Install attribution

Set click-through and view-through attribution windows for installs (first launches). Note that only installs within the lookback window are attributed to Amazon Ads.

Note: Attribution for reinstalls (any install that isn’t the initial setup on the device) isn’t supported.

  1. Set the Install click-through lookback window to either 1-24 hours or 1-14 days.
    Note: Amazon Ads recommends setting the click-through lookback window to 14 days, to align with their attribution window and avoid discrepancies.
  2. [Optional] Turn on Install view-through attribution and set the Install view-through attribution window to 1-24 hours. 
    Note: Amazon Ads recommends setting the view-through lookback window to 14 days, to align with their attribution window and avoid discrepancies

Re-engagement attribution

Turn on the Re-engagement attribution toggle and set the different attribution windows to attribute re-engagements of your existing users who viewed, clicked, or engaged with your ad. Note that only re-engagements within the lookback window may be attributed to Amazon Ads. 

  1. [Optional] Turn on Turn on Re-engagement attribution and set the lookback window:
    • Set the Re-engagement click-through lookback window to either 1-23 hours or 1-14 days.
  2. [Optional] Turn on Re-engagement view-through attribution and set the lookback windows:
    • Set the Re-engagement view-through lookback window to either 1-23 hours or 1-14 days.
  3. Set the Re-engagement window to either 1-23 hours, 1-90 days, orLifetime.

Ignore active users for retargeting

Set a window timeframe to ignore re-engagements and re-attributions of users who launched your app. This means their activity during the window timeframe isn't recorded in AppsFlyer. 


Re-engagement and re-attribution conversions of users who were dormant in the set timeframe are recorded

  1. Turn on Ignore active users for retargeting.
  2. Set the Inactivity window between 1-30 days.
    Note: Amazon Ads recommends setting the inactivity window to 7 days to align with them and avoid discrepancies.

In-app event postbacks

Configure mapping of in-app events with Amazon Ads events, sent via postbacks.

To configure in-app event postbacks:

  1. Turn on In-app event postbacks.
  2. Click Add event to add an SDK or server-to-server event to the list. The following table describes the fields to complete:
    Parameter name Description
    AppsFlyer event The name of the event, as received by AppsFlyer either from the SDK integrated into your app or from server-to-server events.
    Tip: Don't see the event you are looking for?
    • Make sure to activate the event on a device with a non-organic installation, and recheck.
    • Type it in AppsFlyer event, then click Create custom. Read more about custom event mapping.
    mapped to partner event

    The unique name or ID of each event, as defined on the partner's side. Select from the list of predefined partner events, the event that corresponds to your app event (the AppsFlyer event). 


    • You can select OTHER for events that don't directly correspond to your app event.
    • When re-engagement measurement is enabled, we recommend not mapping the af_app_opened event at all, or mapping it to OTHER only. This will prevent potential duplications when sending this event.
    for users from Select the sending option for the event:
    • This partner only: Send postbacks only when this event is attributed to this partner.
    • All media sources including organic: Send postbacks for events attributed to any partner, as well as organic events.
    • No data (default): Send only the event itself without any event values.
    • Values and revenue: Send all the event parameters, including the revenue value (if exists in the event).
    • Values without revenue: Send all the parameters excluding the revenue value.


    If you send your in-app event to AppsFlyer via S2S, Amazon recommends including the IP address. This allows AppsFlyer to send the country code of the event’s geo-location to Amazon, which helps with DMA regulation classification. This, in turn, ensures maximum optimization of your in-app events

  3. [Optional] Click the Add conditionconditional-iae-postbacks-icon.pngicon to set conditions for an event.
  4. Click Save integration.
  5. [Optional]After saving the integration, while remaining on the configuration page, you can integrate more of your apps with the partner:
    1. From the top-left corner, under the partner name, click the app name to open the list of apps. 
    2. Select a different app from the drop-down list.
    3. Repeat the integration steps for the selected app.

Attribution link tab

Attribution links aren't relevant for Amazon Ads. Attribution is performed by combining engagement data from Amazon Ads with data from AppsFlyer, using the click-through and view-through lookback windows configured in the Integration tab.

Cost, clicks, and impressions tab

Cost, clicks, and impressions data aren't available for Amazon Ads.

Ad revenue tab

Ad revenue isn't available for Amazon Ads.

Permissions tab

Select which permissions to grant Amazon Ads to access your data and perform various actions.


Deferred deep linking

  • Deep links aren't supported on Amazon Ads. 
  • Deferred Deep Links: both AppsFlyer methods for deferred deep links aren’t available for Amazon Ads:
    • UDL(Unified Deep Link) - isn’t supported for SRNs
    • GCD (Get Conversion Data) - will not work for Amazon Ads, since Amazon Ads attribution data is restricted.

Raw data restrictions

Raw data from Amazon Ads is restricted on the AppsFlyer platform. As a result, the media source is reported as “restricted” and campaign details are null. Clicks and impressions from Amazon Ads aren't included in raw data reports.

Traits and limitations

Trait Remarks
Agencies Amazon Ads integration isn’t supported for agencies at this point, so can only be managed from the advertiser account.
Impressions, clicks, and cost  Impressions, clicks, and cost data aren’t available yet for this integration.
Deep links Deep links aren’t supported for this integration.
Reinstall and re-attributions Re-install and Re-attribution aren’t supported for this integration.
Preload attribution Pre-load measurement isn’t supported as part of this integration, but can be achieved via the legacy amazon_int integration.