Aggregated and analytics reporting overview

At a glance: Description and comparison of aggregated and analytics attribution reports, tools, and APIs available. 

Aggregated and analytics performance reporting overview

Aggregated analytic tools in the platform provide advertisers with metrics enabling them to assess the performance of their apps, campaigns, and users.

The tools differ in the way data is presented. For example, the Overview dashboard provides lifetime value metrics of campaigns (LTV) whereas Cohort is used to analyze user engagement over time. 

The tools detailed in this article relate to data that can be exported from the platform. Use the tool comparison table that follows to understand the main function and differences between the tools.

Reporting method comparison 

The following table describes the different reporting methods and dashboards to get aggregate data.

Download the table as a CSV file to see additional fields that explain various specs and limitations to help you compare and contrast the different reporting methods.

The additional spec fields in the downloadable CSV file include:

  • Data freshness: The period of time between the event occurrence and data becoming available via the reporting method.
  • LTV/activity: Whether data is LTV or activity.
  • Retargeting: Whether retargeting (re-engagement and re-attribution) data is displayed.
  • Re-install events attribution to first install: Whether events after a reinstall can be attributed to the original install.
  • Agency transparency: Whether marketers can see the identity of the original media source for agency-derived traffic.
  • Timezone: What timezone (UTC or app-selected) is used to display data.
  • Unattributed events: Whether events that aren't attributed after a re-install are displayed.
  • Campaign name changes: Whether you can change campaign names without creating duplicate displays.
Reporting method Description 
Overview dashboard Lifetime value (LTV) of users who install, re-engage, or re-attribute during the selected date range.
Master API
(Premium feature)
Selected LTV, activity, retention, cohort, and Protect360 campaign performance KPIs by API, in CSV or JSON format.
Pull API - aggregate reports Lifetime value (LTV) of users who install, re-engage, or re-attribute in CSV files. UA and retargeting data is separate; there isn’t a unified option.
Export data page - aggregate reports Lifetime value (LTV) of users who install, re-engage, or re-attribute in CSV files. UA and retargeting data is separate; there isn’t a unified option.
Metrics reported via iOS SKAN postbacks and additional data points during initial user measurement windows.
Aggregate data APIs
Metrics reported via iOS SKAN postbacks and additional data points during initial user measurement windows.
Protect360 dashboard Metrics and insights relating to fraudulent traffic.
LTV-based data for installs, and activity-based data for in-app events.
Activity dashboard App activity, engagement, and in-app metrics during the selected date range.
Events dashboard In-app event performance metrics across media sources based on LTV data of users who installed the app during the selected date range.
Retention dashboard Unique user engagement (session) metrics for each day post-install.
Cohort dashboard Various cohorted LTV user metrics for each day post-install.
Cohort API
(Premium feature)
Various cohorted LTV user metrics for each day post-install.
Cohort Data Locker
(Premium feature)
Various cohorted LTV user metrics for each day post-install.
Advanced aggregated reports
(Premium feature)
Versioned aggregated data reports. LTV.
Custom dashboard Customized dashboard with LTV user acquisition metrics.
Pivot reports
(Premium feature)
Selected LTV, activity, retention, and Protect360 campaign performance KPIs, in the dashboard or via CSV.
Cost ETL Campaign cost data with the best granularity available per media source.
Usage report A combination of all usage-based features in AppsFlyer that impact contract obligations during billing cycles timeframes. 

Cohort data delivery methods

Cohort is available via a number of different delivery methods: Cohort dashboard, Cohort API, and Cohort analytics via Data Locker. The table that follows lists the differences. 

Differences between Cohort flavors

Cohort analytics in Data Locker

Cohort Dashboard

Cohort API

Multi or single app 

Multi. Data is grouped per app in a single file or segregated into separate files per app. 

Multi. Combined performance or grouped by app options. Single

Full campaign hierarchy and event names. Approx. 20 groupings

4 groupings 7 groupings
Metrics available  All metrics 1 selectable metric and 4 fixed metrics per view 1 selectable metric and 4 fixed metrics per call
Days post-attribution available (cohort days)  365 180 180
Data export limitations Entire data set is available  Manual download and settings Rate and response size limited
Customizable request No Yes Yes

User journey reports

The reports described are available via the Export Data page or by using Pull API aggregate.

They are Lifetime value (LTV) reports. Therefore:

  • The earliest reporting date available is the first app attribution date.
  • The reporting date range relates to the attribution date:
    • Install date for UA and Protect360 reports.
    • Re-attribution or re-engagement date in the case of retargeting reports.

UA LTV aggregate data reports containing non-organic and organic users

Report name Grouped by
Partners (media sources) Agency, media source, campaign
Partners by date Date, agency, media source, campaign
Daily activity Date, agency, media source, campaign
Geo Country, agency, media source, campaign
Geo by date Date, country, agency, media source, campaign
View-through attribution (VTA) KPIs

VTA reports are available by Pull API

Note: If Meta ads is the media source selected then additional columns are included: Adgroup ID, Adgroup name, Adset ID, Adset name

Date fields in the CSV files have the format yyyy-mm-dd. When you open a CSV file in Excel, date fields are formatted using your computer's date and time settings. Be sure to select the appropriate date display in Excel.

Examples of aggregate reports

Report examples in a spreadsheet

Fields in UA aggregate reports

Field Description

Report name

Partner (media source)

Partner by date



Geo by date


Install country      



Attribution date



Agency/PMD (af_prt)

Agency/partner name

Media Source (pid)

Media source bringing the user (pid=media source)


Campaign name

(c= campaign name)

Campaign ID

Meta campaign ID 

Meta ads only Meta ads only Meta ads only Meta ads only Meta ads only

Adgroup ID

Meta ad group ID or Ad ID

Meta ads only Meta ads only Meta ads only Meta ads only Meta ads only

Adgroup Name

Meta ad group

Meta ads only Meta ads only Meta ads only Meta ads only Meta ads only

Adset ID

Meta adset ID

Meta ads only Meta ads only Meta ads only Meta ads only Meta ads only

Adset Name

Meta adset name

Meta ads only Meta ads only Meta ads only Meta ads only Meta ads only


Average revenue per user


Average eCPI

Average eCPI




Number of clicks

Conversion Rate

Number of installs/number of clicks


Click-through rate



{your event name}(Unique users)

Number of unique users who performed the event


{your event name} (Event counter)

Event counter


{your event name} (Sales in XXX)

Event sales in XXX where XXX is the app-selected currency



Number of impressions



Number of installs

Loyal Users

[default] User who opens the app more than 3 times

Loyal Users/Installs

Loyal users rate



Return on investment



  • Number of non-organic app opens
  • Organic and non-organic sessions are available in Cohort analytics

Total Cost



Total revenue

Total revenue generated from the media source and campaign


Note: Columns showing "Meta ads only" are included when selecting Meta ads as the only media source.

Retargeting aggregate data reports

Retargeting reports consist of users who engaged with a retargeting campaign and performed a re-engagement or re-attribution. 

In retargeting reports, there is no distinction between organic and non-organic users.

To get retargeting reports via Pull API, append the &reattr=true parameter to performance reports URIs.

Aggregate LTV retargeting reports 

Report name Grouped by
Partners (media sources) Agency, media source, campaign
Partners by date Date, agency, media source, campaign
Activity by date Date, agency, media source, campaign
Country Country, agency, media source, campaign
Country by date Date, country, agency, media source, campaign

Aggregate LTV retargeting reports 

Field Description Partners Daily Partners by date Geo by date Geo
Date Conversion date - - -
Country   -  
Agency/PMD (af_prt) Agency/partner name
Media Source (pid)  
Campaign (c)  
Conversion Type Re-attribution or re-engagement
Conversion Rate Conversions/clicks
Loyal Users  
Loyal Users/Installs  
Total Cost   - - - - -
Average eCPI   - - - - -
Total Revenue  
ROI   - - - - -
ARPU   -

Feature reports

Protect360—blocked fraud

Blocked fraud aggregate reports provide details of events blocked by Protect360

The reports are available via Pull API. These reports aren't available via the Export Data page.

The date range relates to the install date.

Aggregate Protect360 reports available via Pull API

Report name
Partners (media sources)
Partners by date
Geo by date
Partner's campaign report

Limitation: The blocking reason Bots displays even in cases where the reason should be app version or missing customer user id.